Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1419. Next Mission / What's Useable … / Don't mess with my woman

Chapter 1419. Next Mission / What's Useable … / Don't mess with my woman

Chapter 1419. Next Mission / Whats Useable / Dont mess with my woman

Taking away the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals run by their parents because the branch family daughters bullied Karen?

Karens surprised, she stopped was.h.i.+ng my d.i.c.k.

Karen, continue

Misuzu smiled at Karen.

Misuzu and Motoko continue to wash my body while talking.

She doesnt forget to rub her bubble-covered t.i.ts against my back.

Yes, Im sorry

Karens small hands wrap my p.e.n.i.s again.

I look at Karen.

I want to hear your opinion, what do you think, Karen?

I asked the young lady, now my s.e.x slave.


Its fine, just say what you think, it involves your house

I said.

Yes, Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals has the name, but its not related to the main house. Theyre from a branch family, Mizus.h.i.+ma Yuichiro founded the company by himself in his first generation, and it grew into an excellent company.

Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals arent related to Karens family, the Mizus.h.i.+ma house.

Thats why they were unrelated when the Mizus.h.i.+ma main house fell. Unlike the other Mizus.h.i.+ma group companies, theyre not recognized under the Kouzuki groups umbrella.

Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals itself is a profitable top-ranking company.

Even I know that.

Currently, the son of the founder, Mizus.h.i.+ma Yujiro has taken over the company

Hes the father of the sisters that was cruel to Karen

Misuzu explains.

Indeed. Thats the case, but I think its wrong to take away the pharmaceutical from Yujiro-san and his family to revive the Mizus.h.i.+ma house

Karen said.

Karen asked me to rape those who bullied her last night. She wanted to see the daughters of the branch family raped.

In other words, Karens anger is personal at the sisters who bullied her.


But, shes against the idea of taking away the branch familys company.

I can understand how Karen feels.

I say while Karens was.h.i.+ng my b.a.l.l.s.

Karens anger is only directed at Mizus.h.i.+ma Youko and Mizus.h.i.+ma Noelle.

Shes not angry at their father.

Much less involving Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals, a huge company, even involving the people working there.

Karen doesnt wish for something that big.

Now I want to ask Misuzu. Why do you want to do something as harsh as taking away the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals?

I also think that its too harsh of a punishment for what two girls, a high-school and middle school girl had done.


The truth is its actually Grandfather who suggested that

Jii-chan did?

The head of the Kouzuki house, who unites the n.o.ble families. That Jii-chan?

Jii-chan is telling us to take away the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals?

If Jii-chans giving that instruction with his status as the head of the Kouzuki house, then it must be done.

Jii-chan wont give instructions half-heartedly.

He must have some deep thoughts about it, thus giving us that order.

No, Grandfather didnt give such instruction. Although, he said that its one way to think about it

Misuzu said.

Hes letting Danna-sama take care of it. Although, he says that this is the proper way Kouzuki house would deal with them, and that you may use Kouzuki house to deal with them. Yes, you may consider taking away Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals and using them to rebuild the Mizus.h.i.+ma main house, but its up to you to decide

So its a suggestion.

Jii-chan wont tell me if its right or wrong.

Misuzu and I have to make that decision.

And so, Ive been thinking about it in the car while going back here. Ive come to the conclusion that we should use this opportunity to take the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals.

Misuzu rubs her cheeks to my shoulders.

Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals is a good company so there should be no problem in taking them. We also have to think about Karens future

Rebuilding the Mizus.h.i.+ma house requires a lot of money.

We also need the company at its core.

Its a company from the branch family, and since they also have the Mizus.h.i.+ma name, then its not a bad idea for Karens future to get a good company like that.

But, Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals isnt related to the main house

Karens hand stopped again, looking up at me in tears.

From her point of view, its something that she should do. Its like stealing from another persons house. Something like that.

Your opinion, Motoko?

I asked Motoko who was rubbing my other side.

Motokos a young lady of the Kuromiya house so I want to hear her opinion.

I think theres merit to taking it.

Motoko smiled at me.

Sweat flows out of her beautiful well-proportioned naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals is a company thats worth it, besides

Shes rubbing her pink nipples on my arm.

