Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2086

Chapter 2086

Chapter 286 There are more ways than difficulties

When Jia Dewang heard Chen Jianghai's approach, he was relieved and said, "Well, just do as you said, those **** are really annoying."

Under the anger of Jia Dewang, who usually speaks less, all the swear words came out, which is enough to show that the old man was really blown up by these people.

After hanging up Jia Dewang's call, Chen Jianghai didn't waste any time, and directly called Yue Hongsheng, who was inspecting the work in the R&D department.

Chen Jianghai didn't plan to ask Chen Shuyao to deal with this matter, Yue Hongsheng is more experienced in this kind of thing.

After Yue Hongsheng came in, he asked, "Mr. Chen, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Hongsheng, do you know any well-known sommeliers?"

Yue Hongsheng frowned and thought for a moment, "I don't know him very well, but I do know someone. We met at a reception once, and we exchanged contact information."

"He is one of the best sommeliers in China, like the president of a wine tasting association.

This person is very famous in the circle, but I have a limited amount of alcohol, and I don't drink much, so I have little contact with him. "

"By the way, Mr. Chen, why are you suddenly looking for a sommelier?"

Chen Jianghai replied: "Isn't someone on the Internet deliberately blackening their lamb wine now? I want to find a well-known sommelier to taste a lamb wine personally, give a fair evaluation, and slap those guys who are hiding in the dark. ."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Yue Hongsheng immediately understood.

He had also seen those reports. Those reporters were really bad. They were just distorting the facts and maliciously smearing them.

So he nodded and said, "Leave this to me. Although the sommelier is not too familiar, it should be fine to ask him to help."

"After all, I have communicated with him before, and he still recognizes our Qiuhai Group quite a bit.

Besides, we invited him to come over to have a real wine tasting experience, without falsifying it. "

"It's just that there is no lamb wine now?

Where are we going?

Is there still stock? "

Yue Hongsheng knew that the batch of trial products that had been packaged before had really been sold out.

Because this batch of trial products are numbered on the packaging, they will be shipped in order.

Sold out is sold out.

In any case, Yue Hongsheng had already inquired about it, and there must be none in the warehouse.

Of course, perhaps Chen Jianghai had long expected this situation, and it is hard to say if he has left behind.

Anyway, this kind of thing is normal here in Chen Jianghai.

Taking one step and three steps, Mr. Chen's vision has always been beyond ordinary people.

Chen Jianghai knew what Yue Hongsheng was thinking at the moment, shook his head slightly, and explained the situation of Hu Shulin again, and explained at the same time:

"When looking for this Hu Shulin, be sure to be fair."

"It's best if the taster finds it himself, without any sign of us being involved.

And to contact the relevant media for full coverage. "

"All in all, it is to ensure the impartiality of the tasters' conclusions and truly convince the general consumers."

Yue Hongsheng nodded to show his understanding, but he was a little worried on the other hand, so he immediately asked: "But Mr. Chen, I also read the report of Hu Shulin, he seems to cherish the lamb wine on his opponent.

It is said that someone has already made a high price, but he has no intention of selling it at all. "

Chen Jianghai smiled, and then said to Yue Hongsheng earnestly: "Hongsheng, you still have to learn to think thick-skinned in this regard."

"What if this is a sales problem that our company faces?

Just because he said he didn't sell it, didn't you go? "

"This is not something that concerns the life of this Hu Shulin.

He didn't sell it because he didn't pay enough. "

"Of course, unless necessary, don't take money to test a person's bottom line.

Numerous facts have proven time and time again that few people in this world can stand the test. "

"Also, this method is too low-level, and we disdain it."

"You can ask the sommelier to tell him to sell him a bottle of lamb wine in exchange for other wines to taste.

I believe that such conditions will not be rejected. "

"If you are afraid that your insurance is not enough, you can contact Hu Shulin directly.

Tell him that if he can sell a bottle of lamb wine to the sommelier, he can send him a bottle of puree wine produced in each batch of lamb wine in the future. "

"I think if he was a real drinker, he would be impressed.

But this matter should be kept as secret as possible. "

Yue Hongsheng got a solution and went to deal with the matter.

At the same time, he once again learned something from Chen Jianghai.

He has been in a high position these years and has been admired by everyone. Although he is still cautious when doing things, he has forgotten the time of hard work before without knowing it.

At the same time, he has become more cherished of feathers.

So that when dealing with problems, it will unnaturally avoid some things.

But for the leader of a business, that's definitely not going to work.

Because this kind of thinking is haunting, it will make him take a long way to solve the problem, or even selectively escape.

Over time, it will have an immeasurable impact on him.

As Chen Jianghai said, when it comes to solutions, you must think twice, weigh the pros and cons as much as possible, and think about everything.

There is nothing more difficult in the world than selling.

As a manager of an enterprise, you must know how to constantly improve yourself, and always put yourself in a sales position to think about problems.

As the saying goes, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

When you encounter a problem, you don't have to run away, you must actively think about the solution.

This is reflected most vividly in Chen Jianghai.

Leaving Chen Jianghai's office, Yue Hongsheng found his contact information, and then called the sommelier.

It was an old man named Jing Zhongcheng, about sixty years old.

This person has a very high status in the liquor circle, and is like a senior figure in Taishan Beidou.

When Yue Hongsheng contacted him, Jing Zhongcheng was quite happy.

At the reception, he appreciated Yue Hongsheng, and at the same time gave Qiuhai Group high praise.

Qiuhai Group not only does well in, the most important thing is to have a sense of social responsibility and do a lot of public welfare.

In this era, there are not many companies that can do this, and naturally it has won the favor of many people.

Jing Zhongcheng is one of them.

Chen Jianghai was very low-key after negotiating well, so many times when he was interviewed by the media, Yue Hongsheng, the vice president, was introduced.

After seeing the real person, Jing Zhongcheng naturally seemed quite enthusiastic.

However, Yue Hongsheng is not a person who likes liquor, so it is inevitable that the two of them were a little cold when they communicated, so that they didn't get in touch much later.

This time Yue Hongsheng called, he was a little surprised.