Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record Of Counterattacks - Chapter 2793: The Help of the Third-Generation Vampire

Chapter 2793: The Help of the Third-Generation Vampire

Chapter 2793: The Help of the Third-Generation Vampire

Perry looked at Ning Shu with eyes that were filled with loathing.

it was because Ning Shu had seriously crippled Perry the last time theyd met. The only reason he was able to recover was pretty much due to his tenacious willpower.

There was also the help of the third-generation vampire.

Anyhow, it was a blessing in disguise. He was now much stronger than before.

As soon as he fully recovered, he brought a large horde of vampires to avenge himself.

He had been beaten in front of so many people last time. Worse still, hed been beaten into a f*cking skeleton. It was even more embarra.s.sing than if Ning Shu had stripped him naked in front of the crowd.

Recalling how Ning Shu had cursed at him last time, he felt another surge of anger.

He would make her pay!

Mina looked at Ning Shu. You really are a frog at the bottom of the well. The strength of the vampires is beyond your wildest dreams.

During Minas time with the vampires, shed learn about the true strength of the vampires.

Shed realized that as a blood hunter, shed only seen the tip of the iceberg. The vampire clans force was far stronger than it appeared.

I never doubted that the vampires were powerful, Ning Shu indifferently responded. However, what does it matter to me if theyre powerful?

You broke into the blood hunter order manor in bright daylight, but all you wanted was to come back and show off, to rub things in our faces, huh?

Mina, youre already a criminal in the blood hunter order. Now that youve turned into a vampire, your treason is sealed in stone. If you can betray the blood hunter order, which had raised you, do you think the vampires will trust you?

Today youve fallen in love with a vampire, and so you betrayed the blood hunter order. One day, if you fall in love with a human, wont you betray the vampires all the same?

Oh, but I forgot, youve always been this willful, havent you? Ning Shus mouth was like a machine gun, shooting off killing words like ammunition.

Mina cautiously glanced at Perry and said hatefully to Ning Shu, Molly, stop trying to drive a wedge between us. The one I love is Perry, its always been Perry.

Ning Shu looked unconvinced. Will you only love him for the rest of your life?

Ning Shu waved her hand. Dont jest. Do you dare to swear that youll always love only him in this lifetime? Will you swear to always be full of love for him, and that the day will never come when youll be tired of him?

You vampires will live a very very long life. Youll have to see the same face every day, and therell be no end to it because youll never die. Ning Shu clucked her tongue. Just thinking about it makes me want to off myself.

All new clothes look beautiful, but dont they get discarded all the same when theyve gotten old? People get old too, Mina.

Youll have to spend endless days with one another. Do you guarantee that time will never wear away your love?

Come on, then. Loudly tell the world of it! Shout at the sky! Tell everyone you will always love Perry, never tire of him, and youll always find Perrys smile cute and kawaii!



The crowd:

Ning Shu lifted her chin towards Mina. Why are you not vowing on it? Isnt what you two have true love?

Mina opened her mouth but didnt know what to say. Perrys face was twisted. His already pale face turned into an angry, deadly gray. His eyes were so red that they seemed to drip blood.

Whats the point of talking to her? Just kill them! Perry waved his hand at the vampires behind him.

Presumably concerned about Ning Shus Eastern spells, Perry condescendingly said to Ning Shu, You, fight me!

He turned back towards Mina and said, Wait on the side.

Be careful, Perry, Mina said concernedly. However, inwardly, she felt that Ning Shu was no match for Perry.

Mina didnt understand a thing about Ning Shus strength, even though Perry had told her before that Ning Shu was powerful.

She was stuck thinking of Ning Shu as an ordinary blood hunter.

Her partner was only a little better than her when it came to blood hunting. How could she be called powerful?

Mina had also been knocked out and tied up by Ning Shu during the last battle.

Mina was counting on Perry to avenge her. Molly had repeatedly humiliated her.

Molly had betrayed her and tried to ruin her relations.h.i.+p with Perry. Molly had also stepped on her to climb to the top position she had now in the blood hunter order.

MTL Editor: Ran