Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2036

Chapter 2036

Remember for a second

Seeing that Lin Wanqiu immediately agreed, and he was still eager to try, Chen Jianghai settled the matter.

But the next moment he was stunned.

Looking at his wife who was sticking up tightly, Chen Jianghai said helplessly: "Wife, can I take a breath, I'm really tired for at least half an hour just now."

Lin Wanqiu was silent, but silently responded to him with actions.

Seeing Lin Wanqiu's proactive appearance, Chen Jianghai sighed in response to her refusal, and then simply let her toss.

If you can't refuse, then enjoy it.

For a time, the whole room was full of spring, which made people's blood boil.

The next day, Chen Jianghai, who worked all night, got up a little late.

After twisting the twister, he secretly became ruthless. For the sake of a happy life in the future, I am afraid that he must insist on getting up early and exercising.

At this moment, Lin Wanqiu had already eaten breakfast and went out.

After the launch of diapers, Lin Wanqiu and Bai Xiaoyue developed a new project: sanitary napkins.

Right now, Bai Xiaoyue is getting more and more mature, and many things can be completely independent.

According to Lin Wanqiu's idea, she simply handed over the production of sanitary napkins to Bai Xiaoyue.

She herself is a step-by-step manager of the production and sales of diapers.

Although according to Chen Jianghai's suggestion, a few capable officers have been trained below, but due to her personality, Lin Wanqiu is still willing to personally inquire about many things.

So in fact, Lin Wanqiu is very busy every day.

But since she decided to go on a trip, Lin Wanqiu naturally had to explain it before she could leave with confidence.

Chen Jianghai informed his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law after breakfast, and asked them to come to the house at noon to gather.

Then, he began to arrange matters related to traveling abroad.

As for the opinions of his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law on this trip abroad, Chen Jianghai doesn't care at all.

If they really don't want to go, there's no problem, it won't affect his original plan.

With Chen Jianghai's current status, these things naturally don't need him to do in person, and they can be done for him by the people below.

Just the day before they planned to go abroad, Chen Jianghai received an unexpected call.

This call is from the capital city.

The number is an unfamiliar number, but those who can know his personal phone number are generally not ordinary people.

Or close to him, or special status.

But this is obviously a call from a special person.

So, Chen Jianghai picked it up without much hesitation.

"Hello, I'm Chen Jianghai, who is it?"

As a result, a familiar and unfamiliar voice replied from the opposite side.

"Hello Mr. Chen, I'm Zhao Gaoxiang from CCTV."

Hearing this answer, Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows slightly.

He is now the boss of Qiuhai, yes, he is also a person with status and status in the whole of China.

In fact, with his character, no matter how big a person is, he will not have too much mood swings.

But now he really fluctuates quite a lot, not because he is chasing stars.

Just because this voice evoked a lot of his memories and carried his entire youth.

He didn't know Zhao Gaoxiang, but he was very familiar with his voice.

"Spring is here, and it's time for all things to recover."

This classic line was deeply etched in their minds by their generation.

Of course, the mood swings only for a moment, and soon Chen Jianghai adjusted and said calmly: "It's Mr. Zhao, hello, what's the matter?"

Now Zhao Gaoxiang has hosted the Spring Festival Gala for many years, and there are almost no people in China who don't know him.

So with his fame, it is not difficult to get Chen Jianghai's private number.

It just made Chen Jianghai a little curious, what would happen if Zhao Gaoxiang suddenly called to find him.

Speaking of which, the two of them can hardly fight each other, so it's not likely that he was invited to the Spring Festival Gala, right?

As soon as this idea came out, Chen Jianghai himself felt ridiculous.

It is true that he is famous now, but it is not limited to the business world.

If you really let him go to the Spring Festival Gala, do you want to popularize business knowledge for audiences across the country?

Can't let him talk about cross talk sketches!

In all fairness, he can sing, but only at an amateur level.

In the end, he couldn't help shaking his head, throwing these messy thoughts out of his head.

Zhao Gaoxiang said with a smile: "That's it, Mr. Chen, we are going to invite major companies that advertise in the Spring Festival Gala to watch the Spring Festival Gala on the spot."

"And your Qiuhai Group and Eastern Communications are the largest investors, so I am also the first to invite you on behalf of the entire CCTV. I hope you can take the time to come."

"At the same time, we will also hold a celebrity exchange meeting, which is to invite famous business elites from all over the country, as well as the stars of the Spring Festival Gala to gather and have a chat."

Before waiting for Chen Jianghai to say anything, Lin Wanqiu, who heard the content of the call, excitedly motioned Chen Jianghai to agree quickly.

Just when Chen Jianghai called, Lin Wanqiu, who happened to bring a plate of fruit to Chen Jianghai, accidentally heard Zhao Gaoxiang's voice.

It's because of the phone

^0^ One second to remember

The voice was too recognizable, so she followed closely to confirm who it was.

What Lin Wanqiu never imagined was that it was really the famous teacher Zhao Gaoxiang among CCTV hosts.

Moreover, the other party invited them to the scene to watch the Spring Festival Gala so enthusiastically, how could Lin Wanqiu, who is a loyal fan of Zhao Gaoxiang, not be excited!

The Spring Festival Gala in this era has a high gold content and is highly sought after by people all over the country. It is definitely a must-see show for everyone.

It can even be said that if you don't watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, it means you haven't had a New Year's Eve.

In this era, the ratings of the Huaxia Spring Festival Gala are absolutely unparalleled.

It is no exaggeration to say that many of the later stars were created through the Spring Festival and even some already famous stars, in order to further consolidate their popularity and status, are scrambling to seek the Spring Festival Gala. way.

No matter who you are, as long as you can show a face on the Spring Festival Evening, as long as the performance is not too bad, you can be remembered by audiences across the country.

It is the dream of many people to be able to watch the Spring Festival Gala live.

This is an opportunity to watch various stars and idols up close, which is definitely an experience that many ordinary people dream of.

However, it is difficult to be able to watch the Spring Festival Gala live.

Its tickets will not be circulated to the market at all, and will be digested directly internally.

So don't say that one ticket is hard to get anything, it is simply priceless, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

It is precisely because of the popularity of the Spring Festival Gala that the advertising time before the Spring Festival Gala every year has become a must for major businesses.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^