Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1928

Chapter 1928

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight chapters continue to fight to the end

In this case, Zhao Yuxi naturally refuted it immediately.

If a newspaper wants to publish an article, don't they even verify the content of the article?

If you don't even distinguish the authenticity of the content of the report, it will be sent directly to the newspaper, which is obviously an irresponsible attitude.

Hearing Zhao Yuxi say this, the lawyer of the other party quickly apologized, saying that it was their negligence.

The attitude of the other party's lawyer is obvious, that is, he wants to push all the charges to the anonymous author.

As for the newspapers, it is enough to carry a name with poor supervision.

This result is completely acceptable to them.

They could accept it, but Zhao Yuxi couldn't.

This group of people caused so much slander to Qiuhai, so naturally they couldn't let them go easily.

The bad media has a good abacus here, taking small mistakes and refuting big sins.

If they are charged with libel, they will be sentenced.

A failure to identify the authenticity of the article is at best a professional ethics issue.

This is completely acceptable to them.

Qiuhai's legal department did not expect to encounter such a situation.

The defendant's lawyer began to refute in court, saying that no one knew how much Qiuhai had donated.

They questioned this issue, and it could not be regarded as slander and smear at all.

It can only be said that he did not understand the truth and made a mistake in judgment.

After all, Qiu Hai donated money, no one can prove it.

They publish such articles just to express their own attitude and have no other meaning in it.

As for the evidence provided by Qiuhai, the defendant's lawyer believes that it is not evidence at all.

When they discussed Qiuhai's donation in the newspaper, it was not slander at all.

In Huaxia, every citizen has the right to freedom of speech.

This lawsuit was the first trial, and it ended hastily.

Neither side could persuade the other, and the judge could only announce a retrial on another day.

Qiuhai's legal department made a miscalculation this time, even though they did not expect these bad media to make such adequate preparations.

In this case, this lawsuit is a bit unfavorable for Qiuhai.

In terms of physical evidence, the Qiuhai Legal Department did provide a lot.

Now these physical evidences have less impact on this lawsuit.

The defendant grasped one point from the beginning to the end. As reporters of the newspaper, they always need some subjective opinions in the report.

In this case, it cannot be said that they are slanderous, only that their language is biased.

The failure of the first lawsuit made Qiuhai's legal department feel a kind of setback.

They have carefully prepared for so long, wasting a lot of time and energy, and they were still confident, but they were escaped by these bad media.

It is not a simple matter to use the law to punish them next.

The bad media can completely seize their previous reason and refuse to admit that they are slandering Qiuhai.

In this case, Qiuhai's legal department has nothing to do with them.

After knowing this situation, Chen Jianghai's opinion is only one sentence, that is, continue to fight to the end.

No matter what the price is, Qiuhai will carry the lawsuit to the end.

And this lawsuit must be won, and those bad media must be brought to justice.

After receiving clear instructions from Chen Jianghai, the people in the legal department also knew what to do.

If the current evidence is not enough for these bad media to admit defeat, then they will continue to collect evidence.

Yan Hecheng couldn't help laughing when he saw the results on TV.

These media dared to sing against Qiuhai, naturally not because they were not afraid of death.

In fact, it was because of the appearance of Yan Hecheng that they dared to do so.

If it wasn't for Yan Hecheng to help fuel the flames, they would definitely not dare to do so.

When he knew about this, Yan Hecheng already had a plan in his heart.

In terms of business, after a series of previous encounters, he already knew clearly that his ability was no match for Chen Jianghai at all.

I have to say that on this point, Yan Hecheng, who has always been confident in his eyes, still has a little self-knowledge.

Having suffered so many failures, he has to admit that Chen Jianghai's business talent is the strongest among the people he has ever met.

Even his second uncle might not be Chen Jianghai's opponent.

There is no way, Chen Jianghai is a person who can see the future. He can always take one step and see three steps, and he can make arrangements in advance, which can be said to be a sure win.

It is unrealistic to want to compete with Chen Jianghai in business.

So if you want to be disgusting or defeat Chen Jianghai, you can only start from other aspects.

Yan Hecheng just saw the news and was about to make a fuss about it.

If Qiu Hai loses in this lawsuit, it is definitely a big joke.

In other words, there is no need for Qiu Hai to lose the case at all, as long as Qiu Hai does not win, then Yan Hecheng will be considered a victory.

For Qiuhai, this is definitely a stain-like existence.

In this case, Yan Hecheng's purpose has been achieved.

In fact, Yan Hecheng has been holding back all the time, wanting to see Chen Jianghai's jokes.

After so many fights, Zeng has already had a considerable psychological shadow on Chen Jianghai.

If he couldn't see Chen Jianghai's shriveled appearance, he felt that he would not be reconciled even if he died.

Looking at the TV, Yan Hecheng couldn't help but let out a sneer: "Chen Jianghai, Chen Jianghai, now I want to see what you will do."

The audience were all silent after seeing the result.

For a Fortune 500 company as powerful as Qiuhai, in the face of such slander and slander, it is not so simple to win.

In this way, the audience is even more hopeful that Qiu Hai will be able to win.

Only in this way can the bad atmosphere of those bad media be curbed.

For the next few days, everyone in Qiuhai's legal department worked overtime.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to make Qiuhai win this lawsuit.

To do this is not an easy task.

Now these bad media have all joined together and hired the best lawyers.

Qiuhai still has a long way to go to solve this problem.

In this situation, Chen Jianghai was somewhat surprised.

You must know that Qiuhai's legal department has collected evidence for a long time and made adequate preparations for this matter, which can be said to be determined to win.

Unexpectedly, even so, the first appeal was not completely successful.

The main point is that the definition of defamation in the current law is not as strict as that in later generations.

It is precisely because of this that those bad media will exploit loopholes in the law and want to escape this sanction.

Chen Jianghai is not going to let them go. Even if he loses the case this time, he will continue to let the Legal Department file an appeal.

There is only one purpose, that is, to let those who have violated the law be punished by the law, instead of going free and complacent.