Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813 There is one more question

Chen Jianghai shook his head slightly and said, "Don't be too optimistic when it comes to price cuts.

Such things are quickly forgotten by consumers.

This price war is inevitable. "

"Foreign companies are making a comeback this time. It can be said that they see Qiuhai as a thorn in their eyes. If they don't get rid of Qiuhai, they will not give up."

"Qiu Hai's only solution is to make them harder to the end.

If you want to get the market in China, you must show enough strength. "

Yue Hongsheng soon understood that this was a life-and-death battle, which was unavoidable.

If it is not handled properly, the entire Qiuhai may suffer annihilation.

Yue Hongsheng is very fortunate that at such a critical juncture, Chen Jianghai can always be so calm and make accurate judgments.

If it was Yue Hongsheng himself, he would definitely not continue to cut prices with foreign companies.

If this happens, Qiuhai's situation will become more and more dangerous.

Chen Jianghai reminded Yue Hongsheng: "About this matter, you should let the media report as much as possible, and you can't end it too soon."

As long as it can make foreign companies suffer, Yue Hongsheng is naturally happy to see it.

"Mr. Chen, I know what to do."

Yue Hongsheng quickly nodded and agreed, and then he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Chen, I have another question."

Chen Jianghai guessed what Yue Hongsheng wanted to say, and simply said, "Are you afraid that after Qiuhai's price reduction, Panasonic will also suffer?"

"That's right."

Yue Hongsheng hurriedly replied, "It doesn't seem to do us any good to lower the price or not to downgrade now."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said confidently: "We can provide some compensation in advance to satisfy consumers."

Hearing this answer, Yue Hongsheng's eyes lit up slightly, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"Mr. Chen, it just so happens that we still have some small products that can be given to consumers as gifts."

Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction, Yue Hongsheng's mind was still spinning very fast.

However, he immediately added: "Not only can you give gifts, you can also hold a lottery event, and you can get a lottery chance when you buy it."

Chen Jianghai's purpose in doing this is very simple, that is, to make consumers feel that they have no losses.

As long as this idea is established, there is no fear that consumers will think that they will suffer.

Yue Hongsheng stood up directly and said impatiently, "Mr. Chen, then I'll make arrangements now!"

Qiuhai is very happy here, and Panasonic is a little confused.

After getting up in the morning and receiving the news, they couldn't accept it until the evening.

It is very unreasonable for this kind of thing to happen. Who would have thought that even though the price has dropped, the sales volume will drop along with it.

At this time, Panasonic felt that it was not a dream, and this happened.

After the next day's sales data came out, Panasonic's management couldn't sit still.

The sales volume is still declining, and the trend is becoming more and more obvious, and it does not mean to stop at all.

At this point, Panasonic realized that there must be something wrong.

If you don't figure it out, I really don't know if the price should continue to drop.

Subsequently, Panasonic began to send people to conduct market research.

What is the reason, so that the price of the product can not be sold.

After the investigation is completed, they will know exactly what is going on.

In the final analysis, today's consumers have learned and become very rational, and they pay attention to high quality and low price when buying things.

The era of blindly looking at brands to buy products like before is long gone.

Of course, such consumers are only for the electrical industry.

As for other industries, if this phenomenon wants to change, I am afraid it will take a long time.

After the investigation results came out, Panasonic finally found the reason.

Now that the cause is clear, the next step is to come up with countermeasures.

In the end, they unanimously decided to keep the price unchanged and continue to wait for the market's feedback.

The reason why consumers do not buy is simply because Qiuhai has not cut prices.

As long as Qiuhai does not cut prices in a few days, consumers will lose patience.

As a result, the sales of their products will definitely increase.

Consumers can wait three to five days to buy electrical appliances, but they will never wait too long.

If Qiuhai does not cut prices, consumption will definitely not wait any longer.

Consumers have no choice and end up buying their products.

Now the headache should be Qiuhai, whether to cut the price or not.

If you drop the price, you may encounter the same problems as Panasonic.

If you don't cut prices, Panasonic will dominate the market.

No matter what you choose, Qiuhai seems to suffer.

Panasonic's people are not stupid, they know that they must add fire at this time.

Only by roasting the autumn sea can we win faster.

In the next few days, there were not many consumers who came to Panasonic to make trouble.

Panasonic handled this matter beautifully and directly gave some compensation to consumers.

Consumers' demands have been satisfied, and naturally there will be no more troubles.

After waiting for a few days, consumers saw that there was no price reduction on Qiuhai's side, and many people bought Panasonic products directly.

Panasonic's sales are steadily increasing every day.

Seeing this statistic, and seeing that Qiuhai didn't move there, the people at Panasonic breathed a sigh of relief and were very happy at the same time.

Before that, they all wished that Qiuhai would immediately follow them to lower the price.

As for now, they wished that Qiuhai would not cut prices.

In this way, Panasonic can quickly occupy the market.

At the same time, many media began to publish news about Qiuhai.

The content of the news is very simple, that is, whether Qiuhai wants to reduce the price.

Don't look at the reports, each one thinks about Qiuhai one by one, but in fact, it is against Qiuhai.

If Qiuhai does not cut prices, it is not a good company.

What is even more outrageous is that the first half of the report is such a point of view.

But in the second half, the author's point of view changed again.

The second half believes that if Qiuhai reduces the price, it will hurt the feelings of consumers and violate the rights and interests of consumers.

In short, the author has finished speaking.

These news are naturally made by Panasonic.

When consumers came to Panasonic to make trouble, Chen Jianghai gave a big gift.

Such a thing, Panasonic naturally kept in mind.

Qiuhai didn't move, and Panasonic wanted to borrow this to see Qiuhai's reaction.

Panasonic thought very well, Chen Jianghai would naturally not let them Just when Panasonic was happy, Qiuhai suddenly made a new move.

The price of washing machines has dropped to the same level as Panasonic.

Qiuhai is ready here. At the same time as the price reduction is opened, a lottery event is also held.

As long as you buy Qiuhai's washing machine, you can get a chance to draw a lottery.

There are various prizes, most of which are Qiuhai's home appliances.

As for the first prize, consumers' eyes are red when they see it.