Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer - Chapter 976: Escape

Chapter 976: Escape

After Sam's outburst, Sark started begging Sam like his life depended on it. He didn't have any cards up his sleeves and he knelt down on the floor while crying. Sam finally heaved a sigh.

Sam made a deal with Sark. Even though he didn't exactly like the man, he still had some battle prowess and even though he wanted to stay with his wife for a long time, Sam doesn't have too much problem as he had a position in mind for a long time.

But the current problem is the demons that are going to come to look for them here. If they couldn't confirm and second guess even after two elders are dead, then these demons really are going to be in trouble soon.

While thinking of a plan for them, Sam decided to take the blood and heart away from the pit.

He decided to store everything inside a pool in the divine dimension, but before that, he has to check the item that kept Sark thinking that he has something under control.

And when Sark did take out an item, Sam was half expecting it, but was still surprised, because it is exactly not what he thought it would be.

There is a solid blue-colored rock-like substance in his hand and it is the shape of the pointy nail.

"So, what did she say this would do?"

"She said that to activate the weapon, I have to dig through the soil and stab it inside the core and in this case the heart.

My plan was that if I use it now, the Azure blood demons will lose it forever."

Sark explained what his wife told him.

"Well, it is good that I came here and met you. Otherwise, you guy would have died along with a bunch of Azure blood demon elders."

"What do you mean?"

"The only reason the beasts didn't harm you, is because of this thing. This is either made by the blood essence of some second branch