Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Hence, a hot pot dinner for two became a dinner for three .

When Yuan Chen and his roommates came in, they saw this harmonious atmosphere .

Sheng Lu and two men sitting at a table, her expression was very relaxed and even had a faint smile .

Yuan Chen suddenly felt jealous . Even though he knew that when Gu Shengyin faced him, it was not too bad . She was always not too cold or not too hot . Where was she like this, obviously very familiar with these two people .  (袁琛突然就感到了一陣嫉妒,要知道,顧盛因面對着自己的時候,雖不至於不搭理,但也永遠都是不冷不熱的模樣,哪裡像是現在,很明顯的和兩人很熟悉)

If he knew that Gu Shengyin and those two people had not known each other for a long time and that she just met one of them, it was estimated that he would be even more jealous .  (他要是知道顧盛因和這兩人根本沒有認識多久,甚至其中一個還是剛剛認識的,估計會更加嫉妒)

When he recognized who those two men were, his jealousy inflated even more .  (等到他認出了那兩個男人中的其中一個是誰的時候,這種嫉妒就更加的膨脹了起來)

Lu Zhangting, there was no one in the finance department who didn’t recognize him .

Yuan Chen, himself, was also considered to mix very well in the department; however, he was just a little famous among the freshmen . Lu Zhangting’s name was not only well-known in the finance department, but people throughout the entire First University also knew of him .  (袁琛自己在系裡面也算是混的風生水起,然而,也不過是在大一新生裡面有點名氣罷了 . 而陸長霆之名,不止是在金融系如雷貫耳,在整個第一大學,認識他的人也是大把)

Several of his published papers had been placed on the front page by one of the best domestic finance and economics magazines . It was said that when he was a freshman, there were many large corporations that wished to sign a business contract with him .  (他發表的好幾篇論文,都被國內數一數二的財經雜誌放在前頁,據說他才大一的時候,就有不少大企業願意和他簽訂合同)

All in all, Lu Zhangting was a legend in First University .

He, Yuan Chen, could not compare with him .

Lu Zhangting did not overlook the gaze that fell on him . He noticed the hostility in Yuan Chen’s eyes and raised an eyebrow .

This Yuan Chen, was he the person speaking amiably with Sheng Lu xue mei in the photo on the forum previously? (這個袁琛,就是之前論壇上面被拍到和盛露學妹相談甚歡的人吧)

But…looking at Sheng Lu’s appearance, it seemed that she was not very concerned about him .

Lu Zhangting withdrew his gaze . Since Sheng Lu had nothing to do with him, there was no need to waste his mind on irrelevant people .

On this side, the brother1 who had the best relations.h.i.+p with Yuan Chen, the one who had previously teased Yuan Chen in the dormitory, also saw Gu Shengyin and her group at a table .

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

In fact, all the guests in the store did not ignore that table; after all, the face value of the three people far exceeded the level of average values . If it weren’t for their face actually being natural and them being calm, everyone would have been skeptical of whether a few celebrities had come here to eat hot pot .  (事實上,整個店裡的客人,就沒有忽視他們那一桌的,畢竟三人的顏值遠超平均線,若不是實在面生,三人又都大大方方的,人家都要懷疑是幾個明星來這裡吃火鍋了)

Yuan Chen’s roommate was aware that he had a bit of thoughts towards Gu Shengyin and poked him at this moment .

“Hey, Yuan Chen, you should grasp it firmly . ” His roommate whispered, “Although you are excellent, people like Lu Zhangting are what girls likes the most . Seeing them like this, clearly they just got to know each other and still had not walked into a deeper relations.h.i.+p; otherwise, news of this would certainly spread throughout school . Don’t blame your brother for not reminding you . You should start as soon as possible ah!” (誒我說,袁琛你可得抓緊了。”他室友小聲的說道,“你雖然優秀,可是人陸學長這樣的,最招女孩子喜歡了。看他們這樣子,明顯只是認識,還沒走到更深的關係,不然的話學校裡肯定會有消息傳出來。別到時候怪哥們沒有提醒你,這該下手的時候,一定要儘早啊)

Yuan Chen fiercely poured beer into his mouth not speaking .  (袁琛狠狠的灌了一口啤酒,沒有說話)

Gu Shengyin and her group came comparatively early, so they left when Yuan Chen and his group had just sat for a while .  (顧盛因他們來的比較早,所以袁琛他們沒坐一會兒就離開了)

“Where do you live? I’ll send you back . ” Lu Zhangting said .

Gu Shengyin said: “No need, it’s close by . ”

Lu Zhangting knit his eyebrows: “That’s out of the question . Late at night, it’s not safe for you, a girl . ” (不行,大晚上的,你一個女孩子不安全)

Liang Zimu watched the both of them sourly: “Alas, I am such a weak, cute little boy . It’s also not safe to go back late at night . Why don’t I have a d.a.m.ned follower to care about me?” (樑梓慕語氣泛酸的看着他們兩個:“唉我這麼一個柔弱可愛的小男生,晚上回去也不安全吶,怎麼就沒個死黨關心一下我呢)

Lu Zhangting ignored him while following Gu Shengyin, the two of them walking ahead .

“Senior Liang, good bye . ” Gu Shengyin politely bid farewell .

“Ah?” Liang Zimu was dumbstruck .  They actually left him behind like this?