Chapter 1 Military
Time stopped on May 12, 2009, at two o’clock in the morning. Outside the heart of the Beijing city in a desolate area, seven black cars were traveling at a breakneck speed.Twoin the front, two in the back, and two on the sides. In the middle was a black Mercedes. A vehicle with a smooth and powerful engine. The body was completely made of aluminum alloy, you could also see the faint spiral bullet-proof marks on the winds.h.i.+eld. No license, nospecial military ident.i.ty, one couldn’t help but wonder, ‘how did thisteam come from the heavily guarded capital’s gate?’
After hours, the convoy pulled into a suburban and inconspicuous khaki-colored building. Four soldiers dressed in camouflage came up and motioned for the people in the car to stop for inspection. As the front door opened, a young man wearing a black suit came out. He handed one of the soldiers a crimson paizi, for him to check for a moment.
“I need to consult with the higher authorities” said Chen Sheng
The man in black’s brow slightly furrowed with anger. With a low voice he said “This here has the signature of Commander Hua. Who else do you need to consult with?”
The soldier blankly continued, “Major, our superior just issued an order. Besides the head, no one else is allowed to enter this restricted area without the signatures of both Commander Hua and Chief Zhang. Otherwise you will not be allowed to pa.s.s.”
“Li Yang.”
A deep voice suddenly sounded from behind the car. The black Mercedes drove slowly up. The window was rolled down, exposing some slightly old tired faces inside. The soldier looked surprised, then suddenly stood at attention, saluted and said, “Hi, Sir!”
Commander Hua lightly nodded, “Now we can go in, right?”
The soldier hesitated slightly before saying, “Reporting to Commander, Chief Zhang has ordered that no one is allowed to travel by vehicle in the restricted zones. All must travel by foot.”
Commander Hua gently wrinkled his brows and patted his leg, “I have to walk?”
The soldier’s face became more ugly. He looked through the window at Commander Hua’s wounded leg. With resolution, General Chen Sheng finally said, “I am sorry Commander, Superior’s orders,no person shall drive. All have to walk!”
This caused Li Yang’s complexion to change. He suddenly became angry and was about to say something before Commander Hua beckoned him with a deep voice, “Li Yang, you go with my doc.u.ments. 005 must be intact. The Military Intelligence Bureau can no longer afford any kind of loss like they did with 003. It’s our country’s wealth.”
Li Yang’s countenance changed immediately. Facing the gray-haired old man with a salute, “Commander, rest a.s.sured. I am determined to complete this task!” he said resolutely.
However, at that moment, a loud cras.h.i.+ng sound came blasting. The glare of fire on a large black mushroom cloud rose suddenly in the night sky.
Li Yang eyes widened as he stared for a moment. He had nothing else to say. Without a word, he turned around and ran in to the restricted zone!
That night, the people in the capital were still silently sleeping. However, the fourth military prison outside the city had undergone a huge blast that was large enough to shock the world. In the darkness, the heads of various countries had all gathered in one place, waiting a few hours after dawn.
Four hours ago.
In the trial hall of the national fourth detention barracks, sat seven senior officers. All of them wearing their uniforms, with s.h.i.+ning star badges that show their rank. In the judgment seat, sat the five military judges. They were from gedajunqu, and were not apart of the subordinate military system. Below them were more than 20 first-level special troops, armed with a Colt M OD733 5.56mm a.s.sault rifles. They looked alert and were on guard for any critical situation.
During the trial, the entire court’s atmosphere was solemn and respectful. All eyes were focused on the defendant’s seat, whom was wearing a military uniform. The presiding judge cleared his throat. Chen Sheng, with a deep voice, “Name.”
“Chu Qiao.”
A light, calm voice responded. Although it sounded hoa.r.s.e, you could still determine the person’s gender.
Sure enough, a pretty woman sat in the defendant’s chair wearing green military trousers and a white s.h.i.+rt with the sleeves rolled up. Exposing half of a white arm. She looked calm with pure eyes. The slightest tension could not be seen.
The presiding judge continued with the dry process, “s.e.x.“
“Date of birth. ”
“October 8, 1982. ”
“Origin. ”
“Antu County, Jilin province. ”
“Army history.”
“In 1999, I was admitted to the central military school. In 2001, I was rea.s.signed into thecentral military command headquarters ,fifth intelligence service to study. In the second half of 2001, I entered the hawk group seventh army to undergo training. Then on August 27, 2003 I formally joined the fifth intelligence service. I was enrolled in the second group that was engaged in intelligence a.n.a.lysis and deployment. In December 2003, I was transferred to the Intelligence Bureau of Xinjiang and MI 9, with the implementation of the sweeping process plan. In June, 2004 I left the country to perform the ambush.After 7 years, I return to the homeland and entered the 11th command headquarters, I was the a.s.sistant commandant,until now.“
“During your tenure, what kind of missions did you carry out?”
“From 2007 to April 2009, we carried out 11 big missions and 97 medium missions. I personally completed 29 missions. 11 five-star, 9 four-star, 5 three-star, 4 two-star missions and I did not have a 0ne-star mission.”
“According to the facts reported, you have carried out 2 one-star level mission.“
“In August 2007, with intelligence provided by the MI 7, MI 9 came forward to action with me and 9. Lee planned and carried out the ‘ sea salt plan ‘ which managed to get 300 tons of uranium ore. In November 2007, 11 and 6 cooperated in the implementation of the trap strategy. The capture of the rats was known as Mika. Half of the treasonous generals, blew up the nuclear reactors of country F. In April 2008, a plan to stir up rebellion with different functions in E country, was recaptured with the loophole pa.s.sword of Central Bank. InJune 2008, with the help of X country, using 11 plans and the different functions a.s.sistance, nine 003 agents using the focus motion formation, obtained the HK47manufacture blueprint successfully.“
The presiding judge pushed up his while comparing what was said with his doc.u.ments, while Chen Sheng said, “In detail, please tell me about your relations.h.i.+p between you and secret agent 003 of MI 9.”
