Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1405. School Festival Day 2 / After the Festival (Part 4)

Chapter 1405. School Festival Day 2 / After the Festival (Part 4)

Chapter 1405. School Festival Day 2 / After the Festival (Part 4)

I came here to dance with him too

Nagisa told Megu with a smile.

T-Thatsno, uhm, if Nagisa-oneesan wants to dance then I think thats great, but

Megu looks down.

T-Thats right. N-Nagisa-oneesan and Katsuko-oneesan didnt get to dance after the school festival. So thats why its okay if you want to take that back

Megu seems to feel bad for the rest of the girls that shes the only one dancing, but

When Nagisa said that shell dance with me, she feels sad too.

Take back? Dont be ridiculous

Nagisa bonks Megus head.

Im not taking things back. Past is past, and present is present, see?


His first years high-school festival after-party is only for today, so if I want to dance with him, then it has to be today

Only for today.

Of course, Ill dance with him next year too. And the year after that. Ill be there during his soph.o.m.ore and senior year in high school

Nagisa says energetically.

Megumi-chan, you cant get memories unless you make them yourself. You dont get that from other people

Nagisa said. Megus surprised.

I want to make memories with him today. Thats why I will dance with him for my sake, I dont care what everyone else says. Oh, but that doesnt mean that Im pus.h.i.+ng Megumi-chan away. If Megumi-chan wants to make memories with him too, then do it, dance with him, n.o.bodys stopping you

Nagisa said, then, she pats Mao-chans head.

I just want to make my memories, but thats not all. I want the three of us to dance together


Mao-chan looks up at her mother blankly.

Nagisa wants to dance with Mao-chan and me?

Adults make their memories, and whats happening in front of them, whether its a good memory or a bad memory, its all because of them. But, thats not the case with children

Nagisa gives Mao-chan a gentle look.

Im a mother, and so I want to make a lot of good memories for my child


I dont know if shell remember this day for long, but dont you think it would be a lovely memory to look back on, her Papa and Mama dancing with her in the school festival when he was in high school?

Nagisa smiles happily.

Ill remember it! Mao doesnt forget the fun!

Mao-chan puffs her cheeks.

Right, Mama wont forget too. Thats why Im not letting go of the opportunity to make a sweet memory. It would be a waste

Nagisa laughs.

Then, maybe Ill dance too

Luna said with a smile.

I will also give birth to Nii-sans child someday. Then, I want to tell the story of Mama and Papa dancing at the school festival to my child too

Saying that Luna looked up at Megu.

I feel sorry for Agnes-chan, but I cant let the opportunity go waste. Its a happy memory waiting to happen after all


Dancing at the closing party isnt a duty.

Its not like Megu and I have to show ourselves in front of the students in the school because were engaged.

What about you Megu, do you want to dance?

I asked Megu.

Megu looked at me.

How about Yos.h.i.+-kun?


Yos.h.i.+-kun, do you want to dance with me?

Megus still looking down.

Ive been having it hard in the past two days. The big sisters say that Im the perfect one for Yos.h.i.+-kuns fiance for Yos.h.i.+-kun because Im a normal girl

As usual, Megus Im a disease is deeply rooted.

But, Im darker, dumber, and much more selfish than a normal girl. I feel like Kana-sans much better as the ordinary girl for Yos.h.i.+-kun compared to me


Kana-senpais an ordinary girl too, but shes cheerful, beautiful, and shes popular. Shes much more mature than me and reliable

Oh, I see.

Kana-senpais efforts made our bakery and the tennis club create the cafe project.

Kana-senpais in control of the store outside.

Katsuko-oneesan and Ai-chan worked hard in the bakery, Even Mana went in and helped. I didnt do anything to help Yos.h.i.+-kun at all

Oh, now that her insecurity towards Misuzu and Ruriko is fixed

This time. Shes now feeling inferior to Kana-senpai, Katsuko-nee, and Ai.

Megu sure is a handful.

Whatever they doing doesnt matter to the two of us

I replied.

