Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1994

Chapter 1994

Chapter 1994 Happiness comes too suddenly

It can be said that lamb wine has also been passed down to the third generation in the Jia family, and the skills have become more and more mature with the persistence of the three generations.

It is obviously a good wine, but it has never been able to promote it so that more people can taste it and like it, which is really a pity.

What saddens him even more is that this skill will be lost in his generation.

Everyone has their dreams when they are young.

How could he not be complacent when he was young and vigorous and wanted to spread the fame of Lamb Wine?

It's just that the timing is not right, and without the capital, it is naturally impossible to achieve anything, which has also become one of his major regrets in life.

As you get older, you naturally become more powerless.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to give up his thoughts, Chen Jianghai suddenly gave him this opportunity.

This is definitely not just talk.

Chen Jianghai is no longer the poor guy who had nothing in the past. He has countless wealth in his hands, a huge network of connections, and a great reputation.

The resources at hand are even more outrageous.

If he wants to invest in a winery, it can definitely be done.

He had vaguely heard that it was because of Chen Jianghai that the closed vat wine developed from the state of being about to go bankrupt to the scale it is today.

He still has considerable confidence in the lamb wine he brewed. In terms of taste and quality, it will definitely not be worse than the very popular Taibai Xianye.

Jia Dewang's mouth trembled as he spoke, stared at Chen Jianghai and said, "Jianghai, do you really want to invest in a winery to brew lamb wine?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and replied, "Of course! You said it too, I'm considered a character now, but I won't open my mouth and promise things casually."

In fact, Jia Dewang didn't really doubt Chen Jianghai's words.

He just asked this subconsciously out of excitement.

Happiness came so suddenly, he felt like he was in a dream.

After trying to sort out his emotions and taking several deep breaths in one breath, Jia Dewang forced himself to calm down and said to Chen Jianghai with a serious face:

"Jiang Hai, thank you, building a winery to produce lamb wine is my biggest wish in my life. I didn't expect that half of my body would be buried in the soil, and one day my wish would come true."

"I just want to remind you, don't get your head around it and make a decision.

Do you really think lamb wine can be welcomed by everyone and make a way? "

Although Jadwang is very confident in the taste of the lamb wine he brews, he also knows in his heart that in order for a product to really sell well, there are many factors besides its own quality.

If it weren't for this, he would have been brewing lamb wine for so many years, and he would not be as famous as it is now, and it was only sold in a small area.

Today, the liquor market in Huaxia has already been carved up by major wineries, and the remaining small part of the market is also fiercely competitive and cruel.

It is not easy to grab the market from these people.

Chen Jianghai knew what the other party was worried about, but smiled confidently: "Master Jia, I have not been able to succeed by being hot-headed."

"Fighting in the solidified market and grabbing other people's markets is what I do best. That's how my Qiuhai Group grew and eventually became a top 500 company."

"Our lamb wine, in my opinion, is no worse than Feitian Maotai, Wuliangye or Taibai Xianye, Xinghuacun Fenjiu and the like.

With such a good foundation and reasonable marketing, why can't we find a way out? "

"When the time comes, just wait and see, you just help me make wine and ensure good quality and quantity.

As for everything on the market, leave it to me, and I can absolutely shock the world with its sales. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Jia Dewang nodded heavily: "Okay, since you have said everything for this sake, my old bones will follow you to fight for the last time, and I will pass on this lamb wine no matter what. Let more people taste it.

Hearing that Jia Dewang finally let go, Chen Jianghai showed a happy smile on his face.

Lamb wine, an ancient wine brewing technique that has been passed down for a long time, will be passed down in the future, and will not gradually wither or even become extinct.

The old man naturally had to move to a nest by the way and escaped the catastrophe.

After this matter was confirmed, Chen Jianghai contacted Yue Hongsheng immediately and asked him to send a professional investment team to evaluate how much money needed to be invested, and then arrange matters such as building a factory.

After receiving the call, Yue Hongsheng was a little curious but also attached great importance to it.

Because according to common sense, Chen Jianghai should hand over this matter to a more professional Jiamei Group.

But now he has called him directly, there must be some special reason.

Thinking that this is Chen Jianghai's hometown, Yue Hongsheng felt that the investment this time may not necessarily be for making money, but a kind of public welfare that helps the village to get rich.

Thinking of this, Yue Hongsheng naturally did not dare to neglect.

First of all, this is Chen Jianghai's hometown. Out of respect for him, Yue Hongsheng should do whatever he wants.

Second, Yue Hongsheng also recognized the benefits of doing public welfare, and he himself attached great importance to these things.

They have never been in contact with the liquor industry. Qiuhai Group is an enterprise in the electronic field, so it can be said that it is completely irrelevant.

But this did not prevent them from coming to inspect and build factories.

If it is to be done, it must be done well.

Yue Hongsheng thought for a while, and finally decided to consult Chen Shuyao, the boss of Jiamei.

After all, there is a successful jewel in the bottle of wine, so there is definitely no problem with her.

Chen Jianghai drank two bowls of wine at Jia Dewang's house, and left after chatting for a while.

From Jia Ye's mouth, he also heard more about the history of lamb wine.

He also did not expect that this wine would be quite famous in history.

In this way, he is more confident to promote this wine and create another myth similar to the bottled wine.

In the aspect of marketing hype, Chen Jianghai still has a lot of confidence.

Just take out two of some of the marketing methods for funerals, and you can smash today's market.

Just when Yue Hongsheng was busy talking to Chen Shuyao on the phone, Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu just walked all the way in the village.

Nowadays, due to the vigorous development of tourism in the village, cement roads are built everywhere, which is very convenient to walk.

And although it's, it is full of greenery everywhere.

Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu were strolling around, and it was getting dark before they knew it.

Both felt extremely comfortable and satisfied.

To be honest, people of this age actually have nothing romantic at all, and even many couples are introduced halfway through and get married in confusion.

Including Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu, the two have never had a romantic relationship with each other.

Today, to a certain extent, the regrets of the two have been made up for.