Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Lu Zhangting quietly sat in front of the hospital bed and looked at the girl lying on the bed .

Her ruddy face was now pale . Her originally captivating red lips were bloodless . Lu Zhangting couldn’t help but recall the girl he saw in the hot pot restaurant a few days ago, so lively and full of life .  (她紅潤的臉蛋此時只剩下蒼白,平日裡嫣紅的雙脣更是毫無血色,陸長霆不由得想起了前些日子在火鍋店裡面看到的女孩子,那麼鮮活,那麼生氣滿滿)

After the doctor’s examination results came out, it showed that the patient’s body had no problems . Gu Shengyin’s situation resembled a serious psychological trauma . This time, she might have been stimulated, somehow causing the patient to react .  (醫生的檢查結果出來,病人身體沒有任何問題,顧盛因這樣的情況,很像是以前遭受過嚴重的心理創傷,這次可能是遭受過了什麼刺激,讓病人產生了不好的聯想)

The doctor left and Lu Zhangting kept watch over Gu Shengyin .

If he previously thought that he was only interested in Gu Shengyin, then when he saw Gu Shengyin lying on the ground, the pain and fear that filled his heart let Lu Zhangting understand that his heart was clearly tempted by her .  (如果說先前他覺得自己對顧盛因只是產生了興趣,那麼在看到顧盛因躺在地上的那一刻,他心中洶涌而來的痛苦和害怕讓陸長霆明白,自己分明是動心了)

Not only was he tempted by her, his feelings were deeply rooted .

Very wonderful, being acquainted with each other in such a short period of time, to have deeply rooted feelings for a girl who he had met only several times . If it were anyone else, they would think of it as something inconceivable, but Lu Zhangting did not think anything was wrong with it .  (很奇妙的,對於一個認識時間這麼短,總共見了不過幾面的女孩子情根深種,任是放在誰身上都覺得不可思議的事情,偏偏陸長霆一點兒也不覺得哪裡不對)

As if him being tempted by Gu Shengyin was normal .

Lu Zhangting recalled his close friend’s, Liang Zimu’s, expressions always had when he mumbled something about the previous life, the current life, and so on .  陸長霆腦海之中想起了自己那個喜歡一些神神秘秘東西的發小樑梓慕總愛嘟囔些什麼前世今生之類的話

Originally, he never took it into heart . Now that he thought about it, maybe he had fate with this girl from their previous life . What about this life? Otherwise, he would not be attracted to her with a glance .  (原本他從來都不放在心上,現在想想,說不定他和這個女孩子,就是前世的緣分,今生延續呢)

When Gu Shengyin woke up, a trace of light from the setting sun squeezed through the curtains was spread out, just falling on the man in front of the hospital bed adding a gentle color to his handsome face .  (顧盛因醒過來的時候,正好落日的餘暉透過被拉開了一絲縫隙的窗簾擠了進來,正好落在病牀前的男人身上,爲他清俊的容顏上更添上了一分柔和的色彩)

If you aren’t already doing so, please read at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

“You woke up?” Lu Zhangting appeared to be very happy . Seeing that Gu Shengyin was sitting up, he got up to pour a cup of warm water for her .

“Here is the hospital?” Gu Shengyin did not think Sheng Lu’s body reaction would unexpectedly be so great, but she was still very satisfied with this result .

“En, earlier you suddenly fainted . I was pa.s.sing by and brought you here . ” Lu Zhangting attentively looked at Gu Shengyin’s expression .  (嗯,之前你突然暈了過去,我正好路過,就把你送到了這裡。”陸長霆仔細的看着顧盛因的神色)

As expected, he clearly saw a trace of pain on Gu Shengyin’s face, but she quickly restored her calmness .

“Thank you, senior Lu . ” Gu Shengyin said .

Lu Zhangting considerately did not continue asking and s.h.i.+fted the topic: “I didn’t see a cell phone on you, so I didn’t contact your family . ” 

Gu Shengyin said in a relaxed manner: “No need to inform them about such a trivial matter . Don’t let them get worried . ” (顧盛因鬆了口氣:“不用告訴他們,這麼點小事,還是不要讓他們擔心了)

Lu Zhangting did not speak .

“Senior, I don’t have any problems so I don’t have to stay here . ” Gu Shengyin did not like the hospital one bit .

The doctor also said that this was her own psychological problem . It was really unnecessary to stay in the hospital so Lu Zhangting nodded his head .

Exiting out of the hospital, Gu Shengyin said that she would like to invite Lu Zhangting out for a meal .

“Senior, don’t refuse me . Just treat it as a thank you for taking care of me today . ” Gu Shengyin said .  (學長可不要拒絕我,就當做你照顧了我一天的謝禮。”顧盛因說道)

Lu Zhangting originally did not intend to decline, but when Gu Shengyin chose the Imperial capital’s Michelin restaurant, he shook his head .

“How about going to the hot pot restaurant from last time?” Lu Zhangting said .

Gu Shengyin was surprised: “Senior also like to eat hot pot?”

Lu Zhangting laughed but did not say anything .

It’s merely because that is where I met you for the first time .

Moreover, the way you looked from the spiciness was very cute .  (而且,你被辣到的樣子,很可愛)