Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476 sold a pass

"Jiang Hai, the food is ready, please invite Boss Bai to come and eat!"

Not long after, mother Wang Shufen shouted in the dining room.

Afterwards, everyone sat down at the dinner table.

Sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting with Chen Jianghai didn't feel anything wrong, but Bai Mingcheng, who was calm just now, suddenly seemed a little restrained at this moment.

Not everyone can eat at Chen Jianghai's house.

If it wasn't for Bai Xiaoyue's relationship, if he wanted to come to Chen Jianghai's house, he would definitely have to say hello in advance.

But Bai Xiaoyue thought it was troublesome, so she pulled Bai Mingcheng and came over.

Bai Xiaoyue was used to it, and Chen Jianghai treated him like a little sister, and naturally he didn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, he really liked Bai Xiaoyue's straightforward character.

As a young lady from a wealthy family, to be like Bai Xiaoyue is quite commendable in itself.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, it would be impossible for him to be no big or small like Bai Xiaoyue.

At the dinner table, Bai Mingcheng was a little reserved, but Bai Xiaoyue was very open.

Eating at Chen Jianghai's house is just a normal operation of hers.

According to what Lin Wanqiu said at the beginning, she could completely treat this place as her own home.

The only thing is that if she wants Chen Jianghai to cook, she has to find a way by herself.

In fact, Lin Wanqiu herself likes the meals made by Chen Jianghai very much, but as a wife, she feels that Chen Jianghai is too busy every day, and hopes that he can take a good rest.

So cooking such a thing, of course, can save the money.

Unless the mood comes, you can go down to the kitchen.

After eating, Bai Mingcheng and Bai Xiaoyue left directly.

Originally, Bai Xiaoyue wanted to stay a little longer, but unfortunately, Bai Mingcheng took him away.

Lin Wanqiu quietly asked Chen Jianghai why Bai Mingcheng came here.

Chen Jianghai did not hide the truth from Lin Wanqiu, and directly told Lin Wanqiu about finding a partner for Bai Xiaoyue.

"How do I look at Xiaoyue, as if I don't know anything about it?"

After hearing this, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but frown slightly.

Chen Jianghai spread his hands and said, "Bai Xiaoyue really doesn't know that Bai Mingcheng asked me for help without telling her."

Hearing this, Lin Wanqiu's face changed slightly, and she reminded with some worry: "You know Xiaoyue's temper, if it gets noisy, it will be bad."

Chen Jianghai shrugged helplessly: "Her father came to beg me, and I have no choice.

Anyway, I made it clear to him that I was only responsible for finding someone for him, and I was not responsible for the rest. "

Hearing this, Lin Wanqiu was still somewhat worried.

"Jiang Hai, why don't I tell Xiaoyue?

Let her be mentally prepared.

Also take a look at her attitude. "

Chen Jianghai waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, if you say it now, isn't Bai Xiaoyue coming to trouble me?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu also felt reasonable.

"I always feel that this is inappropriate."

Lin Wanqiu frowned and thought for a moment, but she was still worried.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, let Bai Mingcheng explain it to his daughter at that time!"

Lin Wanqiu thought about it too.

The incident happened between Bai Mingcheng and Bai Xiaoyue, the father and daughter. At most, there was a little conflict between the two of them.

If Chen Jianghai was also involved, it would be hard to say.

As the old saying goes, it is difficult for an honest official to cut off housework!

After Chen Jianghai returned to the company the next day, he called Yan Fei in.

"Xiaoyan, go and ask Xu Tianhe for me, I'll explain how his business is going."

Seeing this, Yan Fei hurriedly called Xu Tianhe to inquire about the progress of the matter.

It didn't take long for Yan Fei to come back with the news.

"Mr. Chen, Xu Tianhe said that he will be at the Red Star Hotel after the party, and there are too many people requesting membership, and he is still choosing.

After it is determined, he will give you a detailed membership list. "

Hearing this progress, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Chen Jianghai naturally didn't dare to be careless when choosing an object for Bai Xiaoyue.

"Tell him, when the members are confirmed, I will invite them to dinner."

Chen Jianghai followed the instructions.

Yan Fei nodded quickly, and then asked again, "Mr. Chen, do you need anything else to explain?"

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and said, "Also, let them bring their juniors together. Most of them may become partners in the future, so they can get to know each other in advance."

Chen Jianghai's request was somewhat strange to Yan Fei.

Of course, he didn't say much.

If Mr. Chen does this, he must have his own meaning.

He's a secretary, so he's just going to do it honestly.

After asking that Chen Jianghai had no other orders, Yan Fei went to do it.

Chen Jianghai's abacus is still pretty good.

When the time comes to call Bai Mingcheng and Bai Xiaoyue, this matter will be almost done.

As for who Bai Xiaoyue will take a fancy to in the end, it depends on who has a relationship with Bai Xiaoyue.

Pingshan is so big, it is impossible for Chen Jianghai to investigate one by one.

This is the best way he can think of right now.

If Bai Xiaoyue's eyes are too high, and none of them look right, then it can't be blamed on his head.

After all, things like feelings still depend on fate, and you can't force them.

At this moment, Fang Aiguo, who was far away in Siam, had already received the money from Chen Jianghai.

Before this, Fang Aiguo had been looking forward to it. Since Chen Jianghai, who has always been generous, has been preparing for so long, how much did he pay him this time?

One billion or two billion?

This question has been hidden in Fang Aiguo's heart for a long time.

It's a pity that when he asked before, Chen Jianghai deliberately sold him a pass.

Since Chen Jianghai didn't want to say it, he couldn't ask questions.

After guessing for so long, today, it is finally time to solve the mystery.

But when he saw the numbers, Fang Aiguo couldn't close his mouth.

Although he had some psychological preparations before this, Fang Aiguo didn't know until this moment that he still underestimated the courage of his brother Hai.

Last time in the stock market of the island country, Chen Jianghai commanded Fang Aiguo, and he earned a billion dollars in one go.

From childhood to adulthood, this is the biggest sum of money Fang Ao has seen.

Even when he saw the money, he was a little confused.

After knowing this number, Fang Aiguo was terrified.

He couldn't believe it, it was the money he made in the stock market.

In other words, this is the money earned through his hands.

For Fang Aiguo, this is an astronomical number after all.

Even after the storm of the stock market, it still feels a little unreal.

Fang Aiguo never thought that one day he would be able to participate in a one-billion-dollar stock market operation.

You must know that he is a person who graduated from elementary school, and he can actually take a billion dollars in the stock market!

Even Warren Buffett can't guarantee that he can make a billion in a short period of time with just one operation!

But under the arrangement and guidance of Chen Jianghai, Fang Aiguo just did it.

That is, from that day on, Fang Aiguo had a special love for the stock market.

He found that he liked the thrill of surfing up and down.

At the same time, it also strengthened his trust in Chen Jianghai.

Hai Ge is omnipotent!