Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2050

Chapter 2050

Chapter 250 If you have milk, you are a mother

In addition, as we all know, Qiuhai Group is already cooperating with Hisense to independently develop chips.

If other aspects also begin to enter the independent mode and innovation mode, who would dare to say that he will not be able to create other large-scale electrical appliances in the future!

At that time, Qiuhai will definitely occupy a place in the electrical appliance industry like these big international brands.

Even completely surpass them, and ride the dust.

This time, the talents in the headquarters understood the seriousness of the matter, so they ordered them to pay special attention to the current situation of Qiuhai Group.

If there is any situation, it must be reported to the headquarters as soon as possible.

The headquarters of these big companies are trying their best to prevent the rise of Qiuhai Group.

Just thinking about it, they don't have a particularly good method.

The only feasible thing is to lift the blockade of Qiuhai Group.

This is a helpless move, but it is very effective.

If Qiuhai Group can normally buy chips and various raw materials from abroad, these foreign companies will no longer block the technology of Qiuhai Group.

Well, although Qiuhai Group will have a vigorous development for the time being, it will even surpass them to become the largest electrical appliance company in China.

However, such Qiuhai Group can never endanger their fundamentals, and it is impossible to have a brand like theirs in the international market.

Because once chips, technology, and raw materials are easily available, Qiuhai Group will definitely not engage in independent research and development.

After all, research and development is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the key is that the consumption of funds is also huge.

No one will choose the harder way to go.

Businesses, after all, are there to make money.

Moreover, this trick has actually been used by other companies as early as possible, and the effect is quite obvious.

It's just a matter of short-term and long-term damage.

As the saying goes, long pain is worse than short pain.

They would rather temporarily lose some market and profits, and try to limit the long-term development of Qiuhai Group.

Once the Qiuhai Group develops, it will be like a beast-like existence for foreign companies like them.

It's just that they can't unify this plan for the time being. Major electrical appliance companies still need to spend time and energy negotiating, and they have to make some compromises in terms of interests when necessary.

However, Chen Jianghai got the news right away.

It was none other than Ishinomiya Shinichi who came to him a few years ago.

This guy is definitely a natural rapist.

After returning to the island country, he began to spare no effort to collect information.

Because the high-definition LCD color screen technology is highly valued by the headquarters, it is very difficult to collect related information, and it is easy to be exposed if it is not careful, so he mainly attacked the Panasonic Group.

In order to get the generous reward promised by Chen Jianghai, he also fought hard.

Money and beauty, all kinds of tricks have been exhausted, and they are going further and further on the road of Japanese rape.

It can be said that Shi Gong Xinyi used all of his network to devote himself to this career.

As a result, the hard work paid off. With a lot of hard work, he really allowed him to collect a lot of core information.

So, he passed all this information to Chen Jianghai.

As for the latest news, he even called Chen Jianghai directly to report.

He thought it was a good time to take credit.

The green banknotes are also beckoning to him.

After the call was connected, he said respectfully, "Mr. Chen, I'm calling you today to report the latest news I just got."

If you have milk, you are a mother.

This principle applies all over the world.

Shi Gongxin is very clear in his heart that if he wants to get a considerable reward from Chen Jianghai, he must not only work hard, but also keep his attitude low enough.

Of course, licking a dog is humble and disgusting in the eyes of others.

But only he knew it, it didn't matter.

It's really good to get money.

Here, Chen Jianghai's tone is not as enthusiastic as Shi Gong Xinyi imagined, but he just reminded me plainly: "You can report the news directly to Xiao Lu, there is no need to report it to me directly."

"Besides, you can report the news together after collecting a few pieces of information. There is no need to report each one individually. This is too troublesome, and the next example is not an example!"

Now Lu Sa Ri is mainly responsible for the affairs of the island country, including the docking with Shinichi Ishinomiya.

Every time the news is reported, Lu Sari will verify and select.

Only those who are useful will stay and report to Chen Jianghai.

Useless, unimportant, he just deleted it.

Otherwise, it would be inappropriate for Chen Jianghai to handle so many news by himself.

Chen Jianghai didn't have that much time to concentrate on this.

Shi Gong Xinyi heard Chen Jianghai's dissatisfaction, so he quickly explained: "Mr. Chen, this news is different, it involves too much, otherwise I won't report it to you alone."

When Chen Jianghai heard this explanation, his attitude became slightly better, and he asked lightly, "What news, tell me!"

Shi Gong Xinyi quickly picked up the key points and reported them.

"That's it, just now I got news from Panasonic headquarters that they decided to release the blockade restrictions on Qiuhai Group."

"Agree to enter chips and other raw materials into the Huaxia market and supply Qiuhai and other Huaxia electrical appliances companies."

"They also said that the resolution has basically been endorsed by all the electrical giants."

If the boss of any electrical appliance company in China hears Shi Gongxinyi's words, he will probably be elated and feel that the cold winter in the electrical appliance market will end.

Some people even express gratitude to foreign companies.

But Chen Jianghai narrowed his eyes, showing a cold look.

How could he not know the foreigner's sinister intentions?

Chen Jianghai responded calmly: "Yes, your news is very valuable, go back to Lu Sari to get 20,000 US dollars."

In fact, this news is not very useful to Chen Jianghai, but the reward has to be given to Shi Gong Xinyi.

This kind of thing must encourage him to do more.

In case one day a truly valuable information is obtained, then all the efforts will be paid back.

Qianjin City Horse Bone, this is what it says.

Sure enough, Shinichi Ishigami, who received the reward, happily hung up the He swears in his heart that no matter what the price is, he will do everything he can to get into the Panasonic Group, and for Chen Jianghai provides more and more useful core information.

Because after two exchanges, Shi Gong Xinyi has discovered that as long as there is useful information about the Panasonic Group, Chen Jianghai will never be stingy.

He has every reason to spend the rest of his life on Chen Jianghai.

After the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the Chinese New Year is completely over, and everyone starts to work.

In fact, the Gregorian calendar has arrived at the beginning of March.

Chen Jianghai thought about the stock market in the United States, it was time for a storm.