Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2002

Chapter 2002

Chapter 202 Do remember one sentence

In Chen Congjun's view, the tablet represents the soul of the ancestors. If it is replaced by a new one, it will lose its meaning, and the Chen family ancestral hall will also lose its soul.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Siguo didn't even think about it, and immediately nodded in agreement.

There was even a little bit of hilarity on his face, and he raised his hand and said, "Of course this is possible, of course.

Of course, the ancestral tablet cannot be replaced, and it should be placed in the ancestral hall. "

"Okay, that's it, I'll give you the money, and I'll find someone to take it away now."

After finishing speaking, Chen Siguo directly put the money into Chen Congjun's hand, and then took out his mobile phone to call someone to come and pull the things.


At this moment, a voice suddenly rang not far away.

Everyone looked for fame, and it turned out to be Chen Jianghai.

At this moment, he is walking towards this side step by step.

Everyone saw that Chen Jianghai suddenly came out to stop him. Although they were curious, they didn't have any resistance.

200,000 yuan is certainly not a small amount for the people in the village.

Moreover, building ancestral halls is also for the dignity of the village.

But compared with Chen Jianghai, these are all too far away to be compared at all.

Instead, they now feel an inexplicable sense of solidity in their hearts.

They also vaguely felt that there was an evil spirit in the fact that the fake foreigner paid money to build the ancestral hall.

It's just that they couldn't say why, so they felt that it would not be a disadvantage to accept the 200,000 yuan.

Including the village chief Chen Congjun also has a similar idea.

Now Chen Jianghai came out to stop him, and seeing his serious expression, it must be because he saw the tricks inside.

So, everyone turned to look at Chen Siguo who was on the side.

Almost immediately, everyone understood that this fake foreign devil must be up to something.

Because they all saw it, Chen Siguo's face became extremely gloomy at this moment, and there was even a trace of resentment in his eyes looking at Chen Jianghai.

Note that everyone turned their attention to themselves, Chen Siguo gritted his teeth, and said to Chen Jianghai very rudely: "Who are you, how can you speak here!"

Before Chen Jianghai could speak, the villagers next to him took the initiative to fight back for Chen Jianghai.

"Be careful when you talk, kid! What kind of thing are you, you dare to talk to the big men in our village like this!"

"Well said.

Don't think that a little bit of stinky money is anything special.

Compared with Jianghai, you are a root bean sprout! "

"That's right, how much money is amazing, to come to our village to show off, I really don't know how high the sky is."

Chen Siguo's heart could not help but tremble.

Big man?

He looked at Chen Jianghai up and down again, and bit his head subconsciously.

looks too young.

And this outfit is too ordinary.

Certainly not him.

Maybe a relative or something.

After all, what if it was.

As soon as he got something, he left immediately.

It wouldn't have anything to do with such a person anyway.

It's just that Chen Jianghai said in a low-key manner: "First of all, I am a villager of Chenjia Village, and my ancestors are worshipped in the Chenjia ancestral hall. I have the right to stop you and take all the good things in my Chenjia Village ancestral hall. Walk."

Chen Jianghai already knew his purpose when Chen Siguo said those words just now.

In fact, this fake foreign devil came for those old things in the ancestral hall.

"Fart! It's too late for you to stop now. You have already promised to give me the things, and I will give you two hundred thousand yuan."

"Besides, the old things in the ancestral hall can be compared to the real money of 200,000 yuan?

"The villagers of Chenjia Village, don't lose the big because of the small! This is 200,000! And I just want to fulfill my grandfather's wish."

Hearing what the fake foreign devil said, the villagers also looked at Chen Jianghai.

They naturally believed in Chen Jianghai, but they still didn't understand what was going on.

With a sneer on his face, Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly, "Do you really think we are fools?

If those things are worthless, why did you spend 200,000 yuan to build the ancestral hall and still ask for those things by name! "

"Everyone must remember one sentence, there is no free lunch in this world, and there will never be a pie in the sky."

"Don't you think it's strange that he came all the way to our village and spent 200,000 yuan to build the ancestral hall, but he has to take away the contents inside?"

"You look at his arrogant look, as if he came to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors?

It can only be explained that those things are worth far more than 200,000 yuan. "

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the villagers all understood at once, and looked at Chen Siguo with angry eyes.

This guy is too cunning, he even used 200,000 yuan to defraud the treasure of the Chen Family Ancestral Hall!

What shocked them was that there was such a valuable thing hidden in this dilapidated ancestral hall.

This time, Chen Siguo was in a hurry.

He really didn't expect that, seeing that the baby was about to get his hands, he suddenly killed a Cheng Yaojin halfway.

He didn't care about being reserved and reserved, staring at Chen Jianghai, waving his fists and saying with a white face:

"Nonsense! I just took these things for my grandfather's last wish.

What's the use of some old, crappy stuff?

How can it be compared to two hundred thousand dollars? "

Chen Jianghai looked at him coldly, and said unceremoniously: "Do you really think I haven't seen the world?

Old things may indeed be worthless in the village, but outside they are called antiques, and there are not a few people who like to collect them and are willing to pay a lot of money. "

"Many of these old things in our Chen family ancestral hall are old, especially the incense burner, which is said to be hundreds of years old, and it is definitely an antique."

"I am afraid that this treasure can be sold for hundreds of thousands or even millions, and it is not a Chinese currency, but a US knife."

What Chen Jianghai said was not just a matter of words.

He had heard before that someone bought the incense burner in the ancestral hall for 5,000 yuan, but it didn't attract much attention at that time.

In fact, for a long time, many people went to the countryside to buy all kinds of old things.

Not only some knowledgeable people in the city, but also some returning Chinese and overseas Chinese all rushed to the countryside to hunt for treasures.

Because there are not many people who understand, they can often find treasures at very low prices.

Many people made a fortune as a result.

Chen Jianghai once read a report that an overseas Chinese surnamed Chen found a Xuande furnace when he returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and it was auctioned in the United States for 2.3 million US dollars!

Thinking about it now, nine times out of ten, it was Chen Siguo who vacated it.

After hearing what Chen Jianghai said, the villagers were in an uproar.

They had no idea that these old things were so valuable.