I need Megu, and it has to be Megu

Why does it have to be me? I dont have the charm that others have

Megu looks down again, so I held her hand.


Listen here Megu

I pulled her face closer and looked into her eye and said.

I have some work that needs to be done after this school festival ends


Megus surprised.

Marika brought this to my attention, but for the sake of Marikas friend, I need to use Tsukiko to manipulate someones mind

Nii-san, it doesnt have to be Tsukiko-oneesama, I can do it too

Tsukikos little sister, Luna, tells me, but

No. Tsukiko has to be there or theyll be suspicious

Luna and Yomi are too young in appearance.

Tsukikos already 18, so if we make her dress maturely, then shell look like Minaho-neesans secretary.

Besides, we only need the minimum of manipulation on the person were dealing with tonight. Thats why Im asking Tsukiko, who has the most experience among you three

If it was an enemy, then I dont care if their minds break and it ruins them, but

The grandfather of the Matsumoto siblings cant get crippled.

Well just bend Matsumoto Maki-san and Miki-sans grandfathers minds so hell let the sisters continue their music study.

The grandfather still needs to run his drugstore chain.

Thats why well have to be careful in manipulating his mind.

Yomis aggressive nature makes her a good breaker, but shes not good at delicate manipulation.

Meanwhile, Luna and Koyomi-chans power control is still not that great, theres the danger of negative emotions flowing back on them and hurting them.

Oh, right. If thats the case, then Tsukiko-oneesamas better suited for this than us

Lunas convinced.

Well, its Tsukiko who does the mind alteration, but Im the one who gives the orders. Im the only one who can do that, thats why Tsukiko can use her powers, and not break her mind.

The Takakura shrine maidens destroy their minds by tampering with the minds of others.

Yes. We belong to Nii-san. We give our everything to Nii-san, thats why we remain whole

Luna nods.

Right. I make Tsukiko do it, but I take responsibility for it. Of course, its still a crime to manipulate someones mind

Indeed, its something thats forbidden to people normally

Nagisa says with a smile.

But, were a crime syndicate

Yeah, weve been criminals since long ago. But

I looked at Megu.

That doesnt mean that I wont fight back. I wont forget that committing a crime is a bad thing and Im doing something wrong. If I just become defiant and affirm that Im a criminal, then Im will regress to a subhuman sc.u.m on the same level as s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke and Cesario Viola


Megus expression changed after hearing the name of her father who died last May

Im the worst. I say, but I want to remain human

I dont want to be a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who takes it for granted, thinking that theyre special, that they take away someones happiness, making them suffer, just like s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke.

Thats why I cant forget that what I do is wrong, that its not allowed, that Im the bad guy. Thats how I commit crimes, I dont forget about it


Megu holds my hand

Why do you need to do it, Yos.h.i.+-kun?

Its for my family

I accepted Marika to the family.

I had s.e.x with her, and Marika will also give birth to my child.

If Marika wants Matsumoto Maki-san, then,

Ill save Maki-san for Marikas sake.

You dont need to carry your burdens alone, were here, right? Mao?

Nagisa smiled at Mao-chan

Us.h.i.+s.h.i.+, thats right!

Mao-chan hugs my hips.

If its for us, hell do anything, whether its crime or starting a bakery. Thats why well do anything for him too


Well, I say everything, but each one has their share of what to do. I cant go to school with him every day. But, Ive got things only I can do

Mao will always take a bath with Papa!


Oh, earlier, one of the customers in my shop said that his daughter stopped taking a bath with him after she reached elementary-age

Nagisa tried to explain.

Mao heard about that, then

Mao will always take a bath with Papa, even after elementary, middle, or even high school!!

Mao-chan jumped at me.

I hugged Mao-chans small body.

What about Megumi-chan?

Mao-chan asks Megu;


She goes back to her gloomy face.

What can I do?


Im able to talk like this because Megus with me


Do you think I can tell Kana-senpai all about this?

Kana-senpai doesnt know about the Black Forest.

