Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453. s.e.x with kittens 4 A little Break

Im sorry, I couldnt stop myself

After s.e.x, I sprawled down on the bed while sweating all over.

To the right is Sakurako, whos looking embarra.s.sed.

Sakurakos soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s are touching my side. Her skin is heated up, and it feels nice to touch.

Thats okay, Sakurako-sama holds back too much after all

To my left is Motokos naked body, snuggling with me.

Furthermore, next to Sakurako and Motoko are Tsukiko, Anya, Shou-neechan, and Rei-chans naked bodies.

Then, on top of my body are Arisu and Kurumi, giving me cleanup f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o on my p.e.n.i.s that just finished ejaculating.

Hes about to reach his limit, and he also e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed at the same time as Sakurako-san, so everyone seems to have climaxed a lot too

Anya laughs, looking at Ososo and c.l.i.to, who are slumped at the edge of the bed, and the girl a.s.sa.s.sins under the bed who are stuck in the aftermath of ecstasy.

Those girls are still virgins, and I feel sorry that theyre forced to learn the pleasures of s.e.x before having the real one

Cant help it, we want to wipe out the dark image they have for s.e.x

I told Anya.

The thirteen girl a.s.sa.s.sins were captured in the Southeast Asian prost.i.tution den by the crazy boss of a criminal organization and raised to become a.s.sa.s.sins.

Therefore, they only know the dark side, where men come in and pour their desires on them one-sidedly.

I want to show these girls that they can enjoy having s.e.x and that theres a bond created by doing that.

Besides, these girls wont have s.e.x with anyone else but me

These thirteen girls have already killed someone.

They know how to.

Im telling these girls that theres a life other than killing, but

These girls can stop being a.s.sa.s.sins, but they cant erase that past.

There will always be the possibility that some impetus brings their mind back to being a.s.sa.s.sins.

They could end up being taken advantage of by the wrong people.

Kyouko-san brought them to me because she doesnt have anywhere to put these girls in their situation

These thirteen a.s.sa.s.sins need someone to look after them and take responsibility for them.

Thats me.

Thats also true for us

Motoko whispers to me.

We have no other place but with Otono-samas

Itll only be just you, Dear

Sakurako told me and kissed me on the cheeks

Lets end that wet talk. Can we talk about something else?

Shou-neechan tries to change the atmosphere.

Kaan-sama signed the contract with Kouzuki SS


Kaan house is one of the big n.o.ble families like Kouzuki house.

Not only do they come from that family background, but just like the Kouzuki house, they lead a huge group company.


Kaan-san also has his independent unit, right?

Yeah, Kaan Momoko-neechans bodyguards brother is the chief of the bodyguard troops.

Kaan houses private security will still be handled by their house guards. The contract we signed is to provide security to the Kaan houses businesses and international conferences that they sponsored

Shou-neechan explains to me while naked.

Kaan-sama finally understood why we brought the name of Kouzuki SS to the world through Kyouko-san and Reikas show.

Kyouko-san and Rei-chan face off on a special TV show once every three months.

Kyouko-sans always too ridiculous and too cartoonish with the criminal acts.

Then, Rei-chan wearing a uniform tries to stop it.

The image of their fights is just like the flashy action scenes.

To the public watching TV, they a.s.sume that this is just Kouzuki SS doing advertis.e.m.e.nts for their security service.

Rei-chan always calls herself the captain of Kouzuki SS.

Previously, Kouzuki SS was a security company specializing in n.o.ble families, and the public wasnt aware of that at all

Shou-neechan said.

But now, everyone knows that theres this bodyguard company called Kouzuki SS> Of course, that doesnt mean that its all good, there were some weird inquiries after all

Weird inquiries? Do they make calls wanting to meet Rei-chan?

I asked. Shou-neechan smiled wryly.

Theres that, but the most common would be them asking how much it cost for the service per month. They seem to think that were a bodyguard firm, not a security firm

Oh, they a.s.sume that theyre a normal bodyguard company when making contact.

They a.s.sume that theyre doing promotional shows like that to get contracts.

We get calls from commercial buildings and shopping malls. We told them that were not doing security for any specific establishments. There was once a company that asked us to send over a guard to make sure that the construction is safe

Construction site security, theres only a few in Asia that does that

Anya laughs.


Yeah, in most of the world, safety checks for your construction site are your responsibility. They wont hire someone to watch over an ongoing construction project

I see.

And so, we told the people who contacted us that Kouzuki SS doesnt provide such services. That they should look at our website for more details, but

Shou-neechan continues.

Thats their first time knowing what kind of company Kouzuki SS is. And we have very specific examples for contracts

It seems to be quite expensive for them

Thats natural. Kouzuki SS is an upper-cla.s.s specialized company after all

Shou-neechan smiled at Anya.

