Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143 There is only one thing I think about

You must know that Qiuhai has far fewer employees than Apple Kang, and the number is only about one-sixth of that of Apple Kang.

But these one-sixth people create annual sales that are dozens of times that of Apple Health.

Comparing the two, Qiuhai is definitely a behemoth for Apple Kang.

Among them, Guo Pinchao admired the most, that is, Chen Jianghai, Qiuhai, at the helm.

Guo Pinchao knew that Qiu Haineng could have the current scale, and he could not do without the soul of Chen Jianghai.

At this time, Guo Pinchao was quite happy to have the opportunity to cooperate with Qiuhai.

With the current scale of Qiuhai and the potential for future development, I believe that as long as we can cooperate, it will definitely be a great thing for Apple Kang, and cooperation will benefit both.

After the two sat down, Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Mr. Guo, your company is developing better and better now!"

Chen Jianghai's words were not aimless, but wanted to tell Guo Pinchao that he had almost inquired about Apple Kang's details.

In this case, when Guo Pinchao quoted a price later, he naturally did not dare to be too high.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Guo Pinchao hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, no matter how well Apple Kang develops, it can't compare to Qiuhai!"

What Guo Pinchao said is also true.

At this time, Apple Health's technology park in Shencheng has just begun to be established.

At the same time, they also received strong support from the Shencheng government.

These are definitely the two most important things this year for Apple Health.

With the support of the government, Apple Kang's future development will certainly not be bad.

Don't look at the development prospects of Apple Kang is so good, but if you compare it with Qiuhai, it really is nothing.

In China, Qiuhai can be said to be the number one in the electrical industry.

In foreign countries, it has also opened up a considerable overseas market.

According to Guo Pinchao's information, in the overseas market alone, Qiuhai's sales are more than ten times that of Apple Kang.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Mr. Guo is too modest. I heard that your head office is going to be listed. Congratulations in advance."

"Mr. Chen is joking. In fact, if Qiuhai wants to go public, it will not be a matter of minutes."

Guo Pinchao laughed.

With the current scale and development of Qiuhai, it is indeed not difficult to want to go public.

And Guo Pinchao believes that the stock price of Qiuhai will never be low after listing.

Because Qiuhai has an excellent reputation among consumers, and its development in all aspects is remarkable. Once it is listed, it will definitely be sought after by countless shareholders, and the price will naturally rise all the way.

Unfortunately, Qiuhai doesn't seem to have any intention of going public.

For this, Guo Pinchao is quite envious.

Some people struggle all their lives, maybe just for the company to go public.

But here in Chen Jianghai, there is no need at all.

The reason is also very simple, people are not short of money at all.

Thinking of the listing, Guo Pinchao has a bit of a shadow in his heart.

The listing of Apple Health means that the company's development will get better and better.

For Guo Pinchao personally, it means that his shares will be diluted as a result.

Today, Guo Pinchao occupies more than 70% of the company's shares, worthy of the name of the largest shareholder.

After the listing, this situation will undergo major changes.

Regarding this point, Guo Pinchao is also powerless.

If you want the company to grow, you have to make the necessary sacrifices.

After a few chats between the two, they got to the point.

Chen Jianghai said directly: "Mr. Guo, let's get down to business and talk about cooperation!"

"Mr. Chen, this is our quotation table."

Guo Pinchao didn't talk nonsense, and took out a document directly from his bag.

After knowing that it was possible to cooperate with Qiuhai, Guo Pinchao made the quotation list overnight.

The purpose is also very clear, the cooperation with Qiuhai must be won!

Now he directly took out this document to show his sincerity.

Chen Jianghai took a deep look at Guo Pinchao with a smile on his face.

After watching for a while, Chen Jianghai was very surprised.

In general, Guo Pinchao's quotations far exceeded Chen Jianghai's expectations.

Take DVD as an example, Chen Jianghai transferred it to other foundries, and the cost of one set is about 500 yuan.

Guo Pinchao directly lowered the price to 450 yuan.

A full 50 yuan cheaper, it can be said to save a lot of cost.

Seeing this number, Chen Jianghai couldn't help nodding secretly, the legendary foundry king really deserved his reputation.

In Chen Jianghai's opinion, in this era, it is quite good to be able to control the cost of DVD to around 500 yuan.

However, Guo Pinchao gave him such a big surprise, and directly dropped fifty yuan on this basis.

Chen Jianghai knew that if Guo Pinchao dared to make such an offer, it meant that it was still profitable.

If there is not enough profit, will Apple Kang give Qiu Haibai a part-time job?

Even in order to show sincerity, it is not necessary.

And in business, Chen Jianghai can be sure that this is definitely not Guo Pinchao's final reserve price.

People like Guo Pinchao will not show his low price as soon as they come up.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, put the quotation on the table, and said calmly, "Mr. Guo, this price is a bit high!"

Hearing this, Guo Pinchao immediately sold out.

"Mr. Chen, you have to think about it for me! If we take over this cooperation, we have to buy a lot of new equipment and recruit a lot of employees. The initial cost is too high."

Guo Pinchao felt that he had already lowered the price.

And Chen Jianghai is probably just a test.

After all, the sky-high asking price has to be paid back, which is nothing to say.

And he also wanted to win Chen Jianghai's sympathy by selling miserably.

As long as Chen Jianghai softens, he will make money.

From Guo Pinchao's point of view, Chen Jianghai is so young, he must not see a man of his age selling miserably in front of him.

However, in Chen Jianghai's view, Guo Pinchao's actions were a bit naive.

Do you want to let yourself go by shouting a few words?

Just dreaming!

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Mr. Guo, cost control is something you have to consider. There is only one thing I consider, and that is price."

Hearing this, Guo Pinchao blushed.

Only then did Guo Pinchao remember that Chen Jianghai, who had created countless miracles, was in front of him.

Don't look at the young but the boss is very good at means.

Obviously, he can't be seen as a young man.

Therefore, this trick of your own, in front of others, can it work?

Guo Pinchao frowned and thought for a while, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Chen, wait for me to do the calculation again, try to reduce the cost, and give you a price, what do you think?"

Guo Pinchao is not stupid. He can't lower the price when Chen Jianghai says he is not satisfied with the price, right?

If you do this, then the business really can't be negotiated.