We need to think about living using our own powers. We shouldnt just protect what we have now, but instead, think of how to expand our power

Motokos a combat young lady so shes always looking forward.

True, we cant remain complacent being under Kouzuki houses protection.

Who knows when Kouzuki house turns its back on us.

Jii-chans old, and Kouzuki house has a lot of troublesome branch families and subordinates.

Naturally, theyd likely start a coup.

Thats why Jii-chan gave Kouzuki SS, the behind-the-scenes power of the Kouzuki house.

If thats the case, we should also get some powers on the stage while we still can.

But, is it easy to take away the Mizus.h.i.+ma house

I dont know.

Its impossible to just say Im taking your company as punishment for your daughters harming Karen. right? Mizus.h.i.+ma Yujiros a descendant of the branch family, so I dont think they would simply comply with the order of the Kouzuki house.

Theyre outside the Mizus.h.i.+ma group, and they are confident in making their company big.

Even if they have connections to the n.o.bility, I dont think that theyd simply follow orders from the Kouzuki house.

Above all, Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals are doing well, so I dont think theyll let go of the company no matter what we do

They have enough money, and they should have a lot of business partners.

If we pressure them saying that if they dont do what we tell them, the Kouzuki house will pressure you, theyll just respond with Try it if you can

I looked at Misuzu.


Misuzu hesitates.

Besides, its s.h.i.+ba-san whos running the Kouzuki group now, not Jii-chan

After the fuss last May, Jii-chan pa.s.sed the torch to s.h.i.+ba-san.

Do you think that s.h.i.+ba-san will say yes when we ask him to use Kouzuki group to pressure the Mizus.h.i.+ma house because they did something to Karen and were angry?

s.h.i.+ba-sans not so naive that hell move a corporate group for a personal matter.

Theres nothing in Kouzuki groups favor by arguing with Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals, a top-tier company.

I see. When you go to the specifics it becomes hard

Motoko ponders.


No, its not that hard

Michi, whos been standing at the back, speaks up.

Michis a genius among my women, just like Edie.

Shes amazing in martial arts and her mind is great.

Michi, can you tell us what you think?

Misuzu asks her beautiful bodyguard.

Yes, Misuzu-oneesama

Michi replies with her usual blank face.

But, before that


Masters already full of bubbles


Misuzu, Motoko, and Karen got too focused on the conversation

They kept rubbing my body.

Right, lets finish Danna-samas shower first


Kurose Anju hands the shower nozzle to Misuzu.

Shes ready to hand it over right away.

Being so thoughtful is whats great about her.

Thank you

The shower in the bathroom has a handle on the nozzle, and warm water comes out if you hold the grip.

Misuzu puts the shower over my head and washed off the foam.

And thats how its done

This time, Michi shares her thoughts while shampooing my hair with her hands.

Misuzu and the girls are sitting around me and listening to Michi.

I see, so thats how Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals stocks are

Motokos impressed by Michis knowledge.

As for the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals, I checked on some data last night and so

Michi seems to have checked the company information using the Kouzuki SS database.

Her memory is top tier so she can memorize even the figures.

Therefore, Master can obtain Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals

Michi declares.

We need to lay the groundwork, but the meeting with the Mizus.h.i.+ma house is tomorrow night, so if we use this evening and tomorrow, then well be able to make it.

I see. I think this will work since Michi planned it out. There are a lot of people that Ill have a hard time convincing, but Ill give it a try

Misuzu nods.


Karens still not convinced about the idea of taking away the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals.

Karen, heres what I think

Michi speaks to me while scrubbing me.

Did Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals actually develop into a big company without the help of the Mizus.h.i.+ma house?


Karen looks confused.

Thatsbut, Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals is a company unrelated to the Mizus.h.i.+ma group

Do you really think so?


If you think so, then I think that Karen-imouto doesnt understand what it means to live in this world, its to make connections with people


Master, this matter isnt about just Karen, its about the honor of the Kouzuki house. Therefore, I believe that we can be thorough about the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals.

The branch familys daughters bullied Karen from the main house.

Its the same thing as picking a fight with the Kouzuki house, whos taking care of Karen.

I know that.


Im thinking that the Mizus.h.i.+ma branch family and the company run by the branch family were separate.

