Real Cheat Online - Chapter 48.3 - A Real Game Of Tag Starting From Six

Chapter 48.3 - A Real Game Of Tag Starting From Six

Chapter 46 : A True Friends.h.i.+p Starting From Four

I overdid it again . I’m reflecting on it . So, please stop glaring at me, s.h.i.+nji . But look, doesn’t it sound like a death sentence for a mountain climber to be banned from climbing the mountain? I did enjoy fighting powerful monsters but, I want to fight powerful humans more! I enjoyed those matches, especially the first and final match . It was a bliss . I’m aware that I really overdid it in the final match .

Moreover, I did follow s.h.i.+nji’s advice to not use the drop item “Storm” and the “Red Demon” skill . That’s why I didn’t think that my deed during that match would be that conspicuous to everyone else as s.h.i.+nji says . So I felt that I haven’t even touched the surface of the dark side from 『10 Methods to Enjoy The Game Without Standing Out(In a Bad Way)』 which I learnt from s.h.i.+nji .

Ah, my legs are almost giving out, can you spare me from this seiza punishment already? Eh, I can’t? I see .

Yesterday’s matter has been made known to s.h.i.+nji in an instant . It seems that Yukihime-san, who I fought in the first match, has her own blog and she uploaded my battle video on her blog . Apparently s.h.i.+nji is one of the lurkers there .

She even added『A Pervert Gunner Who Uses Knifes』 in BOLD as the t.i.tle, instantly exposing my ident.i.ty to s.h.i.+nji . To make matters worse, she even wrote IN DETAIL about what that perverted gunner-san did in his match, thus resulting in me being forced to do a seiza in front of s.h.i.+nji right now .

To be able to single me out as the culprit with only those clues, this guy might become a great detective in the near future . So, great detective-sama, please……… . . No good huh? I see .

Ah, morning Midori-san . Will you please give this great detective-sama a piece of your mind?Yup, tell hi……………… . . Eh, what happened Midori-san? Keep seiza for a while longer? I see .

Ah, morning Aoi-san . Will you help me talk to s.h.i.+nji and Midori-san? Yup, you’ll take my si…… . . NOOOO< don’t="" do="" that,="" s.h.i.+nji!!!! why="" are="" you="" exaggerating="" the="" match="" between="" yukihime-san="" and="" me?! no,="" i="" wasn’t="" charmed="" by="" her="" legs,="" i’m="" not="" one="" of="" those="" .="" the="" one="" i="" went="" too="" far="" with="" was="" my="" opponent="" from="" the="" final,="" definitely="" not="" yukihime-san="" .="" so="" you’re="" going="" to="" believe="" s.h.i.+nji’s="" story,="" aoi-sa――="" eh,="" continue="" my="" seiza? i="" see,="" you="" too="">

「There’s a fas.h.i.+onable ornament shop over there, Blue-san . Shall we take a look? 」

「……… It’s okay」


「Do you want to go to that crepe shop, Blue-san? 」

「……… It’s okay」

……… Her atmosphere is just too cold . The next day, Aoi-san’s att.i.tude was really awful . She was still like that even when we logged in to IEO .

This must be that legendary sulking………… Right? After I-Without restraining myself- did those awful things like that yesterday . s.h.i.+t………… What should I do now .

「Sou-kun? 」

「EH? 」

My neck turned around following the source of the beautiful voice that called me just now . Standing there was someone who fought me yesterday――

「Yukihime-san? 」

「Good day Sou-kun . Yesterday was a blast」

The way she’s waving her eloquent words is also as deadly as before . Come to think of it, s.h.i.+nji is her fan huh . So, is a nomal man suppose to be charmed by her gestures? It’s a fact that she’s a beauty though .

「Good day Yukihime-san . Ah, she’s Blue . My friend」

「…… . Good day, I’m Yukihime」

「Ah, yes, I’m Blue . Uhm, it seems that you’re angry about what Sou-kun did yesterday――」

Hold on Aoi-san, you got it wrong there . You got tricked by s.h.i.+nji . This person isn’t the one who became the victim of my arm-lock yesterday . Could it be that that was the reason for your pouting until now! ?

