Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

7. Witch’s contract.

Let’s turn back time for a bit.

Student counseling room after school.

Shirasaka-san was called by Yuzuki-sensei after the homeroom and was brought here, then she was shown the video of yesterday’s incident.

I was in Yuzuki-sensei’s 『Preparation Room』since this morning…I skipped today’s classes.

There’s one reason.

To shock Shirasaka-san.

We can’t show my swelling face plastered and bandaged beforehand…

Actually, Shirasaka-san was surprised to see me waiting in the student counselling room .

「…What’s wrong, Yoshida-kun!?」

I didn’t answer. I’m just looking down…

Shirasaka-san will be driven into a trap now…it would go wrong if I speak poorly.

I thought of leaving everything to Yuzuki-sensei.

「He got caught up in a small trouble you see…This is why he was absent from the class today. Well, it’s related to you though…」

Sensei had a suggestive smile.

「Uhm…What do you mean? What’s my relation to Yoshida-kun’s injury?」

Shirasaka-san’s face became clouded.

「…I don’t think you’re the one who did this violence to him. Shirasaka-san, did you talk to Endou-kun today?」

「Yes? Kenji…Endou-kun? Uhm, we’re in the same class so we talked」

She’s puzzled as the Endou’s name who’s her classmate and lover is mentioned.

「…How was he? Did you feel something strange in his actions?」

「Err…I’m worried because he’s not energetic but…Uhm, Is Kenji somehow related to Yoshida-kun’s injuries?」

The female teacher didn’t answer Shirasaka but instead took a piece of disk in silence and inserted it to a laptop.

「…Shirasaka-san. Do you know that there’re surveillance cameras installed in some places in this school?」


「…It has become dangerous lately. Therefore we installed surveillance cameras on locations where the school eyes can’t reach and delinquency seems to occur. One of the important point to monitor is the roof of the school building」

The teacher in black hair and glasses say 『It’s normal for teachers to observe the students』justifying the existence of the surveillance cameras.

「…Then, what you’re going to see is the recorded video from yesterday after school」

「Why do I have to see this…?」

She’s feeling a bad premonition.

Shirasaka-san throws her doubt to the teacher.

「…Well, you’ll understand when you see it」

The teacher clicked the play button with her thin fingers…


Shirasaka-san looks pale after the video stops.

The female teacher’s lips is grinning.

「…Then you see, here’s his medical certificate. His bruise and scratch would take a month for a complete recovery. Oh, his treatment was made by an acquaintance doctor. It would be a big problem if the school infirmary’s doctor would take a look at him」

Yesterday, a voice from the school speakers suddenly called out while Endou was beating me up.

「Students on the rooftop , leave immediately! That’s a restricted area!」

Yuzuki-sensei’s voice was heard from the speaker.

The second year baseball club member and Endou was surprised and left the roof in a hurry.

「Listen here, don’t even talk about this to anyone…!」

He left with such a bad line…

Afterwards, I dragged my aching body down the rooftop to a floor below and Yuzuki sensei smilingly meet me.

Then I was taken to a medical practitioner in the town by a car.

Of course, I don’t care about my body.

We got a medical certificate from the doctor to obtain an evidence of the clear violence…

「…Now then, your lover did something very grand again. Even the camera he threw on the floor to destroy apparently costs five to sixty thousand yen」

The remains of the camera was put ona plastic bag on top of Yuzuki-sensei’s table.

My digital camera was broken…Well, it actually costs 30k from a mass market.

「… Should we add the smoking of the two second years, Endou-kun’s damage to properties and physical injuries and grave threat against Yoshida-kun. All of them would become trouble if revealed」

Yuzuki-sensei’s voice is light. She’s being lighthearted.

「Kenji…I’m calling Endou-kun here. I’ll have him apologize to Yoshida-kun. I’ll apologize too. . I’ll compensate for the camera too. Including the expense on the doctor…」

Sensei hit the table with her fist lightly.

Shirasaka-san was surprised and interrupted speaking…

「…We’re not here about that」

The eyes under the black glasses of the female teacher glitter suspiciously…

「Then…Uhm…What is it?」

Shirasaka-san is finally cornered.

「…Let me confirm this first. There’s no other people from this school who knows this event from yesterday except for the people concerned, you and I. I haven’t reported this matter to anyone yet」

「…Nobody knows yet?」

「…That’s right. The principal and the other teachers. Even Yoshida-kun’s guardian doesn’t know it」

That’s right…Even my parents doesn’t know about my injury.

「…Now then, what should I do next?」


「…Let’s see. First, should we have the principal take a look at it? Or is it better to let all of the staff take a look at it? Should I let the board of education learn about this? What was it again…Oh right, was it National High School Baseball organization? Should I tell them?」

There’s beads of sweat on Shirasaka-san’s forehead…

「I’d be troubled if you do…If you do that, the baseball club won’t be able to participate anymore」

Yuzuki-sensei gradually torments the weak Shirasaka-san…

「…It seems so. That’s regrettable. It would be a problem for the baseball club members when it happens. I wonder if they would be punished by forbidding them on foreign games for one year? Would they be able to endure if if they can’t participate in a match after training for a year? It’s also pitiful for the third years who will have their last tournament.」

Oh…The devil can make this kind of smile…

「I’m sure everyone would bear grudge against Endou-kun…They won’t forgive him for their entire life. Hated and loathed, would Endou-kun be able to enter school in that state? At least he would be leaving the baseball club」

Shirasaka-san’s heart is being crushed by the pressure…

「…Could you keep it a secret?」

「What? I can’t hear you」

「…Kenji stakes his life in baseball! P