Our car inches up and now we're feet from Milk and Sugar's cream-colored awning. A tall woman with a headset knocks on the car door. She's blond with curly hair, and she's wearing a short black dress. I roll down the window.
"Hi, Charlie. I'm Paige from Fire and Ice," she says and sticks her arm through the window to shake my hand. "I'll be taking you through the press line and then inside. Are you ready?"
Um, no?
I look at Mom and Dad.
"We'll see you inside, sweetie," Mom insists. "Have fun!"
Paige opens the back door and smiles patiently. I guess I really do have to go.
The minute I step outside, the noise level increases to an insane degree. I can barely see in front of me with all the camera flashes and my head begins to spin at the sound of paparazzi calling my name. I don't know how Brangelina would handle this sort of thing. Paige walks me through a crowd of well-wishers standing behind a velvet rope.
"Charlie! It's me!" I turn around and see Jack from the school newspaper, trying to elbow the guy next to him out of the way. "Can you get me in?"
Paige doesn't stop moving, even in four-inch stilettos. She has my hand and I twist back to look at Jack. "I'll do what I can," I yell over the roar of photographers peppering me with questions.
We stop in front of the first reporter and I look down the line. Hallie and Brandon are at the end. Next is Keiran. She looks pretty in a short silver slip dress, long dangling earrings, and big, bouncy hair. She sees me and waves. A pair of girls I don't recognize are behind her.
Wait a second. Is that Brooke?
Yes! Brooke is wearing a super-short black dress that hugs her body. Her red hair is pulled in a severe high ponytail. She has on at least four-inch heels and I can't believe she can manage in them when Marleyna is hanging on her. Wearing an equally short, white sequined dress, Marleyna is laughing at Brooke's every word and seems to be giving her own two cents whenever she can. I watch the two of them pose like they've been besties forever. A part of me feels a twinge of jealousy.
I should be the one posing with Brooke like that. Keiran should. Hallie should. Not some girl who is using Brooke for a chance at fame. I know things aren't the same between us right now, but I have to find a way to get through Brooke's thick skull and make her realize the truth about Marleyna.
"This is Charlie, the star of The Cliffs," I hear Paige say and I stand at full attention and smile.
Paige turns to me. "Charlie, when you're done with the line, I'll be waiting to bring you inside where you can watch the show with the other girls."
She's leaving me alone to do this? "Is Addison here?" I ask nervously.
"Inside," Paige says and fiddles with her headset. "I'll see you in a few."
I look at the reporter and smile sheepishly. "Hi," I say awkwardly.
"So Charlie, tell me this Cinderella story of yours," the reporter asks. She pushes a microphone in my face. "Were you really discovered pouring coffee at this adorable little shop right here?"
I'm so confused by the lights and the cameras that I actually have to turn around and make sure I am standing in front of the right place. Yep, it's Milk and Sugar. "Yes."
"That must have been the most amazing day of your life," the reporter gushes.
"Definitely surreal," I tell her. "This has been such a ride, and I'm enjoying it a lot."
Is that the right thing to say? I'm not sure what to say. We had media training, but not much, and besides, am I supposed to be totally truthful or lie a little? I haven't loved every moment, especially not lately, but I don't think I'm supposed to tell a reporter that. Jennifer Aniston doesn't give the details of her love life, even if old boyfriends like John Mayer keep giving them up.
I walk over to the next reporter, and the one after that. All ask basically the same questions, which I find funny, but at least by the third time, I'm got my answers down pat. "We've been friends for a long time," I respond when a reporter asks about the girls. "I think the show has made us even closer." Semi-lie, but it sounds good.
When I reach the end of the carpet, Paige is waiting for me, as promised. "They want to take a few pictures of you alone and then when we walk inside, the other girls are waiting to take a group shot."
"Me alone?" I ask nervously. "But I don't know how to pose."
Paige smiles and squeezes my arm. She leads the way. "You'll get the hang of it."
I will? She pushes me gently toward a large background poster that says The Cliffs. A picture of us four girls stares back at me. We're on the beach. I stare into the bright lights and pose as best as I can.
"Charlie! Charlie! Charlotte! Over here!"
I turn and turn and turn again, whipping myself around like a contortionist trying to cover everyone's requests. It's hard when I can barely see. Finally after an eternity, Paige grabs my arm and leads me inside. That's when all hell breaks loose.
My Milk and Sugar boss, Ryan, is the first one by my side. "Can you believe the crowd out there? The press we're getting is amazing! It's all thanks to you, kiddo!"
Mom and Dad have made it inside too. "Charlie, we had no idea this thing was so big," says Mom. "We're so proud of you. Make sure you go say hi to Hallie's Aunt Sophie," she adds in a whisper. "She flew in from Tulsa."
And Addison. "Susan is here and she wants to take a picture with all of you when you get a chance. Are you having fun?"