「It’s okay, yesterday was a match after all」

Yes, thank you very much, Yukihime-san . But I would like you to give an even more detailed account of the events though . It can’t be helped, it seems I need to solve this misunderstanding by myself later .

「Buut, Sou-kun really can’t be underestimated huh . To think that you’re walking along with such a cute girl」

Yukihime-sama said those words of salvation with a slightly impish smile . Say more please .

「E-Eh, you’re misunderstanding! I-Iam」

Is it because I’m a pervert? Why did my thoughts get exposed? Could it be that I was exposed when I unconsciously glanced at her breast before?

「Ufufufu, how cute . Ah, that’s right Sou-san . Do you mind if we go to that cafe to continue our conversation? Don’t worry, I won’t become the third wheel of your date」

Thirdwheel of the date? I wouldn’t be in this kind of deep s.h.i.+t if that was really what was happening right now . Please don’t say that, there’s a chance that Aoi-san won’t play with me anymore . Though I know that Aoi-san already has her own prince charming, so I can’t go any further than this .

「I don’t mind, blu-」「Yaaay, thank you guys」

While asking for Aoi-san’s opinion, my words were cut right away by Yukihime . Are you fine with this, Aoi-san? Uhm, why are you looking at me with those kind of eyes? Did I just make a mistake somewhere? Should I do a seiza in front of you?

Aterwards, the three of us enjoyed a tea party filled with a strange atmosphere .

The new information I got during that time was the fact that Yukihime-san is slightly older than us, and currently looking for someone to form a party with her .

I thought that Yukihime-san had the air of a popular player, but she gave no answer, other than smiling wryly, to my questions .

「I see, in short the two of you purposely separated yourself from your close friend and came to this area」

「Yes . Our friend should be venturing in the Kagos.h.i.+ma area right now」

The day after we beat Jiisha, we discussed in school about what we were going to do after that . One of the proposals was a temporary break-up from Midori-san and s.h.i.+nji .

When we asked whether it’s because they hate to be with me and Aoi-san, their answer was something completely outside of our expectation .

According to s.h.i.+nji, it seems that they really hated that our party was completely dependent on me in the fight against Jiisha . Though I said it’s not gonna be a problem, s.h.i.+nji already made his choice . He said that he’s going to take a different route in order to train himself to become an appropriate partner for me by the time we meet again in the next area .

I couldn’t tell him “Take it easy pal, it’s a game after all” . I really couldn’t bring myself to say those words to the man whose eyes were burning with determination . [Ed: YOU want to say that?!][TL : He did got himself a real sparta master, an axe wielding magician]

As for Midori-san, she only said 『It’s a journey for my beauty』 . Maybe she decided to do the same things as s.h.i.+nji – to push the timid Aoi-san to gain more confidence in herself . It seems there’s another matter too, but she didn’t tell me instead saying that it was a girls secret .

I was sad, but since we can meet almost everyday in school to talk about our situations, I don’t see any problem for the time be-……… . . No, I already felt guilty for yesterday .

「I’m so~ lonely you kno~w, I mean all of my friend were choosing the other area」

Eh, nevertheless, you have a lot of fans right? I get the feeling that a lot of her fans were in the audience seats in yesterday’s match .

「That’s why I want to form a party with Sou-kun and Aoi-chan……… . Or, could it be that I’m a bother?」

Oooh, is this the legendary combo of upturned eyes+tears? What a destructive power! But if you switch the person who does this with s.h.i.+nji, I would kick his face directly .


Should I ask for Blue’s opinion? But then, I’m in deep s.h.i.+t if Aoi-san givies a cold shoulder in this case . Is this where I should go with a “Bang”? What should I say in that case? Will it become an obstruction to my time to be alone with Aoi-san? Who the h.e.l.l am I to ask that of her? Should I apologizing to her? No, I don’t think that doing so will solve my problem . In the first place I don’t even know what Aoi-san is thinking about so I’m at loss for words . Should I spend a bit more time before giving my answer?