Its the same as the usual Black Forest activity. Dont let them underestimate you, punish them a hundredfold for what they did, use them as an example by punis.h.i.+ng them so hard that n.o.body else could underestimate us

Michi said. Thats indeed our usual method.

The Black Forests methods.

Master, do you know how many students know that Mizus.h.i.+ma Noelle has been hara.s.sing Karen-imouto


No, I dont think that they know that Karens getting bullied. I heard that the branch family girl only bullies Karen when shes alone

I heard that they bully Karen when Agnes, Luna, and Koyomi-chan are in a different cla.s.sroom than Karen.

Thats why we were late to discover.

They were bullying her in secret, right? If so, then theres not that many who know about it

Unless they come across the situation, I dont think theyre aware of the situation.

In fact, Misuzu and the girls didnt notice it.

Luna and Yomi saw the shadows in Karens heart, and thats how Karen explained the situation to me.

Besides, the students in the school know that Karens a daughter of n.o.bility, and shes under Kouzuki houses custody

The event at the garden party in the Kouzuki house is the reason why shes in their custody.

That party had a lot of girls from the n.o.bility going to that school, so they know what happened.

So, the branch family girls of the Mizus.h.i.+ma house cant bully Karen just blatantly, right? They were doing it in secret so the other students dont discover it, right?

I said.

Thats shallow thinking, Master

Michi speaks with confidence.

What do you mean, Michi?

Misuzu asks.

I also thought of the same, that the vile women who did horrible things to Karen-imouto did things in secret, so no other people could see it, but

Michi said.

But, is it unthinkable that those who were hara.s.sing her talked about what theyve done to people close to them?

The bullies were spreading it around?

There are only a handful of daughters of n.o.bility in our school

Right, there are only about twenty girls from the Kouzuki houses party.

It was a party for only the young ladies and their bodyguards.

But, daughters of n.o.bility without bodyguards also go to Misuzus school.

Even so, their numbers are still lower than the ordinary students there.

Dont you think that the culprits were amusing themselves along with their friends by insulting the daughters of the proud n.o.ble family, whos under the custody of the Kouzuki house?

Thats possible.

Theyre bullying sc.u.mbags.

They might be proudly telling their friends that theyre bullying Karen.

And so, we need to be thorough with the culprits

Were settling the matter with the Kouzuki house and Mizus.h.i.+ma house in private.

Yet, the daughters of the branch family of Mizus.h.i.+ma house continue to belittle Karen and the Kouzuki house behind their backs.

We need to take out the root of the problem.

And so, Kouzuki house is angry. We have to show the world that they are punished severely

Michis right.

It might be too much to take the company of the parents of the bully. It might be too severe.

But if the Kouzuki house, and we dont show that well go that far

If we dont show them how fearsome Kouzuki house is, then there will be another of this incident.

If thats the case, then well need to take away the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals

Motoko said.

And, Misuzu-oneesama

Michi looked at Misuzu.

What, Michi?

Kouzuki-sama told Misuzu-oneesama that you may use Kouzuki house to deal with this matter

Right, Misuzu did say that.

Among those is Kouzuki-sama himself


I understand. Then if I cant convince them, Grandfather will

Misuzu figured out what Michi meant.

No, the truth behind what Jii-chan said.

Grandfather said that hell let us take care of this matter, but that doesnt mean that we have to handle it alone. Its our choice to talk to Grandfather and ask for his help

Kouzuki-samas trying to tell us to use all the power that Kouzuki house has, both in front and back

Michi says.

To use the Kouzuki house itself as an enormous power

Michi showers my hair.

I fix my resolve while rinsing off the bubbles.

However, the Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals

Karen looks confused.

Shes terrified to wield such powerful force.

Karen, you dont have to suffer. Ill be the one to decide, to resolve, and to act, Im the one responsible

I stand up from my seat and moved to Karen.

Michi, do we still have time?

Ten minutes

Thats enough

Karen, suck it

I present my d.i.c.k in front of the cute Karen.

Make me c.u.m before we go out


Then, Ill begin

I stand in front of Karen in the bathroom.

The young lady kneels and holds my p.e.n.i.s with both hands.

Lick, lick.