Um... overwhelmed is more like it. Where are my friends? I strain to see the girls over the crowd surrounding me. I feel my arm being pulled backward and I squeeze myself out of everyone's way. It's Paige. She pulls me backward and I land right in front of Hallie, Keiran, and Brooke.
"Hey!" I say happily. Then I see their faces. No one is smiling.
Keiran looks miserable, Brooke looks bored, and Hallie is shooting Brooke nasty looks. Marleyna is standing a few feet away-of course-and she keeps yelling to Brooke, which is the only time she smiles.
This looks so bad. I wonder if anyone here has noticed. Our first episode hasn't even aired and no one is talking? "What's wrong?" I ask, afraid to hear the answer.
"Ask her," Hallie seethes, glaring at Brooke.
"We're ready to take the group shot," Paige interrupts, and motions for us to follow. She leads the way to the back of the restaurant, where there is another The Cliffs poster surrounded by the Fire and Ice logo.
"Is everything okay?" I ask Brooke as we walk.
"I guess," Brooke says, not looking at me.
"What could have happened in the last ten minutes that I missed?" I try again. "I just saw you whooping it up on the red carpet."
"That was before she found out about the group shot we're taking and freaked out about you standing front and center," Hallie jumps in angrily.
Brooke gives her a look. "Is there anything wrong with asking if we can all have a chance at being in the middle? Charlie isn't the only star of this show."
Brooke drags out the word star and I feel like roadkill. "Are we back on that again?" If there weren't so many people around, I'd tell Brooke what it's really time for-a major smackdown about what a jerk she's become.
"Forget it," Brooke says, looking mad. "You wouldn't understand. She said you wouldn't."
"Who?" Keiran asks. "Marleyna?"
"I don't need this," Brooke says, and stomps off to stand with her new best friend while we wait for the photographer to set up the shot.
"This is insane," I tell the others. "I thought things were okay again. She just had lunch with us yesterday!"
"Did you really think things were okay?" Keiran says wryly. "I figured she was only eating lunch with us because she had no one else to eat it with. Give it three weeks and she'll be begging for a scholarship to the Ross School to go with Marleyna."
"Ready, girls?" Paige asks. "Charlie, stand in the middle. Maybe stand a foot in front of the others too."
"Shocker," Brooke mutters under her breath loud enough for Marleyna to hear from the sidelines. She laughs loudly, reminding me of a hyena.
"Get over it, Brooke," I snap and she stares at me, shocked. Even Paige's jaw drops. "Your green streak about the show is getting stale."
"Maybe you're the one who's jealous," Brooke says icily. "You can't handle the fact that everyone likes Marleyna and my scenes. They're ten times more exciting than the lame ones of you making cappuccinos."
"Girls, not here," Paige says through gritted teeth, looking around. But it's too late. We're on a roll.
"I guess I don't have to do a dog and pony show to make my scenes appealing," I seethe. "I'm exciting enough just standing around in my apron. I don't have to borrow people's yachts or go shopping with money I don't have to get good screentime." Brooke pales and Hallie can't help but snort.
"Girls, there are reporters here," Paige tries to interject.
"You're pathetic," Brooke spits. "You never wanted the spotlight or a better life, the way I do. You're all happy to stick around this dump. Well, I'm not! You want to hold me back, but you can't. This friendship is too toxic to continue."
"Get Addison," I hear Paige instruct someone. "Quick!"
"Toxic?" I blare. "All we've ever done is support you. But it's never enough for you! If the spotlight isn't all yours, you're not happy."
"Hi, girls." Susan appears out of nowhere. She looks great in a tight black beaded skirt and a black tank that has beading around the neckline. "Is there a problem?" She looks from me to Brooke. We both shake our heads no. I feel my face begin to burn. "Good." Susan's smile is thin. "Let's take some pictures, shall we? Charlie, stand next to me. Everyone smile."
FLASH! The photographer starts shooting and I have to remind myself to grin. After several shots, he lets us go.
"Ready for your big debut?" Susan asks us. I'm too afraid to speak.
"Absolutely," Brooke gushes, answering for all of us. "This has been a dream come true and we're so lucky you made it a reality."
Hallie gives me an eye roll and I force myself not to laugh.
"How are you doing, Charlie?" Susan turns to me and asks. "Addison said you had a rough week. You broke up with Zac?"
"He wasn't actually her boyfriend," Brooke interjects.
I shoot daggers at her. "He didn't want to be on the show," I explain.
"That's too bad," Susan says regretfully. "You'll find some people can't handle your new fame while others want to be around you just to be famous by extension." I look at Brooke, wishing I could telepathically tell her how well that describes Marleyna. "I'm sure you'll meet someone better suited to your new lifestyle before you know it."
"Maybe." I don't really believe that. Despite what everyone's said, I know Zac is a keeper. Whether he wants to be on TV or not shouldn't be a factor. If anything, I should be more impressed that he doesn't want to pimp himself out like Marleyna does.