「I think I――」(Sou) 「I don’t mind . What about you, Sou-kun?」(Aoi)「—Will happily accept such offer」(Sou)

Oh s.h.i.+t, I unintentionally agreed with Aoi-san………… Are you alright, Aoi-san?

「Really? I won’t be abother? 」

「You won’t . Right, Sou-kun」

「Yes, she’s absolutely right」

「Yaaaaay, thank you very much」

What are you doing here, Aoi-san . Aren’t you actually as resolute as Midori-san . Nay, I’m okay as long as Aoi-san is okay with it though…………

Thus, on the second day after we landed on Nagasaki . We got a new party member .

「………… . h.e.l.lo? What makes you call me at this hour, Aoi-san?」

「I’m sorry, Midori . But it’s because I have something I have to report」

「What is this matter that you want to report to me? 」

「Yeah . You see, when I was strolling around in the city with Sou-kun today――」

「……… I see, so in the end you guys formed a party with this girl」

「Yeah . I’m doing my best to set aside my fear when talking to other people as you told me, Midori . At first I was troubled and slightly scared to do so . She was a mysterious girl but, I thought of what you would do」

「Aoi……… . You………」

「Why are you accepting that strange woman in your party?! That woman is definitely aiming for Sou-kun . And yet what you did is akin to accepting your rival! 」


「Sou-kun was giving an “OK” with lovestruck expression and flaring nose right! 」

「Eh, no, Sou-kun was――」

「N-Y-W-Y, let’s have an emergency meeting at school! Is that clear! 」

「Y-Yeah! 」

「Well then, see you tomorrow . I was somewhat sleepy a while ago, but thanks to your call I’m wide awake right now」

「U-Uhm…… . . Sorry, Midori」

「……… I’m not angry you know . I’m worrying about you though . Well then, g’nite」

「Yeah…… Thank you . g’nite」

「Huaaaa…… . . I messed up again…… . . 」

Chapter 46 : A True Friends.h.i.+p Starting From Four.

I overdid it again . I’m reflecting on it . So, please stop glaring at me, s.h.i.+nji . But look, doesn’t it sound like a death sentence for a mountain climber to be banned from climbing the mountain? I did enjoy fighting powerful monsters but, I want to fight powerful humans more! I enjoyed those matches, especially the first and final match . It was a bliss . I’m aware that I really overdid it in the final match

Moreover, I did follow s.h.i.+nji’s advice to not use the drop item “Storm” and the “Red Demon” skill . That’s why I didn’t think that my deed during that match would be that conspicuous to everyone else as s.h.i.+nji says . So I felt that I haven’t even touched the surface of the dark side from 『10 Methods to Enjoy The Game Without Standing Out(In a Bad Way)』 which I learnt from s.h.i.+nji

Ah, my legs are almost giving out, can you spare me from this seiza punishment already? Eh, I can’t? I see

Yesterday’s matter has been made known to s.h.i.+nji in an instant . It seems that Yukihime-san, who I fought in the first match, has her own blog and she uploaded my battle video on her blog . Apparently s.h.i.+nji is one of the lurkers there

She even added『A Pervert Gunner Who Uses Knifes』 in BOLD as the t.i.tle, instantly exposing my ident.i.ty to s.h.i.+nji . To make matters worse, she even wrote IN DETAIL about what that perverted gunner-san did in his match, thus resulting in me being forced to do a seiza in front of s.h.i.+nji right now

To be able to single me out as the culprit with only those clues, this guy might become a great detective in the near future . So, great detective-sama, please……… No good huh? I see

Ah, morning Midori-san . Will you please give this great detective-sama a piece of your mind?Yup, tell hi……………… Eh, what happened Midori-san? Keep seiza for a while longer? I see

