Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-six chapters want to find a direction

Li Minghong is currently working as a core engineer at infoseel.

With his personal ability, he already owns more than 700,000 stock options in the Dow Jones subsidiary, which are all shares he has exchanged with IT technology.

After Li Minghong graduated in the United States, he first worked on Wall Street for several years, and then entered Silicon Valley.

As soon as he entered Silicon Valley, Li Minghong showed amazing talent.

In just a few years, he emerged in Silicon Valley and owned his own villa and luxury car.

At the same time, his wife, Ma Dongxin, is a Ph.D. from the United States who graduated from the juvenile class of the National People's Congress. She also works in a high-tech company in Silicon Valley and receives a generous annual salary every year.

It can be said that these two couples have achieved goals that many people can't achieve in their entire lives.

Li Minghong, who came from an ordinary family in China, is already a successful person who can be like this at the age of 30.

Even if he didn't create Qiandu later, his life was much more exciting than the average person.

In fact, since 1995, Li Minghong has returned to China to inspect the Internet market every year.

As a senior Internet engineer with a bright future, Li Minghong's idea of entrepreneurship has never been abandoned.

It's just that his career in the United States is too smooth, so he can't give up.

In the end, why did Li Minghong decide to leave the United States and return to China to found Qiandu? Let me talk about the arrogant and short-sighted executives of Dow Jones.

These high-level executives are really too short-sighted. They don't want to do a good search field, and they have to invest a lot of money and resources to make portals.

In the eyes of Li Minghong, who has already seen the future trend of the Internet, this is simply a mindless behavior.

If it weren't for this, Dow Jones transitioned to search earlier, and there would be no Google in the back.

The short-sightedness of the leaders made Li Minghong completely disappointed with them, and he resolutely gave up his bright future in the United States.

He made up his mind to no longer be restricted by these laymen, to return to China to start a business, and to build an Internet empire of his own.

"Mr. Chen, are you listening to me?"

Ma Tian asked.

Just now Chen Jianghai was thinking about Li Minghong and forgot to answer Ma Tian.

"What is he looking for from me?"

Chen Jianghai asked directly.

Ma Tian immediately replied: "Mr. Chen, he just wants to talk to you about the Internet, and maybe he wants to talk to you about cooperation."

Hearing Ma Tian's answer, Chen Jianghai nodded slightly.

He guessed that Li Minghong came to him for this matter.

Chen Jianghai also wanted to meet Li Minghong, have a good chat with him, and even pave the way for future investment in Qiandu.

So he said very cheerfully: "I'm currently at the Black Swan Restaurant at No. 23 Wall Street, please let him come directly!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will inform him now."

Seeing Chen Jianghai put down the phone, Lin Wanqiu asked curiously, "Jiang Hai, is there something wrong?"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "It's a small matter, just have a meal and chat, it won't affect our next arrangement."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

When Lin Wanqiu and Huanhuan had almost eaten, a tall, thin man in his mid-thirties walked in from outside with a somewhat bookish air.

This person is Li Minghong.

He saw Chen Jianghai at a glance.

In the entire restaurant, Chen Jianghai's table is Chinese, and it is naturally very recognizable.

Moreover, he has also seen photos of Chen Jianghai in the newspaper, which can be said to be a long-time friend.

"Mr. Chen, hello!"

Li Minghong stepped forward and took the initiative to extend his hand to say hello.

Chen Jianghai shook hands and said with a smile, "You are Li Minghong and Li Gong."

"Yes, yes, it's me."

Li Minghong was a little excited.

There is a reason for Li Minghong's excitement.

He admires Chen Jianghai quite a lot.

Chen Jianghai is younger than him, but he has already created a business empire of his own.

Now even on the Forbes list of the world's top 500, it can be said to be in full swing.

On the other hand, he is still working for others. Although he is paid handsomely, he has to suffer all kinds of devaluation.

Many of his own ideas have also been abandoned and cannot be realized at all.

This gap makes Li Minghong often push himself to start his own business, build his own kingdom, and put his ideas into practice little by little.

In order to be able to start his own business, Li Minghong returns to China once a year to inspect the domestic Internet market.

But after running so many times, he could not find an entry point that would satisfy him.

Either this condition is inappropriate, or that condition is not allowed.

I have to admit that the current domestic Internet investment environment is too bad to support the idea of an Internet entrepreneur like Li Minghong.

After all, the Internet is still a fairly new thing for Chinese people. It is temporarily limited by network speed and economic conditions, and it has not really spread.

Therefore, not only Li Minghong, but other Chinese entrepreneurs who have made achievements in the Internet industry can only stay away.

However, as soon as he returned to China in 1994, Li Minghong had to hear the name Chen Jianghai.

At first, Li Minghong didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, China's economy at that time was still very backward compared to the United States.

Even if Qiuhai led by Chen Jianghai had achieved some fame and achieved some achievements in China, Li Minghong still looked down on him.

It was not until Qiuhai's products began to sell well in the United States that Li Minghong really began to pay attention to Chen Jianghai.

When he returned to China later, Li Minghong heard Chen Jianghai more than once.

Now, even if Li Minghong is in the United States, he can often hear Chen Jianghai's name.

Li Minghong is paying more and more attention to Chen Jianghai.

And this time Qiuhai Group was listed in the Forbes Fortune Global 500, which deeply shocked him.

After learning about Chen Jianghai's past, Li Minghong was in awe.

It is really hard to imagine that Chen Jianghai, a young man in his twenties with no background, can start from scratch, and in just a few years, he has made the Qiuhai Group such a powerful state.

At this time, Li Minghong really regarded Chen Jianghai as the goal and idol of his business.

In his opinion, only as successful as Chen Jianghai can he not waste his talent.

With this thought in mind, he finally met the legendary Chen Jianghai today.

Finally seeing the real person, Li Minghong was still very excited.

At this time, Chen Jianghai is definitely an idol-like existence for most of the young people in China.

Which aspiring youth does not want to create a career of their own?

Li Minghong is the same.

He also fantasized about being able to have his own career. In this era of earth-shaking and ever-increasing innovation, it is not a waste of life to leave a rich and colorful stroke.

However, he has developed very well in the United States, and he has all the family business.

At this time, he was a little reluctant to let him abandon everything here and return to China to start from scratch.

When I came to Chen Jianghai today, he just wanted to find a direction.