There were some major events that introduced Kouzuki SS as responsible for security. The examples are from international conferences where foreign VIPs gather

Thats how the public learns that there are companies like Kouzuki SS

Motoko said.

Only people from the n.o.ble families knew about the existence of the security company, and now the public learned about them.

On the contrary, having the public know about us is a good thing

I guess its easier to move if you have a well-known name

Thats right, Anya-san. In the past, when doing investigative work, we had to pose as detectives, or police to get the subject to talk, but now, we just simply say that were investigators from Kouzuki SS

The people who watch TV would feel comfortable talking to Rei-chan because of her affiliation. TV pulls impressions.

Also, more and more companies are signing new contracts with the Kouzuki SS after visiting our site and understanding the high-level security services we offer. Of course, theyre the big companies who can pay the full rates

Shou-neechan lokos happy.

You see, so far, Kouzuki SS work had been about the Kouzuki house and the Kouzuki group

Kouzuki SS was originally Jii-chans private army.

Most of the funds for the activity were disbursed by the Kouzuki group.

But now that Im the owner, I have to make more money by signing contracts outside the Kouzuki group to make it work even outside the Kouzuki group.

Yes, it helps to have contracts with other companies

Nowadays, companies have to think about counterterrorism, I can understand why many large companies would want to make a contract with the Kouzuki SS if they see that a company specializing in security exists

Motoko said.

Its great that Kaan-sama signed it this time, and I think this will encourage other n.o.ble family companies that dont have much a.s.sociation with the Kouzuki house to sign as well

Shou-neechans the current head of the on-site division, but she also thinks of management.

The n.o.bles have their va.s.sals. And in recent years, theyre having some funding issues

Motokos right, many of the n.o.ble families cant hire guards due to the lack of finances.

Its cheaper to have part-time security from Kouzuki SS than to have the house hire individual bodyguards.

Then, Kaan-sama signed with the Kouzuki SS even though he doesnt have problems with security

There are families like the Kanou house, Sakurakos family, who are from the n.o.bility with solid backgrounds, but theyre suffering from a lack of money.

Theres also the n.o.bility that has failed in businesses, like Arisus Kurama house, or Karens Mizus.h.i.+ma house.

The n.o.bility with financial difficulties can rely on Kouzuki SS to protect them.

Kaan-san even purposely went to take the initiative and sign the contract.

This will lead to more contracts with other n.o.ble families than ever before.

For now, Kouzuki SS will be able to stabilize its operations. Putting that aside

Anya said.

Hey, what are you doing while were talking

Anya, Shou-neechan, and Motoko are talking with me

Sakurako has been licking my face.

Tsukikos giving my fingers a licking, sucking.

Rei-chan was stroking my hair all this time.

Kurumi and Arisu continued to suck my d.i.c.k together.

Dono got big again

Kurumi and Arisus tongues and lips got my p.e.n.i.s erect again.

No, its thanks to all their caresses.

Yeah, I think its time to continue

Anya and Tsukiko did pa.s.s, but I havent done it with Arisu and Kurumi.

Dont push yourself

Shou-neechan said.

Its okay, Im fine

I got up.

There are also some younger among the girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

Yin Ran and Yin Lin are both still young.

Then, Cunni Manjirus younger.

Then, Olgas in between the two.

Im going to make them understand that Im also having s.e.x with the younger group. I have to show them that I can have s.e.x with Kurumi and Arisu.

Kurumi, Arisu, its your turn

I said, the two

Yes, please guide us

Ill serve to the best of my ability, please dote on Arisu

The two girls sit upright on the bed and bow their heads.

Then, they took off their nightgowns and got naked.

What should we do?

Kurumi asks me.

Lets give them a good look

I sit down on the bed, facing the girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

Kurumi and Arisu sit on both sides.

I pull their thin hips together and bring their skin to me.

The sweat from the s.e.x earlier has long dried and their skin feels dry to the touch.

Lets start with a kiss.

I kiss Kurumi and Arisu in turns.

Over and over again, kissing both girls on either side.

Kurumi and Arisu meanwhile are reaching my legs.

They squeeze my p.e.n.i.s wet with saliva with their little hands.

Ooh, everyones watching.

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins watch from outside

Kurumi and Arisus hands make my p.e.n.i.s rise.

Theyre watching.

Theyre greatly interested.

Ososo and c.l.i.to are on the bed watching too.

s.e.x education for these girl a.s.sa.s.sins seems to be going well

Okay, lets start with Kurumi

I tell Motoko, whos pet.i.te and cute.


Kurumi got off the bed and stood up.

She stands before me.

I held Kurumis naked body in front of me and sucked on her small b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

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