Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1986

Chapter 1986

Chapter 1986 How amazing is this!

After all, this is something that has been passed down by the Chinese civilization for thousands of years, and it is definitely not groundless and fabricated.

It's just that many half-pots of water or laymen use this swagger to make people think this is superstition.

The Mr. Qin in front of him did have some research on feng shui, but he was more showing off, pretending to be mysterious, in order to gain everyone's trust in him and cheat money.

Therefore, even if he really understands Feng Shui, he will definitely not be a real Feng Shui master.

I'm afraid that what I said is so good, when the time comes to reverse, and then reach out and ask for money, it is really no different from most liars in the arena.

As a result, Chen Jianghai really guessed right.

I saw Qin Guangyuan suddenly change the conversation, and said in a rather stern tone: "It's a pity that this feng shui pattern has been damaged in some places. If it can't be repaired in time, the consequences are really worrying!"

Hearing this, the Chen family immediately became nervous.

Even the villagers who came to help were all nervous for no reason, and looked at Qin Guangyuan eagerly, waiting for his next words.

You know, after Chen Jianghai developed, it brought real benefits to everyone.

Even if there were some people who were jealous of the old Chen family at the beginning, as Chen Jianghai's career became bigger and bigger and his status became higher and higher, the only thing left was to look up and respect.

In particular, Chen Jiangong asked nervously, "Mr. Qin, what do you mean?"

Qin Guangyuan touched the goatee on his chin, coughed lightly, and pretended to explain: "This feng shui pattern is really good, so your descendants of the Chen family will be rich and rich for a while because of this."

"But because something destroys this feng shui pattern, after three or five years, it may gradually go downhill."

"If you don't change it, then in another ten or eight years, the wealth of the Chen family's descendants may not be able to be preserved, and even disasters will occur.

Bankruptcy is the second priority, and it is also possible for a family to be destroyed. "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jiangong's face changed immediately, and he asked anxiously: "Mr. Qin, what is it that destroys this feng shui pattern, and how to solve it?"

Qin Guangyuan still shook his head slightly, and said inscrutable: "This thing can only be understood and cannot be described in words, in short, it is a very evil thing.

As for how to solve it, it depends on your sincerity. "

Chen Jiangong naturally understood what Qin Guangyuan's sincerity was, so he responded anxiously: "Money is not the problem, Mr. Qin just talks about how to solve it."

When he heard this, not to mention Chen Jianghai, even Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but pouted.

"Jiang Hai, isn't this a lie?

When I opened a store, I encountered a similar liar. At the beginning, they touted them wildly. When they saw someone was hooked, they asked various questions, and then asked for money to solve them. Why don't you stop them? "

Lin Wanqiu pulled Chen Jianghai's arm and whispered in his ear.

Chen Jianghai shook his head. Although he said this in public, he exposed Qin Guangyuan as a liar, but at the same time, it would also make his third uncle Chen Jiangong lose face.

After all, the man was invited by the third uncle, and exposing Qin Guangyuan's identity as a liar in front of so many people would also make his face unsightly.

Of course, Chen Jianghai wouldn't foolishly give out the money to make the liar proud, and he would think of other ways to solve the matter.

Boom! Boom!

As a result, a huge roar suddenly came from not far away.

Chen Jianghai looked over and found that someone was driving an excavator to this side.

And looking at Chen Jianghai in the distance along the excavator, I found that there are many excavators and people building a road.

Looking at the direction of the road, it seems to be a temporary access road planned to facilitate the delivery of materials.

However, it seems to pass through a lot next to his family's ancestral tomb.

Chen Jianghai could not help frowning.

At this time, the excavator in front of him also stopped.

Two people came down from above, holding exploration tools in their hands, they should be technicians responsible for surveying the road section.

One of them looked around and said to the other, "It's really weird. It's easier to repair from here to Chenjia Village. Why does it have to go around a big mountain?"

The other person walking with him seemed to be a local and knew the story inside, so he couldn't help but pouted and said:

"Chenjiacun is not the old Chenjiacun anymore, there is a big man, the famous boss Qiuhai.

It is said that there is the family's ancestral tomb here, so it can only be detoured. "

The two people said that they got on the excavator again, and then drove the excavator away.

Others didn't hear what the two said, but Chen Jianghai heard it clearly.

Chen Jianghai sighed slightly in the bottom of his heart, what he was worried about still happened.

In the last life, this place was relocated because of the problem of road construction.

At that time, the two uncles had no ability, just received a notice, and then gave a subsidy of several hundred yuan, and several ancestral tombs were obediently demolished.

Unexpectedly, because of my own reasons in this life, the county finally chose to detour.

"Dad, second uncle, third uncle, come here, I have something to ask you."

Chen Jianghai didn't care about the Feng Shui master now, and directly called several elders of the Chen family.

"What's the matter with Jiang Hai?

Mr. Qin over there is still waiting for our reply! "

Chen Jiangong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Now he only thinks about how to solve the thing that Qin Guangyuan said is unfavorable to his children and grandchildren as soon as possible.

Today's happy and prosperous days are hard-won, and he doesn't want problems for these reasons.

Especially in Qin Guangyuan's sentence just now, bankruptcy is a trivial matter, and it may even destroy the family.

How amazing is this!

Chen Liye and Chen Congjun also looked at Chen Jianghai suspiciously.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said to a few people: "Mr. Qin is not in a hurry, just find him to solve it when the time comes. I came here mainly to ask if the county is going to build a road to our Chenjia Village?"

The second uncle Chen Congjun nodded quickly and said, "Yes, in order to let our farmhouse in Chenjia Village go out, the county decided to build a road to our place and connect the other end to Qingshan County next door, so that several nearby villages can also benefit from it."

"Originally, they planned to pass through our family's ancestral grave, but I refused because I was afraid that it would damage the Feng Shui and affect our old Chen family and you."

"Finally they decided to build in from the other side of the to avoid our ancestral tombs.

But it also takes a detour. "

"I discussed it with your third uncle and your father, and we'll see if you can help coordinate.

After all, because of our ancestral tombs, we have detoured for such a long way, which has increased the difficulty and cost of construction. "

Chen Congjun is still an honest farmer at heart. Now that Chen Jianghai asks about it, he naturally won't hide it.

He even told Chen Jianghai everything that the brothers discussed before.