Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer - Chapter 915: War

Chapter 915: War

The discussion was heated between the four heads of the major powers.

The herb garden head is adamant about giving the information to Sam, while the remaining three are opposed to it. Of the three, the thunderbolt sect is sitting on the fence. He is saying that he wouldn't help the solar fragments and he wouldn't inform Sam either.

The thunder god temple and the lightning spear sect are completely against giving the information to Sam.

"How many times do I have to tell you? The Solar fragments are stronger and more powerful than Sam. Did you even see the Consummate stage cultivators they sent? They are barely in their late twenties or early thirties. What was Sam doing at that age? What was that you and me are doing at that age? They are certainly powerful."

"Of course, they are powerful, but why do you think they need our help if they are that powerful, tell them to destroy Sam and we can talk. I wouldn't even hesitate to submit all my lands and people to them if they can accomplish that."

The thunder god temple head and the Herb Garden head are arguing for a long time.

And finally, the herb garden head couldn't take it and said.

"Okay, I will write up a soul contract that I wouldn't leak any information regarding you people and your plans, but I don't want to be involved in this war. I will give the Solar fragment away to Sam and stay put on the sidelines."

With that, he stood up and walked away.

Noone stopped him. They know that it is useless to stop him much less attack him. He can surely escape.

And the herb garden head returned back to his place, before sneaking out once again.

He is not sure if he can capture the solar fragment, so he went to the city and informed Sam of his decision and Sam sent a couple of his subordinates to capture the Solar fragment and bring him here.

From what he learned from their interrogation, they are not going to have any form of contact between themselves. They would just finish their tasks and stay passive for now until the next batch comes and gives them orders.

Sam doesn't know what the exact plan is, but he has some guesses, so to make sure, he locked all the space gates connecting between them and the major powers. He only kept the Beast faction and the Herb garden's gates open.

He only left one Space gate open between the major power that didn't come to him and these gates are not present within the city. One of them is the space gate between the