Kana-senpai surely noticed that weve got something dangerous, but she doesnt touch the subject. Since we dont talk anything serious with Kana-senpai, we can maintain that easygoing relations.h.i.+p, but

I looked at Megu.

On the other hand, serious talk is a no go to Kana-senpai. It has to be Megu

Megus born in the brothel, and she knows the Black forest to the depths.

But, it doesnt have to be me

No, it has to be Megumi-chan

Nagisa cuts off Megu.

You two are in sync. Just like how Katsuko and I are

Nagisa and Katsuko are the same age, and both of them got kidnapped in their freshmen year in spring.

You two are pretty much the same, going from normal kids, to entering the Black Forest, right? Thats why most of his confusion is something only Megumi-chan can understand.

Megu and I are of the same age.

Above all, hes always trying to push himself to the limit, but hes still an ordinary guy inside. Especially in the mental aspect

Nagisa smiled at me.

And, just as mentioned before, hes already decided to work for the Black Forest after this. Now, try to guess what he wants to do right now?

She asks Megu.


Megu looked at my face.

Yos.h.i.+-kun would want to reset his mind before going to work

Correct. I think so too. And, where do you think his reference point is?

Nagisa asks. Megu;

Yos.h.i.+-kuns reference point isnt Kuromori Kou of the Black Forest, but Yos.h.i.+da Yos.h.i.+n.o.bu, a high-school student.

Yes, Im

Whether I become a crime syndicate member, acquaintance of the n.o.bility, the owner of Kouzuki SS, or the master of the Takakura shrine maidens

My true nature is still just a slow high-school guy.

I see. Youre right

Megu looked at my face and is convinced somewhat.

I want to dance with Yos.h.i.+-kun

I need Megu to return to my reference point, a normal high school student.

Not Kana-senpai.

Its not Kana-senpai whos one of the most beautiful girls in our school dancing with me.

Megus also a beauty thats too good for me, but

Megu and I are engaged, and the school sees it that way.

That means, dancing with Megu is natural, its normal.

Its not about whether its okay or not. I want to dance with Megu, and thats what matters

Yes. Mao and I will be cutting in halfway, but Megumi-chan has to be the first one to dance with him or the people around wont like it

Nagisa smiles.

The irregular event of me dancing with Nagisa and Mao-chan would be after I dance with Megu, which is the normal one.

If we dont do that, I wont be able to calm down until we convince the people

I cant endure it unless I return to normal

I see. Okay, I got it

Megu grips my hand tightly.

Its normal for me to be with Yos.h.i.+-kun

Yes, its normal, its the natural

I also grasp Megus hand.

Thanks, Yos.h.i.+-kun. Nagisa-oneesan, Luna-chan, Mao-chan

Say that to Kurose-san too. Shes been quiet all this time

I turn around to Kurose Anju, who had been guarding from behind.

N-No, I didnt do anything

Kurose Anju was backing off, but

Thanks, Kurose-san

Megu thanked her.


Oh, thats a lot of people

Nagisa and Mao-chan are surprised by the number of people.

Oh, there he is! Yo-chan

Darling! This way!

The closing party is at the gym

Nei took Saito Yuki-san, the idol, and Fujimori-san, her manager.

Edies accompanied by Line Haruko-san and Rodulfo Seiko-san.

Katsuko-nee, Ai, Mitama, Kinuka, Eri and Rie from the bakery group.

Kana-senpai is with the tennis club.

I mean, thats a gathering of people.

There are students up to the second floor of the gym.

Back then, they used to have bonfires outside and dance around it, but after a lot of circ.u.mstances, the fires are no longer allowed!

Nei explained to Saito Yuki-san.

And so, its held at the gymnasium in the 21st century. Thats great actually since youre already sheltered from the rain

Right, if you dance around a bonfire, then itll stop as soon as it rains

Oh, the baker couples here! You guys should dance here

Seeing that Megu and I arrived, the seniors wearing school festival committee bands give instructions at the center of the gym.

Oh, youre right, there are only pairs of men and women in line at the basketball court.

