Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1465

Chapter 1465

Chapter 1465

Were retreating

Following Neis voice, we retreated from the Judo hall.

Matsumoto Miki seems to have lost her strength, but Nei and Edie took her outside, almost carrying her.

Tsukiko and I are pulling Izumi.

Students are coming from there, please hurry and get in

Kurose Anju tells us from inside the van disguised as Maruko Equipment.

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san and Edie are wearing work gear, they hide Miki and Izumi from the students coming towards the judo hall so they dont see them getting inside the car.

Nei and I also got inside the car.

Ryouko, Ill hold onto your flail


Edie took the weapon from Kinos.h.i.+ta-san, opened the back of the van, tucks it inside, and closed it.

Meanwhile, Kinos.h.i.+ta-san reached the drivers seat.

Tsukikos sitting on the pa.s.senger seat.

Edie jumped in, closed the sliding door, and the van departed.

Nei, hide Miki. Darling and others, hide your heads

Edie and the girls are disguised as plumbing company workers, so there shouldnt be a problem if the students see them, but Izumi and I cant be seen inside the car, as were wearing school uniforms, much less Matsumoto Miki, whos in her middle school uniform from here, and Kurose Anju who wears a jersey.

If they mistook the van for kidnapping middle-schoolers, then itll make a fuss.

So, the van drives at a slow pace, not to warrant suspicion.

Okay, were clear

But, please remain hidden until we pa.s.s through the gate

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san told us.

Hmm, it seems that there are more students than earlier

When we entered the school, it was still early in the day, so there werent that many students going to school.

But just a few minutes later, theres an increase in student density.

It seems that a bus has arrived at the stop

Oh, so thats why.

The gate remained as is. Well just pa.s.s through

The gate Kurose Anju opened wider for our van to pa.s.s through remained open.

The van shook from a b.u.mp.

Okay, were outside. But please remain hidden

The car shakes again.

Okay, were clear

I raised my head and looked back.

Miki-sans middle school is getting further away.

Haa, haa, haa

Izumis hyperventilating next to me. She seems to be in pain.

Oh right.


Yes. Izumi-san, you can talk now

Tsukiko used her Miko power so Izumi wont make a fuss, and then Izumi was in a panic, her body was confused, and so she started hyperventilating.

Aaaaaah, aaaah

Izumis suddenly raising her voice.

That was scary! That was really scary!!!

She holds her tears as she screams.

Youre too noisy, its not that scary

Nei, Edie, Tsukiko, and Kinos.h.i.+ta-san were as calm as me.

That was scary! There were a ton of judo men, and even the teacher at the gate was scary


I know a lot of people much scarier than that teacher.

Above all, youre the scariest!

Izumi points at me.


Yes! How were you able to just smash that phone even in that situation?

Youre scared that I smashed Sakuragi and his friends phones?

Ya-chan, am I scary?

I asked Nei, who was in the seat in front of me.

Neis still hugging Matsumoto Miki-sans back.

Not at all, its just the usual cute Yo-chan

Nei laughed.

Darlings getting much more amusing than usual

I was about to laugh back then

Edie and Kinos.h.i.+ta-san said.

No! It was scary!

Izumi says loudly, then realized.

No, nothing, it wasnt scary nyan

She tried to fix her speech and added nyan.

I dont think I cant go against Kou-kun-san

Then, she turned meek.

What happened.

It was scary for me too

Matsumoto Miki-san in Neis arms, speaks up.

I didnt think of you people as scary until now

Miki-san trembles.

Was it really that scary? We just trespa.s.sed into a middle school, stormed a judo hall, took their phones, and smashed it and now were retreating, right?

I didnt expect it to scare them that much

Right I thought youd at least break Sakuragis bones on his hand and feet, set fire to the judo hall, and go home. But, breaking his smartphone is just so funnycan I laugh now?


That was the best, so hilarious. As expected, Boss is so fun

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san laughs in the drivers seat.

Thats not it, I was only afraid, nyan


Kou-kun-san, did you do something this horrible just to show it to Miki-san? Right?

Izumi looked at me.

If its just retrieving Miki-sans lewd photo, then Kou-kun-san and others could do it by themselves, but you went out of the way to go to the judo hall early in the morning just to show it to Miki-san

Izumi said. Miki-san looked at me.

Isnt that obvious? We could do it alone, using Tsukikos power, targeting Sakuragi when hes alone after school, taking his phone, but thats not good for Miki-san

I said.

What do you mean?

Miki-san asks me.

But before I could answer, Nei spoke.

Miki-chan had to see Sakuragi-kun once again while you were still in a relations.h.i.+p


Miki-san doesnt seem to get what Nei meant.

Miki-san, you werent sure if you liked Sakuragi-kun or not, but he pushed for the relations.h.i.+p, and you accepted it, didnt you?


This is important, so I want to get this straight, am I wrong?

No, it is as you say

Miki-san nods.

Shes been anxious since her fathers death and worried that she might be unable to continue her studies.

Therefore, she accepted Sakuragis offer.

But, Miki-san was so busy that you didnt even have the time to see or go on a date with Sakuragi-kun, so you felt that you were indebted to him, so he asked you to send a photo of yourself in underwear, You two were supposed to be in a relations.h.i.+p

Yes. Thats right

Miki-san replies depressingly as if she did something shameful.

So thats why Yo-chan wanted Miki-san to see Sakuragi-kun again

Nei smiled gently at Miki-san.

Why? I dont understand

Miki-san looks at Nei.

