Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 292

Chapter 292

When Lu Zhangting left, Gu Shengyin revealed a smile .

Unexpectedly, she met her lover on the first day in this world .

Gu Shengyin discovered that she could already recognize him even without the lotus fragrance on his body .

Perhaps as the two of them met in one world after another, the restraints between their souls also became closer until both sides have special feelings towards each other .  (或許是隨着兩人一個世界一個世界的相守,彼此靈魂之間的羈絆也越來越深,直到雙方都對彼此有一種特殊的感應)

Gu Shengyin, who was in a fabulous mood, was walking around school, and couldn’t help but say that the environment of First University was truly good .

She looked over her cla.s.s schedule . There was only one elective in the afternoon, Western cla.s.sical music? Gu Shengyin raised an eyebrow . It seemed like Sheng Lu made some inquiries . Hearing that Yuan Chen had chosen this course, she deliberately also chose it .

This foolish girl .  She inexplicably felt somewhat distressed towards the original Sheng Lu . She was obviously such an outstanding girl, yet liked a cautious, solemn person . With her qualifications, she could directly confess, but she unexpectedly did not have confidence when facing love and ultimately let another person get it cheaper .  (明明是自身那麼優秀的一個女孩子,卻偏偏那麼小心翼翼的喜歡一個人,以她的條件,大可以直接表白,可是她偏偏在愛情面前沒那個自信,最後便宜了別人)

Gu Shengyin saw a familiar person as soon as she entered the cla.s.sroom .

That woman wearing a yellow goose-colored dress chatting with a smile to the cla.s.smates surrounding her, wasn’t she Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+?

Gu Shengyin knew that both Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ and Sheng Lu came for Yuan Chen .

She withdrew her gaze . In contrast to the cheerful atmosphere at Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s area, her area was extremely quiet . There was no one seated near her .

Gu Shengyin sighed: Her t.i.tle of Gao ling zhi hua was not called in vain .  (高嶺之花的名號,果然不是白叫的)

As she pondered about it, Gu Shengyin perceived a slight movement at the seat on her left side . She raised her eyes and saw an unexpected person .

This face with handsome eyebrows and a bright smile, Gu Shengyin was very familiar with . Wasn’t this person the one that the original Sheng Lu liked—Yuan Chen? (這張眉眼俊朗,笑的一臉燦爛的臉,顧盛因無比熟悉,不正是原主喜歡的人——袁琛嗎)

“h.e.l.lo, is anyone sitting here?” Yuan Chen asked with a smile .

Gu Shengyin shook her head: “No, do as you wish . ” (顧盛因搖搖頭:“沒有,你隨意)

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

Seeing that Gu Shengyin had turned her head again and did not have any meaning of  continuing the conversation, Yuan Chen inwardly thought: Sure enough, proud just like the rumors .

If the mountain doesn’t come to me, I will go to the mountain .  (山不來就我,我就去就山)

Therefore, Yuan Chen’s initiative to become close and Gu Shengyin’s occasional replies seemingly became two people speaking intimately in the eyes of outsiders .

No need to mention Sheng Lu, the new school beauty whom everybody recognized, Yuan Chen was also well-known for his popularity . Naturally, the two of them together attracted a lot of people’s attention .

Some people were even gossiping about whether these two people were dating, otherwise; how could Sheng Lu, who was known for being cold and arrogant, put down her posture? (甚至有人好偷偷的在八卦這兩人是不是在交往,要不然一向以冷傲聞名的盛露怎麼會放下身段)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ listened to these remarks and her complexion fluctuated multiple times .  (齊詩詩聽着這些言論,臉色變幻不定)

What happened? Didn’t I let Yuan Chen see Sheng Lu being domineering towards that beggar today? Why does it seem like nothing happened? (今天自己不是交待了那個乞丐要讓袁琛看到盛露跋扈的一面嗎?爲什麼現在看起來完全不是那麼回事?)

“s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, are you not feeling well?” Her deskmate saw Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s ugly complexion and couldn’t help but worry and asked .

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ gave a smile: “It’s nothing . I didn’t sleep well last night and felt somewhat tired . ”

At this moment, the bell rang and everyone straightened out their mood, no longer talking about this problem .  (這時候上課鈴響起,大家都收拾了心情,不再討論這個問題)

After cla.s.s, Yuan Chen smiled and said good bye to Gu Shengyin, watching the beautiful woman leave .

When he packed up his things to leave, he happened to collide with a girl holding a stack of books .

“Are you okay?” He asked promptly .

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ raised her head and looked at him very quickly . Her face immediately turned red as she leaned down to pick up her books scattered on the floor and prepared to leave .

Yuan Chen amusingly looked at the girl, who was fleeing like a frightened rabbit, and stopped her: “Wait a minute!”

He handed a book and laughed softly: “You forgot something . ”