Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1653

Chapter 1653

Chapter 1653 This hand is really big (I wish everyone a happy New Year)

Chen Jianghai raised a finger and said, "In this way, let's invest 10 million in the early stage!"

"You are responsible for the research and development of car battery technology, and I will run the production license of electric vehicles here."

In Chen Jianghai's view, 10 million is just like a dollar, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Wang Yadi was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen, you must know that building a car is not a toy. It is not enough to have battery technology and a license plate."

"Yes, if you want to put electric vehicles on the road, there is a lot of technology in it. I think it will take at least ten or eight years for us to prepare from now on."

Chen Jianghai said directly.

Wang Yadi also thought about it, there is no need to be so anxious.

"Mr. Chen, are we looking for a partner?"

Wang Yadi immediately asked again.

Hearing Wang Yadi say this, Chen Jianghai said directly: "I don't think it's necessary. If we want to do it, we'll do a big one."

With all these years of preparation time, Biyati can fully work out the entire car production process step by step.

What partner to find, the whole process is in your own hands, isn't it delicious?

At first, Wang Yadi thought that Chen Jianghai wanted to use the cooperation model.

Biyati provides battery technology, and then finds a company that can build cars, and the two cooperate to build electric cars.

But now it seems that Chen Jianghai doesn't want to find another partner, and is still going to build a car factory by himself.

You must know that domestic car companies are basically joint ventures.

That is to say, China produces the market, and foreign capital produces technology.

Wanting to produce a car that belongs to Huaxia by yourself is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

After all, in terms of automotive technology, Huaxia is so backward that even the thought of catching up feels extravagant.

Wang Yadi pondered for a while and expressed his worries.

Hearing this question, Chen Jianghai said in a deep voice: "If Huaxia does not have this technology in one day, will we be strangled by them one day?"

This remark completely shocked Wang Yadi.

He did not expect that Chen Jianghai wanted to enter the auto industry because of this.

Patriotic entrepreneur, this title is really suitable for Chen Jianghai.

What Chen Jianghai said makes sense, Huaxia must have its own technology, so as not to be led by others.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said a very classic jingle in later generations, "As long as we can overtake on a corner, Biatie will have a place in the international auto industry in the future."

Chen Jianghai's remarks made Wang Yadi's blood boil.

Wang Yadi is naturally very willing to develop his own business and realize the value of life at the same time as he can contribute to the country.

After being excited, Wang Yadi said solemnly: "Mr. Chen, you know that if you do this, 10 million is far from enough."

If 10 million is used to develop batteries, it can only be considered so-so.

But if you have your own car production line, this amount of money is far from enough.

Chen Jianghai said disapprovingly: "You don't have to worry about the issue of funds. The amount I plan is enough to support our cause."

Not to mention the liquidity in Chen Jianghai's hands, it is enough that Chen Jianghai owns the company shares of those island countries.

Have the technology, funds, and direction, but are you afraid that you won't be able to develop super-first-class technology?

With Wang Yadi leading, Chen Jianghai believed that there would be no problem.

There is also a very important reason, that is, the current domestic situation is in the aftermath of the financial turmoil.

Many state-owned and foreign-funded enterprises are facing the risk of bankruptcy.

What they want to do most at this time is to sell all the companies in their hands.

As long as you can stop loss, that is the best.

This is the best time to do it now.

The most common material used in automobiles is naturally steel.

Just at this time, the domestic steel industry is encountering Waterloo.

Many domestic foreign investors want to sell all these loss-making enterprises in their hands.

Now most foreign companies are starting to withdraw their capital.

What cannot be removed can only be placed there as non-performing assets, leaving it alone.

Because if you continue to manage it, it means spending more money, which is not worth the loss.

If someone is willing to take over, they are naturally eager to take the shot as soon as possible.

Biatie can just take this opportunity to acquire these companies at a low price.

Maybe after such an acquisition war, the basic production framework of the entire car company can be established.

In this case, Biaatti may become the first car company in China to have the qualification to produce complete vehicles.

You must know that there are no national enterprises in Huaxia now that have the qualifications for full vehicle production.

This alone is enough to make Biyatie famous in the auto industry.

Of course, if you want consumers to pay, Biatie must show satisfactory results.

I have to say that Chen Jianghai played really big.

After Wang Yadi heard it, he was shocked by Chen Jianghai's generosity, and stared at him speechless.

Chen Jianghai really continued his usual style of doing things.

If you don't do it, you have to do your best.

A car company with vehicle manufacturing qualifications, how dare Chen Jianghai think so!

Cars are not home appliances, and a car will sell for hundreds of thousands, and the number of consumers is very limited.

If you want consumers to pay obediently, you must have excellent quality and extraordinary quality.

Once the created things can't be sold and lead to losses, it is absolutely astronomical.

Rao is like this, but Chen Jianghai doesn't compromise at all.

If you want to do it, you must do your best and become the number one existence.

As for losing money, that's what Wang Yadi needs to worry about.

In Chen Jianghai's words, it is impossible for him to worry about this kind of thing.

What Biaatti was able to do in his previous life, there will definitely be no problem in this life.

You know, the current Biaatti, but Qiuhai is behind him.

In terms of funding, there is absolutely no problem at all.

At present, Chen Jianghai has such a large amount of funds in his hands, just thinking about how to spend them all.

Investing in electric vehicles has a bright future and is definitely a good choice.

As for technology, Chen Jianghai has now quietly owned shares in the two fields of the island country.

At that time, even if some technology is used from these two island companies, it is not impossible.

With so many favorable factors, it would be unrealistic if Biaatti could not reach the level of his previous life.

Chen Jianghai firmly believes that with his own promotion, Biaatti can definitely achieve transcendence and stand higher.

Soon, Wang Yadi calmed down and corrected his mentality.

Since Chen Jianghai intends to do it, then of course he has nothing to Naturally, he must act firmly.

The reason is also very simple. Chen Jianghai gave him what he has achieved today.

Chen Jianghai had a kindness to him, and he has been thinking about how to repay it.

Now that Chen Jianghai wants to do such a big thing, he is naturally willing to go all out and spare no effort.

Thanks to the book friends for their support for one year, it broke out for a year, please slow down for a while during the Chinese New Year, everyone will spend more time with your family, and continue to explode after the year!

I wish everyone good health, a happy family, and a prosperous tiger in the Year of the Tiger!