Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1525

Chapter 1525

Chapter 1525 is just crazy

The charity auction started soon after intense preparations.

For this charity auction, Chen Jianghai has done a lot of preparations.

The most important of which is the media promotion.

The purpose of Chen Jianghai's actions is very simple, just to let more people know about it.

The purpose of participating in this charity auction is very simple, just for the sake of fame.

If the fame of this charity auction doesn't go up, it doesn't mean much to them.

At the same time, Chen Jianghai also hopes that more and more people will pay attention to charity.

In China today, there are still many backward and poor places.

With Chen Jianghai alone, his strength is still very limited after all, and he can't help so many places at all.

What Chen Jianghai has to do is to pass on this philanthropic concept in practical actions.

The more people who do charity work, the faster China's philanthropy can develop and benefit more disadvantaged groups.

Of course, this kind of thing is not achieved overnight, nor is it on a whim, it requires long-term persistence.

What Chen Jianghai hopes is to leave a seed of charity in the hearts of everyone as much as possible.

Someday when they have spare energy, they will take the initiative to contribute their own strength to make the society more harmonious.

A harmonious society is the development environment that these entrepreneurs desire most.

In addition, by doing this, Chen Jianghai can also conceal the real purpose of several tycoons who came to Pingshan.

As soon as this charity auction is held, many people will think that Chen Jianghai called these rich people over for this matter.

As for the other words, no one will think too much.

After learning that Chen Jianghai was going to hold a charity auction, the media really spared no effort to report it.

The last time Qiuhai did charity and public welfare, it was not very popular. Chen Jianghai is now doing it again. This is a proper hot event!

The news spread quickly, and on the first day, the entire Xijiang Province basically knew about it.

The next day, the whole country knew the news.

It is really a report related to Chen Jianghai, and the speed of dissemination is too fast.

For the media, it was a feast.

This is exactly what Chen Jianghai wanted.

For this charity auction, Chen Jianghai prepared a lot of things.

For example, some maintenance tools he used to repair electrical appliances before, and some books he had read, which were signed and ready to be put up for auction.

After receiving instructions from Chen Jianghai, these rich people also prepared a lot of things, which are very memorable.

At that time, as long as they auction each other's things belonging to each other, it will be regarded as a reputation.

The process is not important, as long as the money can be real and there is no problem.

Just focusing on this point, absolutely no one can say good or bad.

Chen Jianghai held this charity auction, the biggest purpose is for charity.

But for these tycoons, charity is incidental, and fame is the most important thing.

Besides, they really did charity, and they didn't cheat.

After learning about the charity auction, the local TV station in Hirayama hoped to broadcast it live.

This matter, Chen Jianghai did not immediately agree.

This charity auction does not involve him alone.

At the very least, it is necessary to seek the opinions of those rich people.

In fact, Chen Jianghai thinks too much, and those rich people are eager to be able to broadcast live.

Once it is broadcast live, people all over the country may pay attention to them.

It can be said that this time Chen Jianghai provided them with the best stage to show themselves.

And many people said that this event can be fixed and held every year.

Of course Chen Jianghai wouldn't mind this, and he agreed directly.

Now this incident is spreading all over the country.

The charity auction organized by the richest man in China is enough to attract the attention of many people.

On June 20, the charity auction held in the name of Chen Jianghai officially started.

All the media poured into the Red Star Hotel, hoping to get first-hand information.

Before the charity auction started, Chen Jianghai received a call from Fang Aiguo.

Fang Aiguo excitedly told Chen Jianghai that the Philippine side had reached the final stage and was about to end.

This time, the five billion dollars that Chen Jianghai brought in the past has turned into a super huge sum of money, more than 30 billion dollars!

Hearing this number, Chen Jianghai was very calm.

According to the development of the previous life, it is normal to be able to get these 30 billion US dollars.

But in Fang Aiguo's view, this is simply crazy.

Five billion US dollars, in less than two months, has soared to 30 billion US dollars, a full six-fold increase.

In Fang Aiguo's view, this is like a fantasy.

If someone told Fang Aiguo such a thing before, he would never believe it.

But now, the fact is happening in front of him, and Fang Aiguo has experienced it himself, so he has to believe it.

If this trend continues, Sotts will attack several more countries next.

So will Chen Jianghai's money continue to explode and double again?

Fang Aiguo's idea can only be said to be very beautiful and too idealistic.

However, Chen Jianghai knew that the money in the back was not so easy to make.

Apart from Malaysia, the remaining small countries cannot make much money.

After Malaysia, Sotts will focus on Hong Kong.

In this way, Chen Jianghai will naturally not cooperate with Sotts again.

The five billion dollars, at most, can rush to about 40 billion dollars.

This is the best result.

"Souters' next target is Malaysia, and then you can take a good rest."

Chen Jianghai reminded.

With the three lessons from Siam, Malaysia will give up resistance faster.

The speed is fast, which means that Fang Aiguo doesn't have much time to prepare, and he can't even put all the funds in his hand.

In this way, the money you make will naturally not be as much as before.

In fact, Chen Jianghai made a lot more money this time than Sotts, who was charging ahead.

Many Sotts didn't notice, or some places were beyond his reach, Chen Jianghai made preparations in advance.

Moreover, in the previous operations, Chen Jianghai always maximized his interests as much as possible, so that every cent of his funds showed absolute value.

To put it bluntly, Sost charged in front of the artillery fire, and Chen Jianghai was responsible for picking up bargains in the back, and of course more profits.

Fang Aiguo immediately stated: "Brother Hai, don't worry, I will keep an eye on this side."

For Fang Chen Jianghai is still very relieved.

After years of hard work, the good brother now has the ability to be on his own.

At least in the stock market, Fang Aiguo's intuition is still very accurate, and he has considerable control ability.

With him around, Chen Jianghai really doesn't have to worry much.

Moreover, Sotts has come to this point and has attracted a large number of speculators to follow.

As long as he doesn't make a move against Xiangjiang, and against other small countries, there is no possibility of failure at all.