Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 246

Chapter 246

「You’re right! Sorry about that!」

Misuzu then reached out for the buttons of her uniform.

Eh…no way?

She’s getting naked as『Kakka』tells her?

She’s going out of this room naked?

The women in the room had their faces turned pale.

「Grandfather, that’s too unreasonable!」

Ruriko-san says but…

「No…Misuzu will leave everything given to her by Kouzuki house」

…『Kakka』replies with a strong expression.

That alone made Ruriko-san and Yoshiko-san frightened…they look down.

Seki-san and Fujimiya-san are puzzled but…

They can’t complain to their lord,『Kakka』

Michi glares at『Kakka』

Nagisa and Mao-chan are smiling for some reason…

They seem to be happily watching Misuzu’s strip show.

「Danna-sama…please hide me」

Misuzu tells me as she unbuttons herself.


「I don’t want to show my naked body to grandfather…」

Miuszu looks at my eyes.

These are eyes filled with determination…


I stand in front of Misuzu and prevent Kakka from seeing Misuzu’s body.

I spread my suit and cover her up.

「We’ll help covering Misuzu too!」

Nagisa tells Mao-chan.

「Okay, Mama」

Nagisa and Mao-chan helped out to hide Misuzu.

Michi as well, she enters a covering position.,

「Danna-sama…please listen」

Tossing off her uniform…Misuzu on her underwear speaks.


「Once I’m naked…please lend me your jacket」

「Got it」

This is a men’s wear so I can somehow wrap up Misuzu’s naked body.

But, the hem would barely hide Misuzu’s ass.

When she walks…her ass and secret parts would be exposed.

「Once I put it on…I will hide in the girls’ restroom in the hallway when we leave this room」


「There’s a shop for women’s clothing on the first floor of the hotel. Danna-sama saw that, right…?」

「…Yeah, there’s definitely one」

Director Yamaoka said that the shops on the first floor are open as usual.

The clerk might be from Kouzuki security service but…

I should be able to buy clothes from there.

「Then…please buy me clothes and footwear. It doesn’t matter if it’s souvenir T-shirts and shorts. As for footwear, cheap sandals will do. For the time being, clothes to get out from here will do」

Un…we can just buy underwear later.

For now, just some clothes and footwear to hide Misuzu’s naked body…

「I see…I just have to buy it!」

「…Do you have money?」

「Minaho-neesan gave me 100k yen so it’ll be fine」

「For the T-shirt, it’ll be seen through if it’s white so please choose a dark colored one. Size is M. For shorts you can pick an adjustable rubber…if there’s none, then M. As for sandals, you can buy even just beach sandals…!」

「…Got it」

Misuzu in her underwear takes off her leather shoes…then she goes for her socks.

「Should I go too? It would be easier to buy that way right?」

「Mao can come too!」

「It’s embarrassing to buy women’s clothes isn’t it?」

Nagisa and Mao-chan offers, but…

「No…It’s dangerous to go to the first floor」

It’s still not 8 o’clock just as Miss Cordelia promised but…

Viola’s followers might’ve already invaded.

I can’t bring Nagisa and Mao-chan.

「I’ll do this alone. Nagisa and Mao-chan, stay with Misuzu…!」

「…Understood, Dear」

Nagisa smiles

「Michi…please protect Misuzu, Nagisa and Mao-chan while I’m not here」



She takes out a red whip and electric baton from under her skirt and makes a big stance.

Michi taks out a weapon, Seki-san and Fujimiya-san stands up.

They’re preparing so they can move anytime.

「Seki-san, Fujimiya-san…Michi won’t make a move unless Misuzu and others are in a dangerous situation…right, Michi?」

「Yes. It is as Master says…!」

「Therefore…don’t approach Misuzu while I’m not here」

I look at the two guards.

「…If it’s the two of us, then we can easily fight that child」

Seki-san said, but…

「Even if I throw my life away…I will only protect Misuzu-sama until Master returns…

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Michi’s fighting spirit flares up.

「…Just protecting you say」

Fujimiya-san tells MIchi.

「Yes. That’s only the order given to me. I will never attack anyone. I swear that in honor of Kudou style martial arts」

Fujimiya-san takes a seat after listening to that.

「I’ll trust what you say…」


Seki-san looks at her colleague in surprise.

「I also think that the duty of a guard is to protect. If that girl has no intent of attacking then I don’t think there’s a problem…?」

「But…what if『Kakka』wishes for it, what would you do?」

If he orders to go at Misuzu with all their strength while I’m away…

「I’m working as a『guard』under Kouzuki security service. I’m no『Kakka’s』private soldier…!」

「Geez…why are you so hard-headed!」

「What abut you Seki-san…I think that you don’t have any honor at all…!」

The two glare at each other.

「If I decide to fight that girl then don’t hinder me」

Seki-san said filled with sarcasm.

「Sure. Go on…I am here to protect『Kakka』」

fujimiya-san laughs.

「Normally…I’d like Danna-sama to take off my underwear, but」

Misuzu who’s barefooted turned her hands on the bra hook this time as she speak.

「Yeah, too bad」

I’m spreading my suit to hide Misuzu’s naked body…

So there’s no way I can take off Misuzu’s underwear.

「Next time…I’ll leave it to Danna-sama」

「Yeah, got it」

「Then…please take a look. At Misuzu’s naked body」


At the same time when the hook comes off…Misuzu’s well shaped boobs spills off.

Her pink nipples touches the air.

「It’s beautiful…Misuzu」

「My body’s all for Danna-sama…」

Then…she speaks to her grandfather.

「I won’t show it to grandfather…!」

Then, she puts her hands on her panty…

Then lowers it…

Misuzu’s pussy…

A woman’s crotch…is very beautiful I think1

No matter how many times I see it…


Misuzu turns to me.


I put on my coat to Misuzu.

Naked Misuzu under a suit is very sexy.


She then jumps to my chest.

「I love you…」

She clings to me and asks for a kiss.

We piled our lips while I feel her pure skin.


Mao-chan raises a cheer.

「At this rate, my chest will feel chilly so please give me your necktie too…!」


I remove my necktie and put it on Misuzu’s naked neck.

Misuzu ties it herself dexterously…

「Then, let’s go?」

First, let’s get off the room and head to the restroom in the hallway.

「You’re right, let’s go」

Nagisa said.

「I ask Master to be the vanguard…I will serve as the rear guard」

Michi holds Seki-san back.

「Un, let’s go everyone」