What I mean is that Miki-sans the type who respects her partner that she tied herself with since shes in a proper relations.h.i.+p

Although they agreed to be in a relations.h.i.+p, Mikis done nothing specifically lover-like with Sakuragi.

Despite that, when Sakuragi asked for it, she sent an embarra.s.sing photo of herself.

Thats because she recognizes Sakuragi as her boyfriend in her head.

Thats why she feels sorry for him.

Sometimes, its much clearer when you see them in person than just whatever you think in your head

I told Miki-san.

Seeing Sakuragi himself in the flesh earlier, what did you think? What did you feel when you walked into the judo hall and saw Sakuragis face

Did you feel closer to Sakuragi-kun than us?

Nei added.

We got acquainted with Miki-san yesterday afternoon, unlike her sister, Miki-san still doesnt trust us.

If Miki-sans perception in her head is correct, then she shouldve felt relieved seeing Sakuragi, whom she had been dating since.

She should feel closer to him than us.

I felt weird. Somehow, he looked like a stranger

Miki-san replied.

You knew at a glance, didnt you? You dont even love Sakuragi-kun

And, Sakuragi didnt love Miki either

Edie smiled gently.

Of course. Why would he show Miki-sans photo in her underwear to his friends if he loves her

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san concluded.

Miki-san, what were your thoughts when you discovered that Sakuragi-kun showed off your photo to his friends?

Nei asks another question.


I hated it. Why did I agree to date that boy, its embarra.s.sing and miserable, and it gets on my nerves

Then, what were your thoughts when Yo-chan smashed Sakuragi-kuns phone?

I thoughtthats just overkilland the way he broke the phone was scary, but

I thought so, I was making a scary look.

But, you felt happy, didnt you? Yo-chan went that far because he was angry for Miki-san.

Thatsyes I thought of that

Miki-san looked down and replied.

I guess Sakuragi-kun is gone from Miki-sans mind now. You dont feel obliged to him anymore. Miki-san wasnt in love with Sakuragi-kun, and he wasnt in love with Miki-san either. Far from a romantic relations.h.i.+p, you werent even in any relations.h.i.+p. Now, your relations.h.i.+p with him is cut off

Nei hugs Miki-san and pats her head.

Yes. Thatsthats rightbut


Maybe I shouldve told him that I dont want to be in a relations.h.i.+p with him anymore so Im breaking up with him

She looks up at Nei and said, but

No, not at all. You dont need to

Nei speaks loudly.

You dont need to go that far for someone like him. Everythings settled now


Besides, how would you contact him? He doesnt have a phone

I just smashed it to pieces.

I even snapped his SIM card so he cant even just change to another phone.

Of course. Gyahahaha, so hilarious

Kinos.h.i.+ta-san bursts out laughing.

Im sure he didnt even write down Miki-sans email anywhere. Hes the type who cant do anything without his phone, so he cant contact you now. Gyahahaha

I also think so.

However, I could still meet Sakuragi-kun in school. Ah

Miki-san makes a noise.

I still have school today

Miki-san turned around, but the school she goes to is already far off.

Today is Monday, and Miki-san has school today.

Yet, she left school together with us.

Thats okay too, Miki-san will change schools

I said.

Marika and Maki will go to the same music high school, but youll go to a different school for the remaining year and a half


Our family has a lot of allies, but also a lot of enemies. Therefore, Id rather not have you in a school thats easy to infiltrate. We cant just send security only for Miki-san

Are we moving her to the same school Mana-chan and the girls go through?

Nei asks me.

No, how about we send her to Misuzus school? Miki-sans learning violin after all

Even if its in the middle of the year, having Miki-san enroll in a school for the young ladies of n.o.bility would be a positive thing.

I think thats great, but I think that its going to be hard to push it in this late

Neis right, the school for the young ladies just had Agnes, and the Takakura shrine maidens pushed in just recently.

Besides, only daughters of n.o.bility and their servants are allowed to attend that school.

Maybe we can have her enroll as an attendant of someone, Ill talk to Misuzu

I said.

Then, I looked at Miki-san who looks uneasy.

If youre not convinced, lets do this. I order you, Miki-san, you should never see Sakuragi ever again. If youre forced to do it, then you dont have to worry about it. You have no choice but to do it

Yes, thats right. Yo-chan gave his directive, just forget Sakuragi-kun

Nei added.

I understand. Ill do that

Miki-san agreed.

Thats the only thing I can do, if so, Ill do it



Suddenly, Izumi sighs loudly.

I think I get what Maki-oneesama meant


Last night, Maki-oneesama mentioned that Kou-kun-san is such a considerate man

Speaking of which, Maki did say that.

Ive had enough. I get it now. Hats off nyan. Im no match against Kou-kun-san nyan

Izumi said.

Just do what you want. Im giving up nyan

Then, she sighed.

So she says, Yo-chan

Nei smiled.

Edies also smiling.

I think its time for us to let Boss do as he pleases with us too, right, Anju-chan?

She speaks to Kurose Anju, whos watching the rear of the van.


Dont be a sore loser. It only gives bad results

Kurose Anjus been my bodyguard since the other day.

Shes still not convinced inside.

I think its about time to settle it with Kurose Anju.

However, Miki goes first for now.

Well take care of the paperwork in changing schools. Well send someone to collect Miki-sans personal belongings in school. you dont need to go to that school anymore

In short, she doesnt have to meet Sakuragi.

I know its hard to part from your close friends but, accept it. Youll invite them soon enough to your violin concert

I said. Izumi mutters.

You sure are considerate nyan