Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1921

Chapter 1921

Chapter 1921 This is his goal!

After leaving the capital and returning to Pingshan, Chen Jianghai had just rested for a day when Jin Changan came.

I haven't seen each other for a while, and Jin Changan seems to be in a good mood.

Chen Jianghai glanced behind him, and then couldn't help but jokingly said, "You have always been inseparable with old Li Jiao, Meng is inseparable, what's the matter today?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's joke, Jin Changan couldn't help but laugh.

"Jiang Hai, this time I'm here to report to work.

Lao Li can't walk away in the football team. "

Hearing Jin Changan talking about the football team, Chen Jianghai also became interested.

Since the establishment of this football team, Jin Changan and Li Detian have been running there.

Chen Jianghai heard the news for the first time that this football team has successfully entered the provincial trials and is sprinting towards the second league.

It's been so long, and I don't know what it's going to look like.

But looking at Jin Changan's expression, he should have brought him good news this time.

"Brother Jin sees you with a happy face, do you have any good news to tell me?"

Chen Jianghai greeted the other party and asked after sitting down.

Jin Changan immediately laughed, stretched out his thumb and said sincerely, "Jiang Hai, you really can't hide anything from your eyes."

Today, Jin Changan came to talk about the Qiuhai football team.

Since the money was spent, Qiuhai football team's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and according to the method proposed by Chen Jianghai, after each game, the strength will continue to increase by a few points.

When he first participated in the provincial trials, Qiuhai could say that the loss was a bit ugly.

However, under the operation and stimulation of the banknote ability, the Qiuhai football team began to counterattack strongly.

In the previous three games, Qiuhai Football Team lost two games.

Since then, the Qiuhai football team has never lost a game.

It can only be said that the ability of money is really easy to use.

This result can be said to have crushed all the opponents in the trials.

The other teams are envious, but helpless.

Who made this a football team created by Qiuhai Group?

People are really rich, and they are willing to throw money at it.

The Qiuhai football team spent millions to buy players and carefully build the team. It is no exaggeration to have such achievements now.

After such a result, Jin Changan was naturally anxious to tell Chen Jianghai.

For Jin Changan, the Qiuhai football team has achieved this result, which has already made him very satisfied.

This achievement finally lived up to Chen Jianghai's trust.

What they have to do next is to continue to play steadily and move forward.

With the current results of Qiuhai Football Team, it is naturally not a big problem to enter the second league.

The next step is to train in the B-League for a period of time to allow them to adapt to this new environment.

After the B-level is stable, Jin Changan will take them to the level sprint.

After listening to Jin Changan's report, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

These millions spent, at least they really saw the effect.

If the Qiuhai football team's performance is not good, Chen Jianghai will not continue to invest in it.

Football this thing, does not mean that the more investment the better.

It mainly depends on whether there is a suitable chemical reaction between the players.

Jin Changan followed up: "Jiang Hai, Qiu Hai is currently ranked first in the standings, and there is no problem in entering the second league. His strength should be in the top three."

"This result is still good."

Chen Jianghai knew that Jin Changan and the others attached great importance to this matter, and nodded in agreement with a smile.

Jin Changan was affirmed by Chen Jianghai, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Just listen to him continue to say: "Our team has two on the current scorer list, and the situation is very good!"

When it came to this matter, Jin Changan was dancing, not to mention how excited he was.

Regarding this football team, these two have spent enough effort and effort.

Now they can come up with such results, they are naturally very happy.

At least their efforts were not in vain, and they did not live up to Chen Jianghai's expectations.

"Jiang Hai, our Qiuhai football team already has a fan support group."

Jin Changan said immediately.

Nowadays, there is a lot of enthusiasm for football in China.

As long as a team can play its own style, it can definitely attract enough fans.

Qiuhai can be said to be a sudden emergence, making many people look at it with admiration.

The fans did not expect that the Qiuhai football team would be so fierce.

It took less than half a year to come up with such a satisfactory answer.

Fans are very optimistic about the future of Qiuhai football team.

Especially the Qiuhai football team, which is backed by Qiuhai.

The key is that people are really willing to throw money at it.

The growth of this team is also obvious to all.

Although the method is simple and rude, as supporters, they are really cool.

For a time, in the entire football circle, the Qiuhai football team has become a star-like existence.

It's fake for other teams to not envy after seeing this.

But they have nothing to do. Who told people to bring their own traffic?

Now Qiuhai is at the cusp of the storm, and the Qiuhai football team has also gained a wave of attention.

In this case, fans spontaneously formed a support group.

Chen Jianghai did not expect that what happened recently in Qiuhai would even affect the Qiuhai football team.

"Is it really that powerful?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Jin Changan nodded quickly: "Jiang Hai, what I said is true. After two years of training, there is no problem in being promoted to B."

For the Qiuhai football team, the current Jin Changan can be said to be very confident.

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile, "When will the players be allowed to go to the World Cup?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Jin Changan's face flushed slightly, he subconsciously shrank his neck, and the smile on his face instantly stiffened.

"Jiang Hai, your goal is a bit far."

Jin Changan shook his head in embarrassment.

The Qiuhai football team has only been established for less than a year. Although the current development is very gratifying, it is too early to mention the World Cup all of a sudden.

However, Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said to Jin Changan: "Everyone must have dreams, otherwise it is no different from a salted fish."

"Brother, you have to work hard towards this goal. Since you have done it, you must do your best."

"Jiang Hai, this is the World Cup!"

Jin Changan sighed softly and reminded again.

To be Jin Changan was a little scared when Chen Jianghai took the World Cup as the goal of the Qiuhai football team.

Jin Changan can be said to be very satisfied with the current results of the Qiuhai football team.

In the next few years, if he can enter the first league, it is already Jin Changan's biggest goal.

Unexpectedly, in Chen Jianghai, the World Cup is his goal!

It can only be said that Chen Jianghai really dared to think, and Jin Changan definitely did not have the courage.

Form a football team, just want to become a national team player and enter the World Cup, how can it be so easy?