Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

Chapter 159 Huaxia can say no

At this time, Zhou Houjian of Hisense also saw this documentary by Qiuhai.

In addition to being shocked, Zhou Houjian truly admires this documentary.

Sure enough, just as he had predicted before, Chen Jianghai successfully turned around again.

At this time, Zhou Houjian felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Can Hisense, under his leadership, really win Qiuhai?

In this regard, Zhou Houjian now has no confidence at all.

Before that, Zhou Houjian had always felt that it was not impossible to win Qiuhai.

As long as Hisense can develop completely according to his expectations, it will surpass Qiuhai, but it is only a matter of time.

With this idea in mind, Zhou Houjian struggled to persuade all the shareholders at yesterday's shareholders' meeting.

Hisense does not cut prices, but maintains its original price to demonstrate its brand quality!

In this matter, before Hisense could send a press conference, it was preempted by Qiuhai.

Now, when consumers mention the words brand quality, the first thing that comes to mind is Qiuhai.

There is absolutely no way that Hisense has anything to do with it.

What Zhou Houjian has always wanted to do, Qiuhai has already done it.

As the saying goes, step by step, step by step.

Qiuhai has become the first in this regard, and naturally can get a lot of attention and support.

As for the second-ranked Hisense, no one will care.

In an industry, if it can achieve the first place in the industry, its market share must be more than that of the following peer companies combined.

After this incident, Qiuhai Color TV has a high probability of becoming the first in the industry as long as it has superior technology and application effects than other products, and other brands will naturally become the companions.

The most technologically advanced foreign-funded enterprises have already been beaten by domestic brands such as Changhong and doubt themselves.

At the same time, there is no domestic brand that can win Qiuhai in terms of technology.

Zhou Houjian was even thinking, had Chen Jianghai figured this out a long time ago?

Otherwise, why are color TV companies across the country cutting prices, but not Qiuhai?

"Chen Jianghai, what a terrible opponent!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Houjian sighed heavily and muttered to himself.

Once the Qiuhai color TV documentary is broadcast, the effect is definitely immediate.

In just three days, the sales of Qiuhai color TVs began to pick up.

Not a lot, but at least it's a good momentum.

It shows that consumers have regained confidence in the brand of Qiuhai.

After learning the news, Tong Qingxiong almost jumped up with joy.

With the sales data, he went to Yue Hongsheng immediately.

"Mr. Yue, look at our color TV sales, it has finally risen!"

As soon as he entered the door, Tong Qingxiong said anxiously.

Hearing this news, Yue Hongsheng was not surprised at all, just smiled slightly: "Old boy, is Mr. Chen's method okay?"

"It's more than possible, it's simply amazing!"

Tong Qingxiong said excitedly, "Mr. Yue, I really didn't expect that our entire color TV business could be revitalized with just one documentary!"

"Tell me, what exactly is in our President Chen's mind?

How can it be so powerful?

It's amazing! "

At this time, Tong Qingxiong never stopped talking.

It seems that this incident has not been a small stimulus to him.

Yue Hongsheng said with a smile: "You, you can learn more from President Chen in the future. You have to work hard and don't be so impatient."

Hearing this, Tong Qingxiong waved his hand quickly and said, "Mr. Yue, don't make fun of me. No matter how much I learn, I won't be able to reach the level of President Chen!"

Yue Hongsheng raised his brows and said with a little teasing: "What?

You came to me early in the morning to flatter President Chen? "

"Mr. Yue, you misunderstood. I really admire Mr. Chen."

Although Tong Qingxiong knew that Yue Hongsheng was joking with himself, he quickly explained.

Yue Hongsheng smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, hurry up and get busy! If there is any quality problem with the color TV, I think you still have the face to see me."

Tong Qingxiong responded earnestly: "Mr. Yue, you are right, I have to tell you to strictly control the quality!"

"Laotong, not only quality, but also good communication in channels!"

Yue Hongsheng followed and warned again.

In the past three months, the sales of Qiuhai color TVs have been declining.

Many of Qiuhai's distributors have seen a significant drop in the number of Qiuhai color TVs purchased.

Some dealers don't even stock it directly.

Now that Qiuhai color TV is going to return to the market, these relationships must be opened up in advance.

Quality alone is not enough without sales channels.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was sitting in the office with a book in his hand, reading it with relish.

The title of the book is "Huaxia Can Say No".

The author is Song Qiang, a writer with unique style and full of personality.

In May, the book was published and it sold very well.

At that time, Chen Jianghai asked Yan Fei to buy it at the first time, and only had time to look at it today.

The origin of this book is also very simple, caused by a man named Brown.

In 1994, Brown published a research report: "Who Will Feed China?"

According to his calculations, China's grain output will decline in the next three decades.

By that time, not only China will not be able to support the Chinese people, but the whole world will not be able to support the Chinese people.

The Brown report caused great international shock, as well as the anger of the Chinese people.

The book "Huaxia Can Say No" fully embodies one point, and it also questions the status of the U.S. superpower.

In the book, the wording violently criticized the domestic ideological trend of worshiping the United States and pro-Americans, and boldly shouted for the rise of China.

Chen Jianghai is very impressed with the preface

The United States cannot lead anyone, he can only lead himself.

The island nation can't lead anyone, and sometimes he can't even lead himself.

No one in Huaxia wants to lead, but only wants to lead themselves.

The publication of this book can be regarded as a symbolic sign of the rising tide of democratic thought in China.

This book also deserves credit for local color TV companies that can defeat foreign companies.

However, after reading some, Chen Jianghai felt that the whole book was criticized and lacked some substantive opinions.

The idea is right, but there needs to be relevant actions to implement it.

It is like a businessman who has been bragging about how excellent his products are, when people want to buy them.

But can't come up with the actual product.

In general this book is very meaningful.

Not long after, the phone on Chen Jianghai's desk rang.

Inserting a bookmark, he picked up the phone unhurriedly.

The call was from Fang Aiguo, and his tone sounded a little anxious.

"Brother Hai, Sotts is crazy today!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Fang Aiguo said this.