Ah, morning Aoi-san . Will you help me talk to s.h.i.+nji and Midori-san? Yup, you’ll take my si…… NOOOO< don’t="" do="" that,="" s.h.i.+nji!!!! why="" are="" you="" exaggerating="" the="" match="" between="" yukihime-san="" and="" me?! no,="" i="" wasn’t="" charmed="" by="" her="" legs,="" i’m="" not="" one="" of="" those="" .="" the="" one="" i="" went="" too="" far="" with="" was="" my="" opponent="" from="" the="" final,="" definitely="" not="" yukihime-san="" .="" so="" you’re="" going="" to="" believe="" s.h.i.+nji’s="" story,="" aoi-sa――="" eh,="" continue="" my="" seiza? i="" see,="" you="" too="" huh?.="">


■ □ ■ □ ■.

「There’s a fas.h.i.+onable ornament shop over there, Blue-san . Shall we take a look? 」.

「……… It’s okay」.


「Do you want to go to that crepe shop, Blue-san? 」.

「……… It’s okay」.

……… Her atmosphere is just too cold . The next day, Aoi-san’s att.i.tude was really awful . She was still like that even when we logged in to IEO

This must be that legendary sulking………… Right? After I-Without restraining myself- did those awful things like that yesterday . s.h.i.+t………… What should I do now

「Sou-kun? 」.




「EH? 」.

My neck turned around following the source of the beautiful voice that called me just now . Standing there was someone who fought me yesterday――.

「Yukihime-san? 」.

「Good day Sou-kun . Yesterday was a blast」.

The way she’s waving her eloquent words is also as deadly as before . Come to think of it, s.h.i.+nji is her fan huh . So, is a nomal man suppose to be charmed by her gestures? It’s a fact that she’s a beauty though

「Good day Yukihime-san . Ah, she’s Blue . My friend」.

「…… . Good day, I’m Yukihime」.


「Ah, yes, I’m Blue . Uhm, it seems that you’re angry about what Sou-kun did yesterday――」.

Hold on Aoi-san, you got it wrong there . You got tricked by s.h.i.+nji . This person isn’t the one who became the victim of my arm-lock yesterday . Could it be that that was the reason for your pouting until now! ?.

「It’s okay, yesterday was a match after all」.

Yes, thank you very much, Yukihime-san . But I would like you to give an even more detailed account of the events though . It can’t be helped, it seems I need to solve this misunderstanding by myself later

「Buut, Sou-kun really can’t be underestimated huh . To think that you’re walking along with such a cute girl」.

Yukihime-sama said those words of salvation with a slightly impish smile . Say more please

「E-Eh, you’re misunderstanding! I-Iam」.

Is it because I’m a pervert? Why did my thoughts get exposed? Could it be that I was exposed when I unconsciously glanced at her breast before?.



「Ufufufu, how cute . Ah, that’s right Sou-san . Do you mind if we go to that cafe to continue our conversation? Don’t worry, I won’t become the third wheel of your date」.

Thirdwheel of the date? I wouldn’t be in this kind of deep s.h.i.+t if that was really what was happening right now . Please don’t say that, there’s a chance that Aoi-san won’t play with me anymore . Though I know that Aoi-san already has her own prince charming, so I can’t go any further than this

「I don’t mind, blu-」「Yaaay, thank you guys」.

While asking for Aoi-san’s opinion, my words were cut right away by Yukihime . Are you fine with this, Aoi-san? Uhm, why are you looking at me with those kind of eyes? Did I just make a mistake somewhere? Should I do a seiza in front of you?.

■ □ ■ □ ■.

Aterwards, the three of us enjoyed a tea party filled with a strange atmosphere


The new information I got during that time was the fact that Yukihime-san is slightly older than us, and currently looking for someone to form a party with her

I thought that Yukihime-san had the air of a popular player, but she gave no answer, other than smiling wryly, to my questions

「I see, in short the two of you purposely separated yourself from your close friend and came to this area」.

「Yes . Our friend should be venturing in the Kagos.h.i.+ma area right now」.

