Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1123

Chapter 1123

Chapter 1123 I don't care, I can't care

Watching Chen Jianghai leave, Yue Hongsheng turned his head and said to Qiu Shuyi earnestly, "Xiao Qiu, the impact of this incident is very bad. It will be reported to the whole company. Prepare yourself mentally."

"I see, Mr. Yue, thank you."

Qiu Shuyi nodded with shame on her face.

Last time, Mr. Yue also killed his relatives righteously, but he did not learn his lesson and repeated the same mistakes.

Yue Hongsheng followed up: "Wait, get all the information on the washing machine project and bring a copy. I need to take a look first."

Hearing this, Qiu Shuyi bit her lip and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Yue."

Yue Hongsheng waved his hand: "Okay, you go to work first!

But he, like Chen Jianghai, ignored Qiu Zhihong at all.

Depressed Qiu Shuyi returned to her office with her somewhat resentful younger brother Qiu Zhihong.

"Sister, what should I do now?"

As soon as he entered the office, Qiu Zhihong hurriedly asked.

Being fired like this, he really couldn't believe it.

Being Qiu Shuyi's assistant is really cool.

When I tell my friends these days, everyone is full of envy.

Many people are also extraordinarily flattering, hoping to help them in the future and bring them into the Qiuhai Group to work.

Qiu Zhihong naturally agreed.

Now that he was expelled directly, if his friends found out, where would his face be hung?

Of course Qiu Shuyi didn't know what her brother was thinking at the moment, she waved her hand weakly and said, "What else can I do?

you go home! "

"Sister, Dad said that you are responsible for arranging my work!"

Where would Qiu Zhihong be reconciled, he said with his eyes wide open.

Qiu Shuyi frowned: "Mr. Chen is here in person, which means that the whole Qiuhai will not want you anymore."

"Sister, I don't care about this! In short, you promised Dad that you must find a way to deal with this matter no matter what.

If I get fired, I don't have the face to go out and meet people. "

Qiu Zhihong, like a rogue, lay directly on the sofa and said relentlessly.

When Qiu Shuyi saw this scene, the anger in her heart also rose directly.

She roared out directly: "What do you want to do, if you still treat me as a sister, just go home to me obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Qiu Shuyi was also full of sadness and anger at the moment.

For Qiu Zhihong's sake, she took care of everything about the project by herself, worked overtime and worked tirelessly.

In the end, she got such a reward, not to mention how uncomfortable she was.

The point is, her younger brother really can't support the wall with mud.

If he was a little more sensible, a little self-motivated, and able to perform in the company, he would definitely not be in this situation today.

Thinking about it, Qiu Shuyi is also too regretful.

In the beginning, he should have bitten to death and refused to let go, and resolutely refused to agree to his father's request.

"Sister, Dad said, you..."

Seeing Qiu Shuyi's attitude, Qiu Zhihong moved Qiu Mingsheng out again.

Just halfway through his words, Qiu Shuyi on the opposite side exploded, waving her hands and roaring: "Enough, you know how to use Dad to press me, what else can you do other than this!"

Seeing Qiu Shuyi who was furious like a little tiger, Qiu Zhihong was too frightened to say anything.

In my impression, Qiu Shuyi has always been very gentle and very talkative.

Such anger had never been stirred before.

Qiu Shuyi turned around, picked up the phone, and dialed her father, Qiu Mingsheng.

"Shuyi, your brother he..."

Qiu Mingsheng was interrupted by Qiu Shuyi before he could finish speaking.

"You'd better come over now and take him to me."

Qiu Shuyi said coldly.

Hearing this, Qiu Mingsheng on the other end of the phone was startled and quickly asked, "What happened?"

My daughter has never spoken to him like this since she was a child.

It seems that he is really in trouble, and it is 100% caused by his son Qiu Zhihong.

I just don't know how serious it is to make my daughter so angry?

"You ask him yourself, I don't care, I can't care.

Otherwise, I am also in danger. "

After speaking, Qiu Shuyi hung up the phone directly.

Soon, Qiu Zhihong's cell phone rang.

At this time, the caller was, of course, his father, Qiu Mingsheng.

Qiu Zhihong didn't dare not answer.

In fact, even if Qiu Mingsheng didn't call, he would still call to complain.

"Zhihong, tell me quickly, what's going on, why did your sister say that?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Qiu Mingsheng's anxious voice rang.

At this time, Qiu Zhihong, who was originally full of grievances, didn't dare to hide it, and told everything that happened just now.

Qiu Mingsheng never expected that this would turn out to be like this.

Before, he just wanted to use his daughter's status in Qiuhai to let her find an easy job for his son.

I didn't expect my son to be so unsatisfactory. He used to mess around and was still sleeping in the office. What's more, he was seen by the company's leaders.

This is good, my son's job is completely hopeless.

The key is that the daughter was also implicated, and she was unlucky.

Qiu Mingsheng didn't want to see such a thing happen.

After all, from the very beginning, he thought that if the Qiu family wanted to regain their brilliance, they would definitely have no hope of relying on their own son.

On the contrary, his daughter Qiu Shuyi is very competitive, so he wants this sister to bring a little brother.

Qiu Mingsheng knew that if he forced his daughter again, it would be too much.

More importantly, the current expenses of the family are basically provided by the daughter.

If the daughter loses this job, the family's life will be difficult.

Qiu Shuyi frowned and didn't say a word while listening to the conversation between the two.

Thinking of Chen Jianghai's disappointed eyes just now, Qiu Shuyi felt more and more uncomfortable.

Before, she swore to Chen Jianghai that she would work harder and do a good job in the washing machine project.

I didn't expect to make such a big mistake now for the sake of family love.

To make matters worse, what she did was against the company's regulations.

A company-wide notification, which can be said to be a stain on her career.

Thinking of this, Qiu Shuyi felt very uncomfortable and regretful.

She lived up to Chen Jianghai's expectations and her trust.

Not long after Qiu Zhihong put down the phone, Qiu Shuyi's phone rang.

Looking at the number on the phone, Qiu Shuyi finally connected the call.

The phone has been Qiu Mingsheng's apologetic voice rang: "Daughter, this is what your brother did wrong, and you have been wronged."

Things have developed to this point, and Qiu Shuyi doesn't want to discuss who is right and who is wrong.

Qiu Zhihong must have already told her father about the whole process, and she doesn't want to repeat it.

Seeing that Qiu Shuyi didn't speak, Qiu Mingsheng's heart sank slightly, and he asked cautiously, "Daughter, this matter won't have much impact on you, will it?"

This question made Qiu Shuyi a little upset.