Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1933

Chapter 1933

Chapter 1933 has two big gaps

Yue Hongsheng smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm really worried recently. These foreign companies are aggressive and resorting to various means. The situation we Qiuhai is facing now is really too dangerous."

The bigger the company, the heavier the courage on his shoulders, and he had to think more!

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said directly: "Hongsheng, or I will give you a leave, go back and have a good rest."

Regarding Chen Jianghai's proposal, Yue Hongsheng refused directly without thinking.

Now is definitely a very important moment for Qiu Hai.

Yue Hongsheng, who has always regarded Qiuhai as his lifelong career, will naturally not leave at this time.

In his opinion, if he left his job in the light of this result, he would be like a deserter who escaped. This was absolutely unacceptable to Yue Hongsheng.

So when Chen Jianghai proposed to let her go back to rest, he almost refused without thinking.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will adjust it myself, and it will never affect my work."

Yue Hongsheng quickly assured Chen Jianghai.

At this moment, his expression was extremely serious, and his tone was extremely serious.

Seeing Yue Hongsheng like this, Chen Jianghai knew that it was not a good choice to force him to go back to rest.

Maybe even if he told him to go back, he would be even more anxious, which would be counterproductive.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai stood up and patted Yue Hongsheng on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Hongsheng, don't think of Qiuhai too weak, and don't think too strong of those foreign companies."

"We Qiuhai have developed for so many years, and we have accumulated considerable strength, and we have also made adequate preparations."

"We are now united as one, fighting the enemy together.

Therefore, we must firmly believe that in this war against the alliance of foreign enterprises, we Qiuhai will definitely be the final victor! "

Chen Jianghai can say so, but Yue Hongsheng dare not think so.

In this era, many people think that foreign companies are very powerful companies that cannot be defeated at all.

In fact, since the domestic reform and opening up, how many national enterprises have truly defeated these foreign enterprises?

Take the once-prominent Changhong as an example, if he hadn't resorted to price wars, he wouldn't have won the sales crown at all.

This kind of trick of hurting the enemy by a thousand and self-destructing by 800 did not allow Changhong to develop.

On the contrary, Changhong ignored the development of its own technology because of the price war, and continued internal friction, and finally passed by like a meteor, and after shining, it completely walked off the altar.

Without Chen Jianghai's help, Changhong still doesn't know what it would be like.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the national entrepreneurs now have a natural fear of foreign companies and dare not be enemies with them.

In terms of technology, they are far behind these foreign companies.

Now that Qiuhai and foreign companies are about to have a decisive battle, it must be false for Yue Hongsheng to say that he is not worried.

No matter how confident he is in Qiuhai at ordinary times, he can't help but think about it at this moment.

Chen Jianghai's words just now awakened Yue Hongsheng.

Qiuhai is not an ordinary national enterprise, it is now a real Fortune 500 company, an absolutely powerful existence.

When Qiuhai was a small business, no one would have imagined that it would develop into what it is today.

Moreover, in the process of Qiuhai's development, he also encountered various strong opponents, but under the leadership of Chen Jianghai, everyone worked together and finally won the victory.

In Yue Hongsheng's view, Qiuhai has two big gaps with other national enterprises.

The first one is about the strategy of enterprise development, which is very different.

After other national enterprises developed, their first thought was to expand their scale.

As for whether the management of the expanded scale can keep up, it is not within their consideration.

In their view, as long as a business is large, it is a big business.

The ability of large enterprises to resist risks will be enhanced, and enterprises can continue to develop.

What they don't know is that when a big business fails, it often starts from within.

Blind expansion, scattered management, so that these large enterprises themselves buried a lot of hidden dangers.

As long as they encounter a little crisis, these big companies may collapse overnight.

In the past few years, China has produced many super large enterprises.

Of course, this kind of large only refers to the scale, not the real big enterprise.

After a few years of glory, these companies disappeared from history immediately.

There are various indications that an enterprise cannot be called a large enterprise or a strong enterprise if it has a large scale.

Only by making your own strength strong can you resist all kinds of risks.

In this regard, Qiuhai has been doing very well from its development to the present.

Chen Jianghai has always attached great importance to research and development, and his investment in research and development is also second to none in China.

Willing to spend money on research and development, Qiuhai's strength is naturally increasing day by day.

Even in the face of these foreign companies, Qiuhai does not lag behind in terms of technology.

Foreign companies will join forces to deal with Qiuhai, which is a key reason.

As for the second gap, that is Chen Jianghai, who is at the helm of Qiuhai.

Why is Qiuhai able to develop so fast and so strong? In the final analysis, it is all because of Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai has proven time and time again that his vision is always so accurate.

It is also because of Chen Jianghai's unique vision and full of courage that Qiuhai can develop into the world's top 500 in just a few years.

Thinking of these two, Yue Hongsheng instantly became confident.

Along the way of Qiuhai, Chen Jianghai has created too many miracles on it.

In the face of foreign companies this time, who dares to say that Chen Jianghai cannot create miracles?

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath.

In the next period of time, Yue Hongsheng knew clearly that this was a very important period of time.

What he has to do is to implement all the requirements of Chen Jianghai and ensure that all affairs of Qiuhai will not happen.

As long as this is done, it is enough.

As for the result, Yue Hongsheng knew that it was useless to think too much.

All this, let time to make a decision.

Many domestic electrical appliance brands are now paying attention to the struggle between Qiuhai and foreign companies.

Among these national brands, the smaller ones are worried, but the bigger ones are looking forward to it.

They hope that Qiuhai can win to combat the arrogance of foreign companies.

If Qiuhai can really drive these foreign companies out of China, it will be great news for them.

The withdrawal of foreign companies means that they will give up a lot of market.

At that time, most of these markets will definitely enter the hands of Qiuhai.

However, Huaxia's electrical appliance market is so large that it is impossible for Qiuhai to eat all of this part of the market.

Those markets that Qiuhai can't eat will definitely fall into their hands.