Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer - Chapter 1282: First Fragment

Chapter 1282: First Fragment

Sam stayed in the valley for one week. The ghost chimera also didn't budge for this one week.

He increased the torture levels, used his own mental energy to poke the chimera a bit, and destroyed the undead creatures that are connected to the specter one by one, making its mental energy weaker.

Sam knew better than anyone that he should follow through with this torture. By this point, the specter would be willing to die and if he killed it, then it would be more like a blessing than a punishment. So, he made sure that he brought the specter to the edge of nullifying its existence and then brought it back, never granting that relief.

In this one week, there is something else he has done.

Since he diverted all the torture from the formation to the Dormant soul. It has become weaker than ever.

So weak, that Sam is sure that he would be able to destroy it and absorb it completely in one shot. But he wanted to be sure, so he started wearing it down in the past week and got it ready for absorption.

But he didn't proceed with it, because, when he was busy with the mental battle, the body would be a bit vulnerable. It is okay in the outside world, most creatures could only do slight physical damage, but if he is in that state within this area, he is afraid that any stray specter or a ghost might want to take advantage of that.

He didn't want to leave it to the chance. But he is so eager to give it a try.

Along with that, there is one thing that happened. A nuisance of sorts. The Government Expedition team that followed them had died in the valley because of the undead creatures.

The government couldn't let their disappearance go and came to the valley. They went as far as disturbing Sam and even trying to interrogate him.

Sam could only show his cultivation and oppress him.

Sam is currently meditating as he checked up on the dormant soul. He could see that the dormant soul is ready to give in. Even before it gained any consciousness. This is the perfect absorption method that Sivan wanted to achieve. But Sam knew that things wouldn't be as simple for that guy.

As he thought, he suddenly heard a scream.

"I accept." The scream didn't sound like a scream attack. It is like a loud whisper. Sam knew that the specter became weak. This might even be the weakest the specter has felt in its whole life and even after the death.

"Are you sure you want to surrender now? You are only fifty-one weeks away from the one-year deadline I have set up, I have so many other things planned."

"Yes Yes, I am sure. I accept."

Sam nodded and started imprinting his soul imprint on the specter. The specter allowed it without any resistance and this made things easier.

After the imprint was done, the specter just stayed attached to Sam's staff after Sam took it out of the formation.

Sam walked out of the dark range with a sigh.

This time, there are no attacks and there are surprises. The specter has called everything to deal with Sam and now everything that is dangerous, except for the undead side, was back inside the valley.

So, the mountain range itself is extremely free and open. Sam came back in half a day in a relaxed pace.

He went to the town and went back to his inn. He meditated as he tried to destroy the dormant soul once and for all and absorb it.

He started poking the soul continuously as he tore one part of the other. The resistance is so futile that within no time, he managed to absorb the whole soul.

He sat there as he digested the newly found mass of mental energy that was being merged into his as well as the memories that are flooding in.

Deepest darkest secrets of Sivan, his insecurities, his back