Her small red tongue licks the tip of my glans.

The warmth of Karens mucous membranes makes my d.i.c.k rise up at a tremendous rate.

That feels good, Karen

I comb Karens soft black hair.


Youre afraid, arent you? Youll end up having a huge impact on so many people

I said. Karen realized.

Dont stop your tongue, continue

Im sorry

Karen is stroking my erect p.e.n.i.s with her lips this time.

I have experienced that, many times where what Ive done turned out going further than what I expected

Half a year ago, all I thought was I want to violate s.h.i.+rasaka Yukino.

But, because I raped Yukino, I became a member of the Black Forest.

Ive changed the fate of various people.

I killed someone. It was a diabolical man named Cesario Viola.

When I stop and look around at whats happening, then its surprising. I ask, why did this happen

Im just like Karen now.

Its not her fault that her family fell off, and she became my s.e.x slave despite her age.

Naturally, that includes the bullying from the Mizus.h.i.+ma branch family in her school.

I think its Karens right to ask me to punish the sisters who bullied her.

However, when talking about Mizus.h.i.+ma pharmaceuticals, which is run by the father of the sisters from the branch family

This goes beyond Karens imagination.

She never thought that shed change the fate of such a huge company because of her complaints.

But, youll have to move forward even if youre afraid. It will happen for as long as you live

I think so.

Were always walking forward, making sure that whatever happens before us is resolved one by one

Karens beautiful eyes look up at me while giving me f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.

in hindsight, you may regret that you shouldve done things differently, but all you could do is do your best and deal with the problem before running out of time. Doing what you think is the best course at that time is better than doing nothing

Misuzu, Motoko, Michi, Luna, and Kurose Anjus listening to me.

If you do something, at least things will change. Of course, there will be times when things change for the worse instead of better, but when that happens, you just try and take further action to make things better. In fact, keep making changes until it becomes better, thats whats important

Karens tongue is getting intense, and yet, her eyes stare up at me.

Dont worry. You have me, our family. Your sisters love Karens cuteness. All my women dont want Karen to be sad. Theyll do everything to bring in good results

The problem this time was

Was the fact that Karen didnt immediately inform us about the bullies.

Karen was shouldering the problem by herself.

In short.

Karen, when the branch family daughters were bullying you, you didnt talk to me right away. You didnt rely on us. Thats because it started as a problem between the main and branch families of the Mizus.h.i.+ma house. You werent sure if its right to let us know

Karen was a daughter of the Mizus.h.i.+ma house, and so she didnt want us to learn the shame of their house.

If she talked to me, the daughters of n.o.bility will hear the story, Kouzuki, Kuromiya, Kanou, and even Momoko-neechans Kaan house.

Thats exposing the shame.

Thats why she just let the bullying continue, that it became worse.

You still have your pride as a daughter of n.o.bility. Youre not losing your pride, thats great. But, dont forget this Karen

I speak to Karen.

Youre my woman. Youre my s.e.x slave before youre a daughter of n.o.bility. Youre the little sister of Misuzu, Motoko, Michi, and all my other women

Karens eyes look at me.

Were not forgiving those who bully you, no matter who they are! As your master, I wont forgive them! Im going to return the favor! Ill tell the whole world to never touch Karen so it never happens again! Ive decided, and so Im going to make it real! You dont need to feel responsible

Karens eyes are wet with tears.

So, you shouldnt worry about this stuff anymore Karen! Whatever the outcome, its me who did it

Tears flow from Karens eyes looking up at me while fellating.

This girls a young lady.

Her pride wont allow herself to follow if I just tell her to rely on me.

Thats why I have to give her orders in a different form.

Either way, Im going to do something about you, and your family! So its meaningless to worry. Im not giving up on changing the situation until you become happy

In short.

Karen, all you have to think about is s.e.x with me

I say Whatever happens, Ill make you happy in a different way.



She lets go of my p.e.n.i.s and her small hands grab my erect p.e.n.i.s, Karens saliva makes a bridge between my glans and her mouth.

Karen wants it here

She spreads her legs so I could see.

Karens wet.

Just like her eyes.

Take me, please ravish Karen


Wait, Ill spread out a towel

Misuzu and Michi spread a thick bath towel they prepared in advance on the floor.

