Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447

Today, Maki joined the family

I speak to the women gathered in the mansions hall.

I stand before everyone and first reintroduced Maki

Maki and her sister, Miki-san, and Izumi, came to our school during the high-school festival today.

By evening, Agnes and the girls welcomed them to the mansion.

Even so, many of the girls in the family havent met her before.

Although, they surely saw what was going on in the bakery when they were talking to me in the cafeteria on the security camera footage.

Im sure they peeked from another room when Agnes was talking to them.

Im sure they know that I went to the hotel for the Matsumoto sisters.

Im sure most of the women already know their faces names, and ident.i.ties.

Im Matsumoto Maki, Pleased to meet you all

Makis nervous in front of the beautiful woman.

Makis my woman now, but shes also Marikas lover

Thats right. Kou-kun and Minaho-san gave their permission


Maki clutches the leash extending from Izumis collar, and Marika holds Makis hand.

The two of them are getting together

Did you have s.e.x with Papa?

Agnes asks.

To Agnes, thats an important point that defines whether or not shes family.

We need to correct that mindset with this opportunity.

Yeah, I already had s.e.x with Maki

Kou-kun filled up Makis stomach with his s.e.m.e.n

Marika added

Did you have s.e.x with the other girl too?

Agnes looks at Matsumoto Miki-san.

Agnes did her best to welcome the Matsumoto sisters to the family earlier.

Also, she knows that Marika wants the sisters to join the family. Agnes also has a girl in school who wants to join the family.

She wants to help Marika because she feels the same way.

So, shes probably wondering about Miki, the little sister.

Not yet, I havent had s.e.x with Miki-san yet


I already went through a lot today, so Ill have to hold it off for tomorrow. Thats already scheduled

Miki-san has a complicated look on her face after I declared such.

Even so, she cant do anything to deny what I say. Nor say I dont get it, or I didnt agree to this.

Miki-san knows that the mood doesnt allow it.

On the contrary, shes observing our family, trying to learn about our family.

Shes puzzled by the different atmosphere and impression from when she came to the mansion earlier this evening when she interacted with Ruriko, Mariko, and others at the hotel

Our family members arent all just young ladies.

Some are commoners like Megu, others like Eri and Rie grew up in Yakuza families, the lowest of the society, and some are even international criminals, like Anya.

She guessed from the array of women that our family was much more complicated than I had imagined.

She feels that she should just shut up for now and see what this group is really about.

Miki-san thinks that way.

On the other hand, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

The fact that shes exposed to the gaze of the woman is enough to occupy her mind that it makes her s.h.i.+ver.

Why am I the only one naked? Is the confusion inside Izumis head.

Izumi cant observe each one of the women. She cant think.

You can tell that because she isnt even aware of s.h.i.+rasaka Yukinos presence.

Yukinos been a celebrity since six months ago, after her scandalous events, and shes continuously appeared on an unsponsored TV show.

If Izumi was someone normal, shed be screaming at Maki that s.h.i.+rasaka Yukinos here! and make a fuss.

She hasnt noticed her. She just looked down, silent.

At the same time, she hasnt noticed Mitama, Kinuka, or Rei-chan either.

Theyre now celebrities on TV, but theyre also my women.

On the other hand, Maki-san noticed them

Shes noticed, but shes just silent, observing.

Izumi and Maki-sans attention is completely different.

Also, I had s.e.x with Izumi

I bring the naked Izumi to the front.

Is she a member of the family too?

Agnes looks at me curiously.

Earlier, Agnes only gave Izumi a cold shoulder because she saw me doing the same, so she thought that she was not a family member.

For now, Agnes thinks that having s.e.x means that theyll join the family, so shes surprised that I had s.e.x with Izumi.


No, Izumis not a family member. Izumi is Marika and Makis pet. Izumi, greet them

I urged her, and Izumi continues to look down.

I-I-Im Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi, I-Ive been t-taken as a p-pet by Maki-oneesama and Marika-oneesama

Wheres your pleased to meet you?

P-Pleased to meet you all

Izumi bows.

Papa, whats the difference between pets and family?

Agnes looks at me curiously.

Yeah, I was waiting for that.

Agnes, what would you do when a sister from your family tells you to do something

I throw in a question.

Agnes will do as she says

And why will you?

Thats because Onee-san thought of Agnes, and so she told Agnes to do that, and so thats what Agnes should do

Agnes replies clearly.

Agnes has absolute trust in the family.

Indeed. Agnes does what the family tells her to do. Everyone thinks about Agnes, and they worry about you

The other family members also listen to our conversation.

Anya and Edie translate for the girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

But, you dont just fix what they warned you about, Agnes also should think about why were you warned about it, and how should you fix it. That way, you can fix the bad parts about yourself, and you wont need the sisters to warn you about it

Thats right!

Agnes replies brightly.

And so, for Izumi

Agnes turns her attention to Izumi.