When the woman heard this, she slightly raised her eyebrows. She looked for a long time at the seven officers, without changing her expression, that was still slightly cold. Finally, to Chen Sheng she said,”In 2001 when the seventh army received training, agent 003, 11 staff officer Huang Minrui Major, and I live in a bedroom together. In March 2004, we planned out the implementation of Section 003 to Xinjiang, East Turkistan terrorist, to destroy the intelligence program. We worked for two months. In 2008 we carried out the mission with003 cooperation.“
The presiding judge Chen Sheng said “How is your relations.h.i.+ps with your comrades? Colleagues, co-workers, or casual acquaintances?”
She looked on calm, with slightly raised eyebrows, “We are friends.”
The jury immediately had a minor uproar. She looked towards them with her sharp facial features. The smile still present on her lips.
“In other words, you and 003 have close contacts. As in intimate friends that tell one another everything, is that right?” The 40 year old female judge Chen Sheng asked.
Chu Qiao turned her head to look at the seemingly gentle judge before speaking, “Judge. 003 and I have received high-quality special state training. We are very clear about the words we can and can not say. So, for you to interrogate me in this regard is a disregard for the national interest of our heroic martyrs. It is of the greatest disrespect.”
Chen Sheng’s face paled as she pursed her lips, no longer able to speak. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.
She quickly regained her composure and continued, “Chu Qiao. Pertaining to M1N1, please explain your actions and statements.”
Finally. They’ve finally reach the highlight of this session. The two Fifty year old jury a.s.sitant members, after hearing these words, suddenly looked very focused. Chu Qiao lowered her head for a long time before speaking and stressing each syllable, “I request to see my superiors, or to stand in the Supreme People’s Court under the military court. Otherwise, I will not make any statements regarding M1N1.”
The presiding judge heard this and frowned. With an obvious hint of anger in her voice, she slowly said, ” So, are you questioning the authority of the joint five military parties and legal experts set up by the highest authorities of the military court?”
“I’m not.” Chu Qiao raised her head and repeated, “I request to see my superior. In the absence of Commander Hua, decla.s.sified doc.u.ments signed by the commander, I am afraid I am not allowed to disclose the doc.u.ments and content of M1N1.”
The judge’s frown deepened before continuing “Well, you ordered the blasting of the General Buildings. This resulted in the death of more than 20 hostages. Please make your defense and elaboration.”
“They were not hostages.”
Chu Qiao looked straight at Chen Sheng and said, “Under my command, everything was in line with the military’s doctrine, we did not kill anyone in vain. So long as I see my superior and a doc.u.ment with the signature of Commander Hua, I will make a complete statement to the military court. Prior to this, I will not accept any trial.”
The trial became deadlocked. The were unable to go further. Afterwards, Chu Qiao was brought down and all the judges and generals exited the hall. Strict monitoring devices captured all of their images, but sitting in the corner where the top military commanders were, a small device flashed red.
Time was running out.
Chu Qiao sat on an iron bed, with her head down in silence. Around the prison cell thatshe was in, their was a special characteristics armored gla.s.s. From the outside you could see the inside situation completely, but the person inside could not actually see outside or hear the least bit of sound. That person does not have any privacy. The stiffness of the gla.s.s was of such that even if you took a German M7KB heavy–caliber submachine gun and continuously fired for one year, you would only be able open a small hole. If you want to break the gla.s.s to escape, you may need the help of a atomic bomb.
Even if she couldn’t see or hear outside, as a senior commander of the country‘s most secretintelligence service, she knew the full layout. Feeling the pulse in hand, she silently counted the time. She knew dinner time was coming.
Sure enough, with a clatter and a click, under the gla.s.s a side door opened. A tray of food was slowly pushed in.
She sat on the bed and did not move, but at that moment a small stone suddenly flew out. And with great accuracy, it silently hit the wrist of the deliverer and a watch fell on the prison floor.
Outside, the surprised soldier felt around twice, but did not reach anything. Chu Qiao heard him move and seemingly unintentionally turn away with a frown. She knew that in addition to him, another man was standing outside monitoring her closely.
Normally, inmates are not allowed to close the door during the meal, but at themoment, with Chu Qiao made hand gestures to herself. Seeing it clearly outside the door,the soldier put out his fist to beat on the ground twice and agreed.
Chu Qiao jumped off the bed and picked up the watch. Taking it into her hands soldier outside of the gla.s.s wouldn’t see. She gently smiled, picked up the food and went back to bed.
Outside, quickly quieted down.
Everything was so natural. Nothing seemed strange.
After her meal, she walked next to a simple toilet and pulled the door open.
The Government was fairly humane. They set a fairly private bathroom. Except for above the shoulder, below was made of plastic that wasn’t completely transparent. Chu Qiao sat on the toiler, lowering her head slightly. She knew that someone outside was still watching her. She could not stay in the toilet for more than 20 minutes.
Others could not see what she was doing in the bathroom, so she gently stretched out her fair palm. On her fingertips, she carefully extracted a transparent film. The other soldier carelessly allowed her to get his fingerprints. Chu Qiao, knew she didn’t have much time. She had to move quickly.