Err, its about thirty groups I think.

Well, thats kind of normal.

Even if you gather all the couples in our school

Not every couple would come here to dance.

Some are embarra.s.sed so they wont dance

On the other hand, I know some people here who just started dating today for this dance.

Okay, get ready, were about to start

Oh, Iwakura-san, the student council president, and also the head of the school festival committee is here.

Shes talking at the gym stage.

I didnt see her at all today, but

As expected, she shows up at the end of the school festival.

Are these the only couples dancing? Were closing in five minutes!

Iwakura-san said.

U-Uhm, Natou Nei-san, c-c-c-c-c-c-could you please dance with me?!

Suddenly, guys surround Nei.

Eeeh?! Whats going on? What do I do, Yo-chan?

Nei shouts at me.

Wait a second!!!

Then, five more guys come to Nei.

Natou Nei-san, P-Please dance with me with the intention to date!

Nono! Dance with me!

No, it should be me! Please!

Please! Dance with me Nei!

Well use this dance and Ill make you my woman, Natou!

The guys bring their hand out to Nei

Wait a second!!

Then, another guy was off timing, trying to look cool, and appeared in front of Nei.

Woah, thats youth for you, Nei-san

Saito Yuki-sans eyes are sparkling.

Eeeh? But I dont like this kind of thing

Edie comes over to the confused Nei.

If you dont like it, then Ill just dispose of them all

She laughs.


True~ Sorry, but youre all rejected!!!

She rejected all of them.




That hurts

I know dude

Thank you very much

The six rejected guys were feeling sad.

After the fuss in front of Nei, this time;

Hos.h.i.+zaki Kana-san, please dance with me!

This time, four guys gather around Kana-senpai.

I wont be accepting any offers~ Sorry

Kana-senpai immediately rejects the arms hold out to her.

Oh, its a tradition at this closing party too.

Of course, they feel like if lucky, I can use this chance to get a lover, but

***-san, please dance with me!

More of the same behavior comes out within the gym.

****-kun, please!

Most of it is guys inviting girls, but

I see some girls also mustering their courage.

Oh, its an unspoken rule to not call out the couples already here

Megu said.

I see. To make sure that there wont be any trouble, the pairs who already decided to dance are already segregated in the court.

If not, there would be some idiots wholl just hara.s.s someone with a lover.

Anjou Mitama-san, please

Mitama also has guys gathering around her.

You jest, do you want to be sliced?!

Mitama threatens the guys with her sword.

On the other hand.

Kiyohara Ai-san, please dance with me

Ah, Ais also getting surrounded.


Ai hid behind Katsuko-nee out of fear.

Sorry, Ai-chans a shy girl

Katsuko-nee rejected them for Ai.

Takanas.h.i.+ Katsuko-san, please dance with me!

Even Katsuko-nees getting invitations

Oh? Im much older than you though

Katsuko-nee smiled wryly.

I dont care about age, please

Seeing that.

M-Me too!

The guys gather around Katsuko-nee.

Hmm, sorry, but thank you for the kind offers

Katsuko-nee rejected them too

Eei, if thats the case, Ive been watching the tournament from outside the ring, I dont know your name but please dance with me

And finally, Saito Yuki-sans also getting invitations.

Sorry, I cant accept that based on the rules of our agency

The manager rejected them for Saito-san.

Okay, were cutting everyone off now

Iwakura-san speaks to the mic

Those who are partic.i.p.ating, then hurry up and come

Still, it seems like some got paired up as a result of the exchange earlier.

About five more couples joined in.

Okay, were closing it down

Iwakura-san blows the whistle.

Well then, our annual after-party folk dance is starting. We call it folk dance, but most of you probably havent danced since elementary school. So you can dance however you want

That helps.

To be honest, I dont even know what a folk dance is.

However, dont cause trouble for other pairs! Any offenders get kicked out as soon as the committee finds them

Yeah, were not tolerating show-offs

Its painful to be here, alone!

The guys whose proposals got rejected, shouts

Okay, were playing the music!