Shes not family. Shes Marika and Makis pet, but Izumi will come to the mansion from now on, she likes to talk, so Im sure that shell have the opportunity to warn Agnes to do something better

Since its Izumi, shed feel at ease when talking to someone younger.

But, Agnes shouldnt do what Izumi says. Izumis opinion has to be ignored

Okay, Papa. But


Why do I have to ignore what she says


Our family always looks out for each other, and we always think long and hard about how to best speak to Agnes before speaking

Thats right, everyone does that

Agnes nods.

But, in Izumis case, she doesnt know Agnes that well, and shell just speak about whatever she happens to see and think at that time, without thinking about how Agnes will take it, and without putting her thoughts in order. Shes that kind of girl

I look at Izumi.

Shes too honest about her desires, so she speaks with the same vigor with what comes to her head. She does it to release her emotions. So, her opinions arent good at all, and she just speaks from a one-sided point of view

Izumi always takes priority on what she wants to do, and what she wants to happen.

Thats why she forcibly came with Maki.

She put on a delinquent look on a whim, trying to pressure me.

The makeup and leather jacket had no effect on me, but she just did that without thinking.

She hasnt even considered what kind of person the other party is.

She doesnt care about how others perceive her actions.

Shes too self-centered and has too little consideration for others.

Agnes, whats the most important thing in our family?

Everyone gets along

Agnes replies.

Yes. Our family is different from each other, we all lived in different environments. Even the country of origin is different. Therefore, its important to make an effort to understand each other. We dont have time to fight

Those who cant get along get kicked out of the family

Agnes trembles.

To her, being kicked out of the family is much more fearsome than being killed.

But, there hasnt been a single person kicked out of the family, because we dont let anyone who cant get along join the family

Even Eri and Rie, who are popular with their sharp tongues on TV, dont speak ill of the family.

The twins grew up in terrible environments in Kansai, so they have a lot to say about those who were born with good circ.u.mstances.

But, they wont say anything thatll hurt the other girls, even as a joke.

The twins are smart enough to know that.

Doing that will only break their bond with the family, and will do nothing good for them, or the family.

On the contrary, the young ladies mustve been confused that girls like Eri and Rie, daughters of Kansai Yakuza, joined the family.

But, they never show it to their face, and they never speak of it.

For everyone in the family to get along, then you have to hold off your emotions at that moment and try to understand them first. Take your time to observe them, think of what you can do for them, and even when you give enough attention, you still choose your words carefully so you dont hurt or embarra.s.s them

Thats why we can stay here as a family, even though were mostly strangers.

But, Izumi cant do that. Shes a problem child

Thats why shes seen as a bit of a dumb girl.

I see. Darlings talking about her intelligence

Edie said.

This is no longer a matter of manners, its about their intelligence now


Thats why Izumis a pet, not family. Izumi will be staying at the mansion with Marika and Maki and will have s.e.x with me, but shes not family that we can gain mutual trust

I tell everyone in the family.

If so, how should Agnes treat her?

Agnes asks me with a confused face.

All you have to do with pets is dote on them. Look at her, isnt she cute? Whatever Izumi says, whatever she does, just think of it as cute. You can pat her from time to time if you want

I then patted Izumis hair.


Izumi doesnt seem to like it but that gesture just looks like its cute as a pet.

Izumis necessary to Marika and Maki as a pet so they could continue their school life from now on. Minaho-neesan and I gave permission to keep Izumi as a pet, but

I face my woman and said.

Of course, if Izumis presence becomes a problem to the family, then she has to be punished, and if theres no other way, shes expelled from the mansion, I promise you that

Then, to Maki and Marika.

Izumis owners, Marika and Miki will take responsibility as well. Marika and Maki, you have to keep watch of your pet at all times to make sure she doesnt cause trouble to the other girls, and if she misbehaves, punish her immediately. Got it?

Yes, Kou-kun

I understand, Kou-kun

After replying, Marika then speaks to everyone.

Im sorry for getting myself a pet without talking to everyone first. Please forgive me

Im sorry

But, we want Izumi. I believe that Izumis cute. So please, give her a chance. Maki and I will look after her, and well make sure that she doesnt cause trouble for everyone. Therefore

Please treat her well

The two bowed their heads.

But, Izumis just standing there, confused at what the two were doing.

Marika, Maki. Make Izumi bow her head too

I told, and the two looked up

Izumi, you should bow your head too

Silly girl, you should know what to do

Seeing her owners get angry, Izumi;

Ah, yes.Maki-oneesama, Marika-oneesama!!

Just bow your head already


Look, she is slow

Marika and Maki were already bowing their heads, yet

She just had a sudden idea and prostrated herself in front of everyone.

If were talking about the results, then thats the right answer, but she didnt act because she thought of the mood.

She just came up with the idea and went to act without thinking about it.


