Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2012

Chapter 2012

Chapter 212 Preventing troubles before they happen

Jia Dewang sat up slightly, and said with high spirits: "Jianghai, I have to say, it's better to be a big city. There are many kinds of food here, and the quality is very good. This trip is not in vain!"

"As for the price, since there are many merchants, there is a lot of room for negotiating prices. If one cannot agree, change to another, and always find the most suitable one."

"Although our winery is built in the village, you have invested a lot of money. The scale is already there. Many merchants have the intention to cooperate after hearing about it. We will discuss the details of the cooperation later."

"But that girl Shu Yao also said that we have to find a stable and powerful food partner to ensure the supply of quality and quantity."

"It just so happens that it will take some time for the winery to be built. I will use this time to run around more, and I will definitely be able to find the most suitable one to ensure that it is foolproof!"

Chen Jianghai felt relieved when he heard Jia Dewang say this.

Now that Master Jia has been slowly on the right track, it seems that his whole person is much better than when he saw it before, and he looks energetic, as if he is ten years younger.

Since he is also happy with the construction of the winery, all is well said.

Chen Jianghai suddenly remembered the most important thing before he had time to ask, and quickly asked: "Master Jia, have you moved to the winery now?"

"Have they prepared a place for you first? It's more convenient for you to guide you on the spot, so you don't have to go back and forth."

This is something that Chen Jianghai emphasized before.

If it is not implemented well, if there is an accident in Jia Ye's old house, it will be too late to regret it.

Fortunately, Jadwang gave a positive answer.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already moved there. That young man named Yan Fei arranged this first."

"I directly asked the engineering team to build a house for me first. I told him that I don't need to be so troublesome, but he said that you specially explained it."

"Later, Shu Yao's girl also arranged the decoration, bought a bed, tables, chairs, benches, and a lot of electrical appliances.

Now it is much more comfortable to live in than my old house, so I don't want to go back to my old house now. "

"It's just that I think it's better to be simple. There's no need to do anything special. After all, the factory hasn't made any money yet!"

Hearing what Master Jia said, Chen Jianghai was completely relieved now.

This should completely avoid unfortunate occurrences.

Next, Chen Jianghai will ask geological professionals to conduct a good survey in the vicinity to see where there is the possibility of landslides and debris flows, and prevent problems before they occur.

Of course, the most important thing is to help Jia Ye realize his dream of this life.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "That's right, you don't want to go back to live in the old house. You can help me take care of the winery, and you can take charge of it. After all, it has 40% of your shares. !"

"Besides, your old house is too old and in disrepair. It's an old adobe house. If there is a heavy rainstorm, it is likely to collapse. It's actually quite dangerous to live in it."

At this time, Chen Jianghai reminded Jia Dewang along the way, and gave him a vaccination, so that he had a defense in his heart, which was regarded as a layer of insurance.

"Okay, Jiang Hai, I will listen to you, I will listen to you! My house is indeed a little old, and hearing you say this, it really feels quite dangerous."

"Last summer, there was a heavy rain, which caused a corner of the house to collapse, and the roof collapsed. Fortunately, there is a warehouse there, and there is nothing, so the loss is not big."

"Afterwards, I asked the old folks in the village to make a simple repair, and it was barely usable.

It originally pointed to when it would be completely rebuilt, but now it seems to be useless. "

Although Jia Dewang didn't care too much before, but now that Chen Jianghai reminded him, he also realized the problem of his old house and said.

After that, the two chatted about some short things about their parents. Jia Dewang looked at the time and took the initiative to stand up from the sofa and plan to leave.

At this time, Chen Jianghai remembered that he wanted to give Jia Dewang a mobile phone.

So he hurriedly stopped Jadwang and asked for a Forerunner V2 mobile phone to come over.

There are also ready-made phone card companies, which can be used by Jadwangan, and there are regular renewals every month, so there is no need to worry about the phone bill.

Jia Dewang is already a shareholder of a subsidiary company under Qiuhai's name, so he can naturally enjoy related benefits.

Seeing these, Jadwang immediately chose to refuse.

"Jiang Hai, what are you doing?

I have no use for this phone! Besides, at my age, I don't know how to use this kind of new stuff. "

"Hurry up and take it back. I heard that this thing sells for a lot of money! Don't accidentally break it when you look back, it's really bad."

"Although our relationship is good, we can't always take advantage of you.

Take it back, take it back! "

The older generation is so honest.

He is willing to give you everything he has selflessly, but he is not willing to take any advantage of you.

Chen Jianghai ignored what Jia Dewang said at all, and shoved the phone into his hand and said:

"Master Jia, this phone is not as complicated as you think, it's very easy to operate, I'll just teach you once.

Besides, you are not what you used to be now, you can make and sell your own wine without worrying about anything. "

"You are now one of the chief executives of the winery, managing the brewing technology.

This is bound to require other people to be able to contact you at any time. "

"Besides, I also need to call you from time to time to find out about the winery."

"Take a ten thousand steps back, if you want to find me when you encounter something, you can't come all the way to my company every time!"

"It's a lot more convenient to have this phone.

As for the cost, don't worry about it. This mobile phone is not given to you for nothing. When the winery is built and profits are made, I will directly deduct the money from your dividends.

So it's not like taking advantage of me at all. "

Hearing Chen Jianghai's explanation, Jia Dewang accepted the phone with peace of mind.

It's just how could Chen Jianghai really deduct the money from the dividend, everything is to comfort the old man, and the right should be a kind of welfare.

When Jadwang learned to operate a mobile phone, he immediately became addicted to it.

This is the charm brought by In the next few days, Qiuhai Group will continue to consolidate the promotion of new electrical appliances.

Other projects are also finishing the finishing work in an orderly manner, waiting for the arrival of the new year.

Just after the New Year's Day in 1999, Chen Jianghai suddenly received a call from Qin Ling.

This call is mainly to report the recent results to him.

That's right, the mobile phone chip research center, which has only been established for a month, has already yielded results.