Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-six chapters a stone stirred up a thousand waves

Is that where Chen Jianghai drank?

Or the place where Chen Jianghai didn't drink?

Thinking of this, Chen Shuyao couldn't help but secretly glanced at Chen Jianghai.

It happened that Chen Jianghai was looking at her with a smile, and the eyes of the two met at once.

Chen Shuyao immediately lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Chen Jianghai's eyes.

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, and asked worriedly, "Shu Yao, are you uncomfortable?"

"No no!"

Chen Shuyao was a little flustered, she quickly picked up the bottle and took a sip.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

This time, I drank too quickly, I choked directly, and suddenly coughed violently.

Especially when she found out that the place she drank just now was exactly what Chen Jianghai drank before.

In other words, two people are equal to indirectly kissing?

Thinking of this, Chen Shuyao's cough became even worse, and her face flushed red.

Seeing Chen Shuyao coughing so badly, Chen Jianghai quickly reached out and patted her back.

"Shu Yao, are you alright?"

After coughing several times in a row, Chen Shuyao stopped, feeling much better.

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask, "What happened to you today?"

"It's nothing, I just drank too quickly."

Chen Shuyao explained with a blushing face.

As for the real reason, she naturally wouldn't tell Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai asked, "How do you think it tastes?"

Hearing this question, Chen Shuyao blushed again.

She was so chaotic in her head just now that she didn't even taste it.

Chen Shuyao hurriedly said, "I choked just now, but I didn't taste it. I'll drink it again."

After speaking, Chen Shuyao quickly picked up the drink and prepared to try again.

This time she was very careful and slowly raised the drink bottle to her mouth.

Only at this time did she realize that the place she wanted to drink was the place where Chen Jianghai had drank before.

Chen Shuyao's heart swayed, and she almost choked again.

Fortunately, this time I finally tasted it.

Afterwards, Chen Shuyao's eyes lit up slightly, as if it really tasted better than Wahaha's children's oral liquid!

"Jianghai, it tastes good!"

Chen Shuyao couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and said, "You can make another one according to President Chen's recipe just now!

"In addition, it is best to do a comparison and find out the ratio with the best taste.

Let's do our best! Whoever tunes out the best will get double the bonus this month! "

When the boss spoke, these people naturally didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly went to make drinks.

Originally, their bonuses are not low, and it would not be too cool if they doubled.

Seeing Chen Shuyao like this, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and it seemed that there was no problem.

"Shu Yao, do you think we are qualified to use this product to compete with Wahaha?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Hearing this question, Chen Shuyao nodded without hesitation: "There must be!"

Then Chen Shuyao frowned again: "But now the market has been occupied by Wahaha, we want to grab the market from him, I am afraid it is not so simple."

"Don't be afraid of this, as long as there are products, there will be opportunities."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, but there was a determined smile on his face.

As if what he had just said was a sure-fire fact.

Chen Shuyao couldn't help but be infected, and subconsciously agreed with his statement.

Chen Jianghai certainly has the confidence to say so.

Now Wahaha, of course, has a booming presence in terms of beverages.

Especially after it cooperates with Danone, with the injection of funds, it is even more so.

If other domestic beverage industries want to compete with it, the probability of winning is too low.

But Chen Jianghai knew very well in his heart that Wahaha and Danone, who are now glued together, will turn against Bo in court in a few years.

If Jiamei can occupy a certain market at that time, it will have the opportunity to compete with Wahaha.

"Jiang Hai, what's the name of this product?"

Chen Shuyao asked suddenly.

Chen Jianghai said casually, "Let's call Jiamei Calcium Milk!"

Jiamei calcium milk...

Chen Shuyao repeated the name, her eyes lit up slightly, and nodded in agreement.

A few days later, the matter of Jiamei and Wahaha has been almost forgotten.

At this moment, such a news suddenly appeared in the news paper.

The content of the report is about Wahaha's flagship product. Is Wahaha Oral Liquid a food or a medicine?

After seeing such a report, the first reaction of many people is, does this make any difference?

According to the report, when Wahaha promotes its products, it says that it is pure natural, but additives such as flavors can be added.

Moreover, the nutrient solution has been promoting appetizers and treating children not to eat. Is this kind of thing a medicine or a food?

This simple and straightforward question can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves.

Someone responded quickly.

If Wahaha Oral Liquid is just a food, when promoting it, Wahaha said it can be appetizing.

If it is a drug, it contradicts Wahaha's positioning of it.

This made many people suspicious of Wahaha Oral Liquid.

Especially those consumers of Wahaha Oral Liquid.

All of these things have entered their children's stomachs, and they are naturally very concerned about safety issues.

Regarding this Wahaha oral liquid, it was said in the promotion that drinking this can make children's appetite better and their bodies stronger.

At first, when parents heard such an advertisement, they were naturally very happy and quickly bought it for their children to drink.

Although it's not cheap.

However, for the sake of their children, many parents with financial conditions are happy to spend money on it.

At that time, consumers simply thought that Wahaha Oral Liquid was a drink that could promote digestion and was good for children's bodies.

Now it seems that it is not so simple.

As the saying goes, medicine is poisonous.

If Wahaha Oral Liquid is a medicine, will it have a bad effect on the child's body?

Thinking of this, consumers who have been buying Wahaha Oral Liquid for their children for a long time can't sit still.

They urgently need Wahaha to stand up and give them an explanation.

For a while, consumers had serious doubts about the Wahaha brand.

Under this suspicion, the sales of Wahaha Oral Liquid plummeted sharply.

Before they understand the positioning of this product, consumers naturally dare not buy it easily.

Then what really went It will be too late to find someone again.

This incident also attracted the attention of relevant departments, and they also organized personnel to investigate.

When Wahaha reported it, it said that this product was just food.

Now that consumers are reacting so strongly, this matter needs to be redefined.

Because if it is a drug, the requirements are much stricter.

It is unknown whether this oral liquid can pass the drug inspection standards.