Marika and Maki are keeping their pets now, but Im sure that some in this room think that they want to keep one too. Of course, I gave Marika and Maki permission, and neither Minaho-neesan nor I am against it

Misuzu wanted to keep a pet before.

However, think before getting one. Be sure to check if that pet wont cause trouble for the family. This isnt an animal pet, keeping a human as a pet is much tougher

I reminded them firmly.

If you are confident that you can take responsibility for your pet, then you can talk to Minaho-neesan or me


Its okay for not just one, but two or more to keep a pet, like Jasmine-chan and Maki-chan did, right

Mariko asks.


Theres already an example, so I cant deny it.

Also, just in case I think this is a given, but I just want it to be clear

Mariko stood up.

Pets can only be girls, men are out of the question, and if we want to make a woman older than us as our pet, then itll only trouble Kou, so only those younger than yourself. Of course, its a given, but if were keeping a pet to dote on them, then it has to be a cute girl. If possible, get someone smart. Also, all of the pets are required to have s.e.x with Kou. Kou has the right to have s.e.x with pets anytime and anywherethats how it works, right? We all belong to Kou, so he also has rights to our pets

She suggests.

Lets make a vote, only those who already had s.e.x with Kou can vote. Now, those who are in favor of the current agenda on pets, raise your hand

Most of the girls who had s.e.x with me raised their hands.

Only Yukino didnt.

Okay, thats the majority vote. Does anyone else have questions?

Mariko asks, Agnes raised her hand.

What is it, Agnes?

I asked.

Uhm, just maybe


Yukino-chan isnt family, but is it actually Papas pet?


Pfft! What the?! Thats funny

Yukino laughed at what Agnes said.

I mean, Yukino-chans the only one in the family who doesnt help out with the housework, and all she does is complain to Papa

True, Yukino doesnt help with housework, and she always calls me idiot

Also, Papa dotes on Yukino-chan a lotso

I dote on Yukino?

So, is Yukino-chan Papas pet?

Yukino bursts out laughing.

Hahaha, I might be indeed his pet. Now you say it like that, I agree


No, Agnes, Yukinos not a pet

Yukinos my

I believe in Yukino as family

Saying that I noticed it for the first time.

Lets say for example that there was an attack, we were in trouble, and if I had to entrust Agnes to someone and get out of the place first

Agnes and Yukino looked at me. The other girls too

In that situation, Im sure that I can leave Agnes to Yukinos care. I trust Yukino that much


I also trust Yukino as family

Megu turned to Yukino and said.

Mana also trusts Onee-chan as family. Not the old Onee-chan, but Yukino-oneechan nowadays

Mana said.

Okay, lets do a vote for that too, those who trust Yukino-chan as family, raise your hand

Mariko said. My women raised their hands one after another.

What about you Agnes, what do you think of Yukino?


Yukino-chan is Agnes family too!

Okay, it seems that we reached a unanimous vote, s.h.i.+rasaka Yukino-sans certified as a family

As soon as Marika said that

Eeeeeeh?!?!?!?!? Why is s.h.i.+rasaka Yukino here?!

Izumi, too late to ask that

Izumi, quiet


Marika and Maki silenced Izumi.

Good, I think its time.

Edie, bring c.l.i.to here

I asked Edie.

c.l.i.tos the problem child among the thirteen girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

Earlier this evening, she caused a commotion when she tried to take Matsumoto Miki-sans violin without permission.


Edie took c.l.i.to in front of me.

Earlier, I just punished her by spanking her a.s.s, so shes timid.

Edie, translate


I held the two collars I got from Minaho-neesan so everyone could see them.

c.l.i.to, you kept causing problems, Im demoting you to my pet now

Edie translates what I say for c.l.i.to.

c.l.i.to knows what it means to be a pet as Edie and Anya were translating our conversation earlier.

Youre now a pet, dont cause any more trouble to others. Got it?

I said, then I put on the collar to c.l.i.tos neck.

c.l.i.tos looking at me with a confused face.

Shes not resisting, she just lets the collar attached to her.

Ill be doting on you, and so think of only how I will find you adorable. Dont think of anything else. Youre going to be my pet for the rest of your life

Kyouko-san did say that c.l.i.tos just timid.

She doesnt know whats going to happen to her in the future, so shes desperate, trying to show off her abilities to me, and failed.

Kyouko-san said that its better to make the relations.h.i.+p easier to understand.

The collar is an easy-to-understand symbol that shes become my pet.

c.l.i.to will probably calm down after gaining that understanding.

Do you understand, c.l.i.to?

I said. Edie translates

The Persian green-eyed beauty


She replied.

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins speak terrible French.

She meant Yes.

Good, now become cute. Get adorable

I pat c.l.i.tos head.


I faced the remaining 12 girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

I have another collar, is there anyone among you who wants to be my pet since its too much trouble, then I can take one of you as a pet

I hold up the last collar and show it to them.

Anya translates it for me with a loud voice.


The girl a.s.sa.s.sins

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