Thank you, uhm

Karen said. Misuzu stops.

No need, its Karens time, dont hold back

We dont intend on hindering our cute sisters time for love

Motoko also told Karen.

Kouzuki houses Misuzu and Kuromiya houses Motoko have a higher status than Karens Mizus.h.i.+ma house, and so she accepted it obediently.

Ill take up on the offer, thank you

Karen lies down on the towel Misuzu prepared and spreads her legs.

Break me, Kou-oniisama


Im going for a missionary position with Karens small body.


I pierce through Karens small slit.

Its coming

Karens wet eyes stare at me.

Im going in.


Im pus.h.i.+ng inside Karen.

Karens drenched even inside.

Aaah!!! Aaaaah!!! Aaaaaah!!

Im not going to take my time.

Im moving my hips intensely from the start.

Hyaaaa!! aaaah!! Kuaaaaaa!! Aaaaaa!!!

Karen moans loudly.

Karens young b.r.e.a.s.t.s sway around each time I thrust.

Im feeling good, Karen

Her young p.u.s.s.y is clamping me.

Her love nectar is seeping from the inside.

My glans is kissing Karens uterus multiple times.

Karens also feeling good!! Im feeling good when Kou-oniisamas violating me!! Break me! Kou-oniiisama, make me feel loved

Yeah, Ill give you plenty of love!! Karen

Im aiming for the climax.

What we need right now isnt gentle s.e.x.

Its rough s.e.x between man and woman.

Aaah, aaah! Aaaah!!

Im about to c.u.m.


Karens eyes open wide, feeling my omen.

Yes, pour it inside Karen! Please pour it inside this shameless Karen!!

Karens body is also heating up from deep inside.

Aaah! Kou-oniisama! Kou-oniisama!!!

Here I go! Karen!!

Aaah, aaaaaaaa!!!!

Karen bursts.

Her sweating body clings to me.

Her twitching body flies to ecstasy.


Byrururu!! Byruru

Karens v.a.g.i.n.as clamping me while I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e.

Karens womb is getting pumped full of white liquid.

So hot!!!

Karens taking in my s.e.m.e.n deep inside her body.

Haa, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa

Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!

After ejaculating.

Karens climax still continues.

Her body twitched, squeezing the remaining s.e.m.e.n from my p.e.n.i.s.


I kissed her and she entwined her tongue.

Her mouth is dry because shes moaning loudly on her flushed skin.


Karens eyes look at me.

Karen wants Kou-oniisamas child

She said suddenly.

I want it now


Not now, but you will be pregnant for sure. Look forward to it


Karens heart is thumping under my body.

Her small chest is moving up and down from her deep breaths.

Uhm, Kou-oniisama


I groped Karens b.r.e.a.s.t.s while still connected to her.

I feel her nipples with my palm.

There are some girls in the Mizus.h.i.+ma branch that I can recommend to be Onii-samas slaves


I couldnt say it before because it wouldve been an embarra.s.sment to the family. But now, I can

My s.e.x slave tells me.

Theyre beautiful and smart, and they also have a good personality. They live in a lovely environment. Please use your power Kou-oniisama to save those girls. Then, make love with them as your s.e.x slaves

Karen tells me.

Tomorrow, Ill talk to the daughters to come to the main house as well. Therefore

Okay, Ill decide later. If theyre worthy, then theyll become my woman. Is that good?

Yes, Kou-oniisama!!

Karen smiles.

Our lower halves are still connected.

Currently, Karens womb is filled with my s.e.m.e.n.

I love you!

Karen finally found a good distance in our relations.h.i.+p.

This is the kind of relations.h.i.+p she wants to have with me.

I love you too, Karen

I kissed Karen once again.

Master, were already three minutes past the schedule

Michi speaks in a low tone.

Woah, thats bad

I pull out my p.e.n.i.s from Karens inside.


My s.e.m.e.n drips out of Karens small slit.

Ill clean it up

Misuzu and Motoko licks my p.e.n.i.s.

No, we dont have time

Please let us do this much at least

Motoko said with a smile.

Michi, want to do it too?

Yes, Ill join too Misuzu-oneesama

Michi also comes to my crotch.