Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 285

Chapter 285

What Lei Ting didn't think was that when he used his thunder ability, he discovered that the berserk thunder appeared to have been absorbed by an invisible black hole when it touched the layer of light. (雷霆想也不想的,就是一個雷系異能打過去,卻發現狂暴無比的雷電觸上那層光暈,就像是被一個看不見的黑洞吸收了一般,沒有濺起半分漣漪)

When the people from base came over, they saw Lei Ting attacking frantically towards the golden halo, and inside that halo was a figure completely enshrouded in golden light. (等到基地的人趕過來的時候,就看到雷霆一個人在瘋狂的朝着一個金色的光圈攻擊着,而光圈裡面,只有一個已經渾身籠罩在金光裡面,已經完全看不到面容的身影)

There was only one person with this ability.

The long and tedious spell was finally done.

Gu Shengyin also awakened from that strange state. (顧盛因也從方纔那種奇妙的境界裡面清醒了過來)

She opened her eyes, and the people who looked at her noticed that her eyes had turned pure gold.

If they were members of the Vatican from the previous world, they would know that this was a characteristic of the Light G.o.d.

“Lei Ting.” Gu Shengyin looked at her lover with a faint smile. Her expression was not sad nor happy, and under the sacred golden light, like an immortal G.o.d1. (顧盛因看着自己的戀人,似乎是微微的笑了起來,她此時的神情無悲無喜,在漫天金色聖光的襯托之下,仿若不食人間煙火的神祇)

But because of this, Lei Ting began to panic more and more.

Gu Shengyin's next sentence caused his eyes to widen: “I asked you before and you also gave me your answer. You wished to see the light descend onto Earth once more, and I also desire that.”

In Lei Ting's mind, he suddenly remembered the conversation that he had when Gu Shengyin had wrapped around him: “If you were given the chance to change the world back to how it was before but the price is your life, how would you choose?”

He slid listlessly onto the ground, as if he lost all of his strength. (他渾身像是失去了力氣一般,委頓在了地上)

How had he answered her? He said he was willing and that she would understand him.

Then, was this considered retribution? He suddenly covered his face and deprecated smile. (他突然捂着臉,低低的笑了起來)

Gu Shengyin gave her final words to Lei Ting: “I hope to see you live well and to once again see the sunlight and fresh flowers in the world on my behalf.” (顧盛因最後對着雷霆說了一句話:"我希望看到你好好的活着,替我看看重新出現陽光和鮮花的世界)

She gazed at the gray sky. As if her gaze had a pair of invisible hands, the dark curtain covering the sky was torn apart.

A golden light broke through the obstructions and descended onto the ground.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. No one had thought that someone was able to do this alone.

However, it was not over yet.

Rain suddenly fell from the sky, and every raindrop became a tiny golden light spot.

Wherever those light spots dropped, everything recovered. (光點所到之處,萬物復甦)

Because there was no light and the land had become bare, green buds emerged at a speed not visible to the naked eye and flowers bloomed.

The river was clear again;

The air was fresh again;

Those wandering zombies cried out miserably as they were cleansed by the light spots and eventually turned into flying ashes unwillingly. (那些遊蕩的喪屍在光點的沖刷之下,發出了悽慘的哀嚎,最後在不甘願之中,化作了飛灰)

Not knowing who started it, everyone around Gu Shengyin had begun kneeling one after another.

From the conversation between Lei Ting and her, it was not difficult to figure out to what price Gu Shengyin had to pay. (從雷霆和她的對話之中,他們不難推測出來,做到這樣的程度,顧盛因將會付出什麼樣的代價)

Gu Shengyin felt the strength in her body being drained away. She knew that she would be leaving this world very soon.

There was still one more thing that hadn't been done.

She turned to look at the coffin beside her.

She condensed the last of her powers to the palm of her hand, gently pressed it against the coffin, and a trace of sigh flowed out of her mouth. (她將最後的力量凝聚在手掌之上,輕輕的對着棺材按了下去,嘴角之中溢出了一絲嘆息)

“Since you've pa.s.sed away for so many years, don't be reluctant to leave this world again.” (既然已經逝去多年,就不要再留戀人間了)

The entire coffin melted in the golden light until there was nothing left behind.

Lei Ting, who was sitting on the ground during this entire time, suddenly reacted. He roared at Gu Shengyin: “I regret it…I regret it!”

JMin's Corner:

There is no medicine for regret. Smh

Lesson of the day: Be careful of what you wish for.

On another note, the villainess in this arc is not so bad.

Ari's Corner:

1. [] Means a person who does not eat mortal food.↩

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