Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401 The purpose is very simple

When Zong Daming came this time, he actually had an idea, and that was to test Chen Jianghai.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your opponent, you will be safe in a hundred battles.

Only by finding out Chen Jianghai's true intentions can Zong Daming be better prepared for Wahaha.

After all, Qiu Hai is too strong now, he must plan ahead and think about the next countermeasures.

The arrival of Zong Daming can be said to have stirred up a thousand layers with one stone.

The big guys in front had a pretty good relationship with Qiuhai.

Ning Ruifeng was Qiuhai's competitor before, but that was in the past.

Now Qiuhai and Changhong are not on the same level at all.

In their opinion, Ning Ruifeng came here this time because he was soft.

In this case, the reporters expressed their understanding.

There are no eternal enemies in the business, only eternal interests.

Changhong has already been defeated, and Qiuhai really doesn't need to kill them all.

Moreover, judging from Changhong's current situation, Qiuhai doesn't need to do anything at all, and it won't last long by itself.

In this case, Ning Ruifeng came here to make fun, and everyone felt that there was no problem.

As for Liu Mingzhi, in fact, there is not much competition with Qiuhai.

Some people have rumored that the two families are at odds, but there is no evidence, and it is understandable for others to come.

But Zong Daming is now taking Wahaha to compete with Jiamei. You must know that the big boss behind Jiamei is Chen Jianghai.

The two are now in an adversarial relationship, and it's a very tense one.

The price war between Jiamei and Wahaha in the market is in full swing.

No matter which side wins, it will occupy the entire children's beverage market and stand out.

The media also know that under such circumstances, Wahaha will not let go easily.

Then Wahaha teamed up with Danone and began to fight Qiuhai and Jiamei together.

Under such circumstances, Zong Daming's arrival today really surprised everyone.

To congratulate the opponent, what is this operation?

The reporters all had doubts on their faces. They stared at Zong Daming, as if they wanted to see something on his face.

At this moment, there was nothing on Zong Daming's face except a smile.

Since he was here to congratulate others, he naturally had to put away his hostility and show his due attitude.

The enemy in the shopping mall, Zong Daming is here now, that is Qiuhai's guest.

Yue Hongsheng once again expressed his surprise at the arrival of this big man, and then looked as usual, walked up quickly and said with a smile: "President Zong, welcome."

A simple sentence, neither deliberate nor enthusiastic.

In the final analysis, the two are enemies, and it is enough to pass them in face.

To be honest, there is really no such thing.

And if you do it too much.

On the contrary, it will be criticized for being too fake.

"Mr. Yue, you Qiuhai have entered the world's top 500 list. As a member of Huaxia Enterprise, how can I not be present at such a grand event?"

Zong Daming laughed.

Hearing Zong Daming say this, Yue Hongsheng didn't care.

That being said, I am afraid that only Zong Daming knows what he is thinking.

"President Zong, please come inside."

Yue Hongsheng raised his hand and said.

Zong Daming nodded, then walked to the red carpet with his head held high.

Seeing Zong Daming's appearance, some reporters couldn't hold back, leaned out and shouted, "Mr. Zong, why are you here?

Is it purely for congratulations? "

Seeing that the reporter was so excited, the security guard next to him immediately went over to remind the reporter.

Yue Hongsheng explained very clearly that there must be no problem with today's red carpet ceremony.

Qiuhai has already prepared the corresponding visit link, but it is definitely not now.

Otherwise, once these reporters are left to their own devices, it may cause chaos.

After all, many of the people invited today are the people that reporters are eager to interview. Once the reporters get crazy, they can do anything.

Hearing this question, Zong Daming smiled slightly and walked over to the reporter generously.

"Since you asked this question, I can answer your question first."

Hearing what Zong Daming said, the surrounding reporters hurriedly surrounded him, all the recording pens in their hands stretched out in front of Zong Daming's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Yue Hongsheng frowned slightly, hesitated, but still didn't choose to stop it.

In this case, Zong Daming had to answer this question himself, and if Yue Hongsheng tried to stop him, Qiuhai would seem to have no bearing.

"The purpose of my coming here today is very simple, that is, to celebrate Qiuhai becoming a Fortune 500 company."

Zong Da clearly stated his purpose.

Hearing this answer, the reporters' faces were full of disappointment.

Originally, they thought there was some shocking news, but they didn't expect Zong Daming's answer to be so perfunctory.

This is somewhat difficult for them to accept.

To be honest, no one would believe this answer.

After he finished speaking, Zong Daming left.

Even if there are reporters who want to continue to ask questions, there is no chance.

They can't rush to the red carpet and hold on to people.

This completely violated the rules set by Qiuhai in advance, and he might be invited out directly.

After signing his name, Zong Daming also came to the venue.

Looking at so many business celebrities in the venue, Zong Daming's face was a little ugly.

The better Qiuhai develops, the worse it will be for Wahaha.

In the shareholders' meeting two days ago, Zong Daming tried his best to appease those shareholders.

After some persuasion by Zong Daming, the shareholders were finally successfully persuaded by him.

However, Zong Daming clearly knows that this is a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes.

There are only two ways to reassure these shareholders.

One is to end this price war as soon as possible.

The second is that Wahaha has won the final victory from this war.

According to Zong Daming, this second method cannot be completed in a short period of time.

But if he chose the first method, Zong Daming himself would not be reconciled.

It was unacceptable for him to suddenly give up after fighting for so long.

With Zong Daming's strong character, naturally he can't suffer such a dumb loss.

Thinking of this, Zong Daming felt a little uncomfortable.

Now Wahaha is really in a dilemma, he doesn't know how to choose.

External pressure from Internal drag from shareholders makes Zong Daming a little powerless.

Coming here today, Zong Daming was in the mood to inquire about the news, and at the same time wanted to get to know his opponent up close.

But when he saw these business celebrities in the room, Zong Daming's heart became heavy.

There are some people here who have the financial resources and resources in their hands that he also needs to look up to.

But now these people are gathered together to congratulate Qiuhai, the world's top 500.

Qiuhai's development is so good now that it has exceeded everyone's expectations.