Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats! - Chapter 176

Chapter 176

After everything was properly done, Gu Shengyin picked up the game helmet on the bedside .

In fact, she was somewhat curious . Holographic online games, it sounded really magical .

A white light flashed through her mind . Gu Shengyin found herself appearing in a gra.s.sy meadow and could even see a few b.u.t.terflies fluttering around a cl.u.s.ter of flowers .

She tried taking two steps and was very nimble, almost no different from the real world .

This world’s science and technology had already developed to a very powerful level .

At this time, there was a constant “di di” sound, and at the same time, a sweet voice was also heard: “Master, where are you?”

“Master, I got stuck in the first line . Can you come over?” (我在一線天卡住了)

“Master, are you there?”

“Master, are you online? I am in the process of learning how to refine and lack a Lings.h.i.+ . When

you come online and see this, help me get one, okay?”


Gu Shengyin lightly swept all the messages from the same ID, Small Misty Rain .

She said nothing, getting rid of the entire screen .

Following the route in her memory, Gu Shengyin came to a place .

Here was a dungeon with a difficulty of h.e.l.l . Previously, Dreary Falling Tree was stuck here for two days .

Dreary Falling Tree wasn’t the only one . So far in this server, there wasn’t a single player who could pa.s.s it .

Dreary Falling Tree’s profession was a swordsman . Her appearance was very common: white and black hair with a green 3-feet sword on her back, the most common swordsman model . The appearance was not remarkable at all . In this game, players could increase or reduce their appearance by 100% . 1

Most players increased, but only Shen Xiaoxiao, who did not walk the common route, chose to reduce by 100% .


As a result, the overall appearance of Dreary Falling Tree did not have a half-point place to applaud . (於是,總體而言,落木蕭蕭這個造型,看起來沒有半分出彩的地方)

She began trying to cut down the monsters .

For the first time, two rounds, Dreary Falling Tree slammed . 2 (第一次,兩回合,落木蕭蕭,撲)

Second time, persisted ten rounds, Dreary Falling Tree slammed .

Third time, Gu Shengyin was already, more or less, familiar with the gameplay of this game .

Originally, in holographic online games, the player’s reaction speed, sensitivity, strength, and so on was very demanding in real life . Just like the many experts in [Lin Jianxian] server, they were all born in the army .

However, how could they be compared to Gu Shengyin, who had lived in a sword cultivation world for thousands of years and was more familiar with swordsmen than anyone else?

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

Thus, the fourth time, after more than ten minutes of knocking the Boss to death, Gu Shengyin emptied the Boss’

the Boss’ HP with her beautiful sword .

【Announcement: Player Dreary Falling Tree killed World-Cla.s.s Boss, Gyuumao, got the first kill, went against the Heavens, and was rewarded the Immortal weapon, [Water Dragon’s Cry]】

The world channel suddenly exploded .

[Playing With Chopped Hand]3: F***! Fighting with Gyuumao, Laozi can support for no more than three rounds every time . Dreary Falling Tree, powerful!

[Meng Meng Da]4: Immortal! This game also has an Immortal? I am still wearing gold-ranked equipment and G.o.d is beginning to use Immortal!

[Capable Small Pig]5: I thought Mountain River One Sword would get the first kill!

[Flower Viewing From Horseback]6: When did Dreary Falling Tree become so powerful? I PK’d7 with her and didn’t feel that she was fierce enough to hack Gyuumao to death ah!

[I Only Watch Not Speak]8: Upstairs, at that time, Dreary Falling Tree must have let you win! Mountain River One Sword and I are both in the dungeon preparing to kill Gyuumao . Seeing Dreary Falling Tree, we waited at the side . I was a

I was a bit bored and recorded it . Here’s the link, no need to thank me! Don’t speak, Laozineeds to kneel and lick again for a minute .

The world channel was quiet for a couple minutes . Then,

[I Only Watch Not Speak]: I——–! Thank G.o.d for your kindness and starting off leniently!9

1 . Either make themselves look more beautiful or ugly

2 . I a.s.sume it means that she died, but I don’t know the right term for it .

3 . 再玩砍手

4 . 萌萌噠/ Adorable Da . ‘Da’ is phonetic/command to a horse/clatter of horse’s hooves

5 . 小豬行

6 . [走馬觀花] An idiom: a fleeting glance in pa.s.sing

7 . PK: stands for player kill . Used when fighting with other players .

8 . 我只看看不說話

9 . start off leniently [idiom]: please do not be too strict with me/Do not judge me too harshly . /Look favorably on my humble efforts