"I know you have some more photos to do so I'll let you all get to it," Susan says with a smile, but before she can go, I grab her arm.
Susan will listen to my griping. She told me she would that day at our contract signing. "Susan, I was just wondering if you got my voice mails," I ask quietly, stepping aside so no one else can hear.
"Yes," Susan says. "I'm sorry I haven't had time to call you back, but I've been taking them very seriously. The last thing we want is for our star to be unhappy."
"So you'll keep Marleyna out of our group scenes?" I ask hopefully.
"I'd like to do that, but I'm not sure I can," Susan says evenly. "Addison is really pushing for Marleyna to be part of the show."
"She is?" I ask. "But..." That's not what she said, I want to say, but am afraid to.
"I'll talk to her about it again," Susan assures me, patting me on the shoulder. "I know Addison likes the footage she's getting of Brooke and Marleyna, but I'll remind her that it shouldn't come at your expense. Keep me posted if you have any more problems, okay? I may not be around every day, but I'm always watching."
"Thanks," I say, feeling more confused than ever. Didn't Addison say it was the other way around?
"I'll see you four after the show for a toast," Susan promises as she walks away.
"Charlie?" Paige calls me. "Just a few more shots."
I turn back to the group, stand in the middle, avoid eye contact with Brooke, and smile. When we're done, Brooke stomps off. Instead of getting myself more worked up, I tell Keiran and Hallie what Susan just told me.
"So I guess Addison is lying," Hallie says, sounding confused. "Right?"
"Not necessarily," Keiran interjects. "I'm sure it's the other way around."
"Why would Susan lie?" I ask. "She's in charge of the show."
Keiran shakes her head. "I'm sick of this! All I get is dumped on by Brooke, by this show, by my parents..." She looks miserable and I'm worried. It's not like her to explode.
"Kiki, is this Brooke thing what's really bothering you?" I ask. "Or is something else going on?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now," she says. "I want to enjoy the party."
"People were begging me to get them in," Hallie says, to lighten the mood. "I had to have Addison get Brandon in for me since he wasn't on the list. Too bad Marleyna wasn't left off it."
We look at Brooke's new BF, who is applying what looks like her seventeenth coat of lip gloss.
"I do have some good news to report," Hallie tells us. "Guess who just signed a contract to have a recurring role on our show? Brandon! Addison asked him and he said yes without hesitating." Then Hallie looked at me. Horrified, she added, "I didn't mean it like it sounded."
"It's okay." I push the thoughts of Zac out of my head. "I'm so happy for you, Hallie."
"Susan is taking the mic," Keiran points out. "We should find a seat."
"Thank you so much for coming," Susan says as we grab a couch near one of the large, flat-panel TVs they brought in. Ryan rushes over with some iced coffee and a platter of fruit. "I'm thrilled to be here for the first of what I hope is many episodes of The Cliffs," Susan continues. "Charlie and her friends have been a pleasure to work with and I think you'll find their dynamic and their situations riveting not just because you know the girls, but because they represent what every teen goes through, whether they live in a small town or a big city. Enjoy the show!"
Everyone claps. A few people whistle. I look around. Mom and Dad are sitting a few tables away with Keiran's and Hallie's families. Brooke's are nowhere to be seen. The lights begin to dim and I grab Keiran's hand tightly and squeeze. She grabs Hallie's. My heart begins to race in anticipation. Here we go...
The theme song is the first thing I hear. It's a song I don't recognize, but it's loud and quick and images of Cliffside flash by. The Long Island Sound, Milk and Sugar (which gets a loud holler), Main Street, the pier, the Crab Shack... you name it, it's on here. Then you see the four of us, walking along the beach, laughing.
We look so happy together that it instantly makes me sad. I turn quickly and look for Brooke. She is sitting a few seats away with Marleyna and she stares at the screen intently. I notice her face darken and I look at the TV again. The first credit is mine. They show three images of me-one laughing, one at work, one at the beach. Then Hallie's, Keiran's, and Brooke's names follow, along with one shot of each of them. The show finally starts and I see our first taping. We were at the Crab Shack and we were all so nervous.
"This should be hilarious," Hallie whispers to us. "We were so stiff."
We are. It is a little awkward to watch. But people laugh at the appropriate parts and clap when they see Hallie's parents onscreen. The next thing you see is Patrick, the guy who cheated on Hallie, and Hallie running over to talk to him. They flash to Brooke, who rolls her eyes. "Could she keep her hormones in check for just one afternoon?"
Whoa. I don't remember her saying that.
Hallie's head-the real Hallie, that is-whips around and stares at her. Next comes my brief moment with Zac. You only see the back of him, since he wouldn't sign the waiver. You can hear me talking and I cringe, knowing my parents are watching. They flash back to our table. Another eye roll from Brooke. Then one from Keiran. Huh?