Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005

Chapter 205 The real God of Wealth

After a short pause, Chen Jianghai continued: "Sometimes we also need to give the villagers a chance to participate. We can't just do it just because we have the ability."

"We must give them a sense of belonging and participation, so that they will remember this event more, and they will also remember that you contributed to the Chen Family Ancestral Hall."

"As long as they have a stake in this matter, it is inevitable that you will pay the most, and your work will be better in the future."

"In addition, you must pay attention to the matter of investing in shares. It is entirely voluntary to convince everyone."

"At the same time, it is also necessary to clarify the risks and benefits, so as not to make money later, some people will still complain if they have less points."

"Of course, don't worry, I will let Yan Fei communicate with you and let him take care of it.

He's very capable, and there's no problem with him helping with these things. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Chen Congjun nodded in agreement: "Jiang Hai, your analysis is very correct, let's do it like this, it's not too late, I'm going to gather the villagers to talk about it now."

Then Chen Congjun announced the matter directly through the loudspeaker in the village.

"Every villager, please note that after discussion, we plan to build the Chen Family Ancestral Hall into a historical tourist attraction in our Chen Family Village, and we will also build several local specialty processing workshops and set up some sales points nearby.

"So the 80,000 yuan raised before will be counted as share capital, and will be fed back to shareholders in proportion every year."

"This time, based on the principle of voluntariness, not only our Chen family, but all villagers can participate in shares at will.

A hundred dollars is not too little, and a thousand dollars is not too much. "

"All villagers who participate in the shares will be recorded in the register, and dividends will be distributed proportionally at that time.

If you are willing, please register at the gate of the whole family ancestral hall as soon as possible. "

The loudspeaker with echoes quickly spread to every corner of Chenjia Village.

Then the villagers of Chenjia Village responded and actively went to the Chenjia ancestral hall to buy shares.

And people who don't know why are also asking around why they suddenly raised funds from them.

After they figured it out, they also chose to support it.

Because this matter was led by Chen Jianghai.

Who is Chen Jianghai?

That is the real God of Wealth.

Since it was proposed by him, it would definitely be able to make money.

Moreover, Chen Congjun also said that it is possible to contribute as much as possible, and it is entirely voluntary.

Naturally, there will be no pressure.

Moreover, nowadays the people in Chenjia Village are basically diligent and quick, and there is no one who can't make money.

A farmhouse is enough to feed them and give them a good life.

So, now that there is such an opportunity, they certainly don't want to miss it, they all took out the savings that they can use, and put their heads into it.

Even the elderly people in the village took out their money from the bottom of the box.

Although not much, a few hundred dollars is willing to invest in it.

In just a few hours, another 170,000 was raised.

Chen Congjun really saw the energy of the entire Chenjia Village at this time.

However, he was also very clear in his heart that this matter benefited entirely from Chen Jianghai's appeal.

With his platform, these villagers certainly have no scruples.

At the same time, he suddenly felt the pressure on his shoulders a little heavier.

Regarding the processing of this native product, he felt that he needed to find a suitable time to discuss it with Chen Jianghai.

Mainly to see what specific thoughts Chen Jianghai has.

"Jiang Hai, it's your vicious eyes that make the hearts of our village more united."

Chen Congjun said to Chen Jianghai with emotion.

Under the suggestion of Chen Jianghai, all the process of this shareholding is open and transparent.

Everyone can clearly find out how much money they have contributed, how much they have in total, and what the proportion of shares is. There is nothing tricky about it.

Part of this money is used for the construction of Chen's ancestral hall and surrounding ancillary facilities, and the other part is for the processing of native products as mentioned by Chen Jianghai.

According to Chen Jianghai, it is necessary to build a special workshop, but it is necessary to maintain the original taste of the craftsmanship.

As long as it is clean and hygienic, the more primitive things are produced, the more sought after by the market.

In fact, after seeing so many villagers participating, Chen Jianghai had another idea in his heart.

There are many fruit tree resources around Chenjia Village, but due to neglect of management, although the number is not small, the quality is not satisfactory.

But now that a winery has been built, these fruits that no one cares about at ordinary times have come in handy.

On the one hand, fruit wine can be made, and on the other hand, fruit juice can be produced.

Of course, this is only a preliminary idea of his, whether it is feasible or not, he has to invite industry experts to come.

All in all, he won't let these villagers who are willing to take shares be disappointed.

The ancestral tomb of the old Chen family was completely built two days later, and then the tomb was moved.

With the careful guidance of the "Feng Shui Master" on the side, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and there is no need for Chen Jianghai to worry about it.

Although the scene is not luxurious, it is very lively.

The old Chen family now has a high prestige in the village, and everyone is very grateful for everything Chen Jianghai has done for them, so they are willing to take the initiative to help.

Chen Jianghai participated in the whole process, moved the ancestral grave smoothly, and personally toasted everyone with a glass of wine, thanking everyone for their help.

After the ancestral tomb was moved away, the road construction engineering team in the county also entered the original ancestral tomb for the first time to repair the road.

The road workers and managers are praising the Chen family for being sensible.

After all, if the road goes so far, it will greatly increase the difficulty of construction.

Although the Chen family has been keeping the matter low-key, good deeds will naturally be praised by people.

As a result, the story quickly spread throughout the county, including the surrounding area.

Countless people gave thumbs up for the righteous Chen family.

And when everyone knew that it was Chen Jianghai who advocated and pushed the matter under pressure from his parents, he was full of praise for the young entrepreneur.

This undoubtedly won him a good reputation once After worshiping his ancestors, Chen Jianghai can say that he has completed the main task of returning to the village this time.

After Chen Jianghai set the tone for repairing the ancestral hall in Chenjia Village and getting local specialties, he didn't need too much involvement and worry.

He has already explained everything that should be explained. Besides, this is mainly for the benefit of the village, so there will be no resistance at all.

Besides, his second uncle, Chen Congjun, who is the mayor of the village, took care of this matter. With his own prestige in the village, many things naturally came naturally.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai planned to take his wife and children back to Pingshan first.