Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1421

Chapter 1421

Chapter 1421 This kind of person is really pure

"Director Chen, why are you free to call me today?"

Chen Jianghai asked this knowingly.

Chen Qinshan laughed dryly: "Mr. Chen, there is something I want to talk to you about."

In fact, Chen Qinshan is very clear in his heart, and Chen Jianghai must know the purpose of his call today.

There is no clear statement now, but Chen Jianghai made it clear that he just wanted to listen to the conditions set out by Jingcheng University.

Chen Qinshan can also understand this.

If Qiuhai wants to put this R&D center in Jingcheng University, they must show some sincerity.

Otherwise, Qiu Hai would really suffer too much.

Presumably, Shuimu University will also offer generous conditions in order to win this R&D center.

In addition to their two universities, there are several well-established universities in the capital.

In order to strive for the top, these universities do not know what kind of efforts they have made.

Now that such an opportunity has finally appeared, how can they easily let it go?

In a word, if the sincerity of Jingcheng University is not enough, Chen Jianghai will definitely not consider putting this R&D center in Jingcheng University.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and asked knowingly, "I don't know what Director Chen wants to talk to me about today?"

"Jiang Hai, let's get straight to the point! Put the R&D center of your computer company in our Jingcheng University!"

Of course, Chen Qinshan didn't want to betray Chen Jianghai, and directly stated his intentions.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Director Chen, your news is very well-informed!"

"Professor Ni Xingyu made a call to each school today, can I not know?"

Chen Qinshan pouted, slightly helpless.

If it was someone else, it would definitely not be the same as Ni Xingyu, who would have done it with a single phone call.

However, Ni Xingyu has such a personality and doesn't like to go around at all, so he just said hello to the university he liked.

The meaning is also very clear. Qiuhai is going to build a research and development center. Do you have any ideas?

Ni Xingyu has no selfishness, he only thinks about scientific research.

As for the crooked intestines in business, he didn't want to think about it at all.

He is only responsible for spreading the news this time, and he doesn't want to take care of the rest.

What Ni Xingyu has to do is to wait for Chen Jianghai to negotiate, and then he pulls people to set up a scientific research center.

At this moment, he just settled down to do the relevant preparatory work.

Chen Jianghai said deliberately: "This old Ni, what do you want me to say about him! I'm afraid only such an upright old gentleman can do such a thing!"

"Mr. Chen, if you want us to have any sincerity, just say it directly."

Chen Qinshan is also a person who has no guts, so he said straight to the point.

Hearing Chen Qinshan say this, Chen Jianghai burst into laughter.

Chen Qinshan's behavior is similar to that of Ni Xingyu.

People like them are really pure.

One is engaged in scientific research and the other is engaged in academics, both are obsessed with their own pursuits.

As for the rest, they don't care much.

If other people came to negotiate, they would definitely not reveal their cards at once like they did.

Chen Qinshan went too far. Not only did he reveal his trump card, but he also asked Chen Jianghai to make random demands.

"Haha, Director Chen, if you do this, your principal will not be angry?"

While Chen Jianghai sighed, he couldn't help but joke.

Chen Qinshan said nonchalantly, "He asked me to come here. It's not that he doesn't know what my character is."

I have to say that Chen Qinshan's answer surprised Chen Jianghai a little.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while, then said, "Director Chen, let me hear your sincerity first!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Qinshan also understood what he meant.

This shows that we are doing business, let's listen to the price first.

When the price is high, Chen Jianghai will cooperate with whomever.

In this way, Qiuhai can maximize the benefits.

And there will be a fierce game between these selected objects, constantly prompting them to offer the best conditions.

Chen Qinshan also knew that he was at a disadvantage, but there was nothing he could do.

Now Qiuhai has invested too much in research and development. If any university can have Qiuhai's research and development center, then the faculty will go up at once.

This is definitely a huge opportunity for every college.

At this time, Chen Qinshan also knew that if he couldn't come up with enough favorable conditions, Chen Jianghai would not necessarily choose Jingcheng University.

Even if Jingcheng University is one of the top universities in the country, it is useless.

Because of this, Chen Jianghai didn't care at all.

Qiuhai's R&D center, no matter which school it is set up in, will greatly enhance the school.

On the contrary, the conditions of the school itself are only a secondary factor.

As long as it's not too bad, it should be within Chen Jianghai's consideration.

What era is it now?

It's the age of technology.

If Qiuhai can really have his own exclusive technology in the computer industry, such achievements will definitely attract the attention of the world.

If a school can participate in such research and development, for the whole school, both its reputation and income will be greatly improved.

If there is such an opportunity, once an ordinary school wins it, it can definitely squeeze into the ranks of elite schools.

If it is a famous school itself, then its ranking among the famous schools will definitely improve a lot.

If it is an existence like Jingcheng University and Shuimu University that is originally one of the best, maybe it can really claim the throne of the famous school.

Such temptation is too great for these schools.

More importantly, if you really cooperate with Qiuhai, the benefits will definitely be many.

Not to mention other things, Qiuhai will definitely not be stingy if it is just financial support.

With Qiuhai's wealth, it is not difficult at all to invest tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds in the school every year.

Cooperating with Qiuhai means having funds and R&D advantages.

For any famous school in China, it is absolutely impossible to refuse, and must do everything possible to fight for it.

"Mr. Chen, the principal told me that our school is solely responsible for the construction of the R&D center."

Such conditions, for other companies, may be quite tempting.

However, for Qiuhai, it is nothing more than saving a little money, and it is not really attractive.

Chen Jianghai did not speak, waiting for Chen Qinshan's next words.

Chen Qinshan also knew about this, and he certainly couldn't impress Chen Jianghai.

In terms of money, Qiu Hai is really not worried at all now.

How much does a R&D center cost to build?

The most expensive is the equipment inside, not the building.

Chen Qinshan continued: "We will send a certain number of professionals to the R&D center every year to cooperate with you in better R&D."

This is a good condition for Qiuhai.