The day after we beat Jiisha, we discussed in school about what we were going to do after that . One of the proposals was a temporary break-up from Midori-san and s.h.i.+nji

When we asked whether it’s because they hate to be with me and Aoi-san, their answer was something completely outside of our expectation

According to s.h.i.+nji, it seems that they really hated that our party was completely dependent on me in the fight against Jiisha . Though I said it’s not gonna be a problem, s.h.i.+nji already made his choice . He said that he’s going to take a different route in order to train himself to become an appropriate partner for me by the time we meet again in the next area

I couldn’t tell him “Take it easy pal, it’s a game after all” . I really couldn’t bring myself to say those words to the man whose eyes were burning with determination . [Ed: YOU want to say that?!][TL : He did got himself a real sparta master, an axe wielding magician].

As for Midori-san, she only said 『It’s a journey for my beauty』 . Maybe she decided to do the same things as s.h.i.+nji – to push the timid Aoi-san to gain more confidence in herself . It seems there’s another matter too, but she didn’t tell me instead saying that it was a girls secret

I was sad, but since we can meet almost everyday in school to talk about our situations, I don’t see any problem for the time be-……… No, I already felt guilty for yesterday

「I’m so~ lonely you kno~w, I mean all of my friend were choosing the other area」.

Eh, nevertheless, you have a lot of fans right? I get the feeling that a lot of her fans were in the audience seats in yesterday’s match

「That’s why I want to form a party with Sou-kun and Aoi-chan……… . Or, could it be that I’m a bother?」.

Oooh, is this the legendary combo of upturned eyes+tears? What a destructive power! But if you switch the person who does this with s.h.i.+nji, I would kick his face directly


Should I ask for Blue’s opinion? But then, I’m in deep s.h.i.+t if Aoi-san givies a cold shoulder in this case . Is this where I should go with a “Bang”? What should I say in that case? Will it become an obstruction to my time to be alone with Aoi-san? Who the h.e.l.l am I to ask that of her? Should I apologizing to her? No, I don’t think that doing so will solve my problem . In the first place I don’t even know what Aoi-san is thinking about so I’m at loss for words . Should I spend a bit more time before giving my answer?.

「I think I――」(Sou) 「I don’t mind . What about you, Sou-kun?」(Aoi)「—Will happily accept such offer」(Sou).

Oh s.h.i.+t, I unintentionally agreed with Aoi-san………… Are you alright, Aoi-san?.

「Really? I won’t be abother? 」.

「You won’t . Right, Sou-kun」.

「Yes, she’s absolutely right」.

「Yaaaaay, thank you very much」.

What are you doing here, Aoi-san . Aren’t you actually as resolute as Midori-san . Nay, I’m okay as long as Aoi-san is okay with it though………….

Thus, on the second day after we landed on Nagasaki . We got a new party member

■ □ ■ □ ■.

「………… . h.e.l.lo? What makes you call me at this hour, Aoi-san?」.

「I’m sorry, Midori . But it’s because I have something I have to report」.

「What is this matter that you want to report to me? 」.

「Yeah . You see, when I was strolling around in the city with Sou-kun today――」.

「……… I see, so in the end you guys formed a party with this girl」.

「Yeah . I’m doing my best to set aside my fear when talking to other people as you told me, Midori . At first I was troubled and slightly scared to do so . She was a mysterious girl but, I thought of what you would do」.

「Aoi……… . You………」.


「Why are you accepting that strange woman in your party?! That woman is definitely aiming for Sou-kun . And yet what you did is akin to accepting your rival! 」.


「Sou-kun was giving an “OK” with lovestruck expression and flaring nose right! 」.

「Eh, no, Sou-kun was――」.

「N-Y-W-Y, let’s have an emergency meeting at school! Is that clear! 」.

「Y-Yeah! 」.

「Well then, see you tomorrow . I was somewhat sleepy a while ago, but thanks to your call I’m wide awake right now」.

「U-Uhm…… Sorry, Midori」.

「……… I’m not angry you know . I’m worrying about you though . Well then, g’nite」.

「Yeah…… Thank you . g’nite」.

「Huaaaa…… I messed up again…… 」.