Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931

Chapter 1931 Pride is to pay the price

You must know that in order to completely cut off Qiuhai's chip supply, these foreign companies rarely put aside their prejudices and cooperated well once.

Together, they put pressure on Qiuhai's suppliers to stop supplying Qiuhai with chips.

These foreign companies are very clear about where Qiuhai's pain points are now.

Qiuhai is already on par with them in other technical aspects.

The only painful foot they can catch is the high-end chip.

If you want to successfully defeat Qiuhai, this is the best way.

After knowing Qiuhai's weakness, these foreign companies naturally joined forces.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

For these foreign companies, as long as Qiuhai, the representative of a local Chinese company, is eliminated, they will be able to easily divide up the huge Chinese market in the future.

To be able to carve up such a large market, the price they pay now is completely worth it in their opinion.

The controllers of these foreign companies also want to see what Chen Jianghai's face will look like after learning the news.

From their point of view, Chen Jianghai, the boss, must be very shocked, and he must be in a hurry to get angry.

After all, the crisis that Qiuhai is facing now is really too great.

However, they are destined to be disappointed.

Because their opponent is Chen Jianghai.

Regarding this matter, Chen Jianghai, who is the party concerned, had a very dull reaction.

The foreign company has cut prices for two days, but Qiuhai has not responded at all.

Qiuhai was silent, which made these foreign companies a little worried.

What makes them even more incomprehensible is that after the price reduction of their products, the sales volume has not increased.

On the contrary, sales in some regions have dropped significantly.

This makes the executives of foreign companies feel a little incredible.

The products they are selling now are of good quality, high technology, and low prices. Why can't sales go up?

Foreign companies cannot understand why.

They feel that this is a problem with Huaxia's market.

As for the biggest reason, that is the impact of the financial turmoil.

The sequelae of the storm have made China's overall consumer market very depressed.

This should be the biggest reason why foreign companies' products are not good to buy.

If Chen Jianghai knew that foreign companies were so deceiving themselves, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Regarding competition with foreign companies, Chen Jianghai has long been prepared.

He had thought of such a day long ago.

With the development of Qiuhai, the enemies facing him are getting stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, Qiuhai's biggest opponent was China's domestic brand.

Now that it has developed to this point, Qiuhai has no rivals in the country, and the biggest enemy has become these powerful foreign-funded enterprises.

In order to deal with these foreign companies, Chen Jianghai had already made Yue Hongsheng make various preparations in advance.

Even if these foreign companies do not attack now, after a while, Chen Jianghai will also take the initiative to attack.

Chen Jianghai has long wanted to unify the electrical appliance market in China.

What Chen Jianghai said about unification did not mean that the Qiuhai family was the only one.

What he wants is to let a hundred flowers bloom for domestic brands, and jointly deal with the competition from foreign companies, so that these foreign companies can also taste the taste of failure.

In recent years, these foreign companies have been too arrogant in China, and they have not paid attention to local companies in China at all.

This time, Chen Jianghai wanted to let them know that arrogance has a price.

Such arrogant foreign companies are not allowed in the Huaxia market.

For these arrogant foreign companies, Qiuhai will let them know what is the will of the people.

Of course Chen Jianghai will do it.

but not now.

At this point in time, it is natural to wait for the high-end chips to produce results.

Qiuhai solved the chip problem, and then there will be no shortcomings.

Under such circumstances, it is not difficult for Qiuhai to defeat these foreign companies.

Chen Jianghai clearly knows that compared with these foreign companies, Qiuhai still has a big gap in terms of capital.

To defeat these foreign companies in one fell swoop, he must accumulate enough strength in advance.

If you can't knock down these foreign companies at one time, it will be extremely unfavorable for Qiuhai once they are caught in a tug-of-war.

Chen Jianghai is now trying to gather all the strength of Qiuhai and attack these foreign companies at one time.

In the future, when these foreign companies think of the Chinese market, their first reaction is fear.

Chen Jianghai did not mean to drive these foreign companies out of China.

He just wants to make Huaxia's electrical appliance market no longer respect foreign companies in the future.

Let everyone know that domestic brands are also powerful.

As long as China's domestic brands stand up, then these foreign companies have to compete honestly.

Instead of using second-class technology to make money from the Huaxia market as before.

On the third day of the foreign company's price reduction, Qiuhai finally responded and started the price reduction mode.

For a time, the electrical appliance market seemed like a storm was coming, and it was extremely depressed.

Many domestic brands feel huge pressure and are very nervous.

The price cut will not have much impact on Qiuhai and foreign companies in a short period of time.

But for these small businesses, that is a cold winter, or even a disaster.

If you can't insist on the arrival of spring, it means that they will disappear.

Domestic brands are worried about survival, but consumers are very happy.

Consumers clearly know that the next electrical appliance market will definitely be very lively.

They are not in a hurry to consume, but wait patiently.

If this was put in the past, consumers would definitely buy it immediately when they saw the price reduction of electrical appliances.

This time, consumers have learned a lot, and they are not in a hurry.

After the last price cut, consumers know that these two companies will definitely not cut prices just once.

After a while, the two parties will definitely enter a price war mode.

In this case, they will definitely lose money when they buy electrical appliances now.

If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for a while.

I believe the price at that time will definitely satisfy them.

It can only be said that consumers who have experienced price wars have indeed become much smarter.

In China today, the domestic market economy is relatively sluggish.

Sales in the electrical appliance market are not as good as in previous years.

In this case, consumers naturally want to use less money to buy better products.

Consumers are naturally eager for this price war between Qiuhai and foreign companies.

The more intense the fight between the two, the more discounts they can get.

Most of the consumers, the concept is basically like this.

In their view, the price war between Qiuhai and foreign companies has the biggest impact on them, that is, discounts.

As for other aspects, they didn't think much about it at all.

At this time, some people are naturally worried that the struggle between Qiuhai and foreign companies will affect the entire electrical appliance market in China.

Another point is that if the Mid-Autumn Festival fails in this war, what kind of impact will it have?