Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1384. School Festival Day 2 / Make-up

Chapter 1384. School Festival Day 2 / Make-up

Chapter 1384. School Festival Day 2 / Make-up

Well, for your skin tone, I think this would be a good choice

The monitor in the bakery shows the tennis girls getting their makeup in the corner of the cafeteria

I check on them from time to time while working on my pastry.

Katsuko-nee, Mariko, and Nei set up the chairs and the girls take turns getting their makeup.

Right next to it is one of the desks in the cafeteria, and Nei brought her makeup kit from the mansion and the three boxes of makeup that Mariko brought there so its readily accessible.

I want to use this, but

A senior from the tennis club points at the cosmetics Mariko brought over.

Oh, this one? If thats the case, this and this should be better

Mariko quickly pulls out her cosmetics and a few other items from the box.

Katsuko-san, can we match this two?

Mariko shows the cosmetics she picked to Katsuko-nee, whos doing makeup on the girls.

I think that combo is fine but it would be better for this girl if you get a darker foundation color

Katsuko-nee compares the makeup to the girls face and replies.

Oh, I see. Youre right

Mariko took out a different colored foundation immediately.

Once youre done doing makeup, show it to me

Yes, please do Katsuko-san

Mariko started doing makeup for the senior girl after responding to Katsuko-nee.

Meanwhile, Nei;

Okay, were done! Katsuko-oneechan, check!

Nei shows the girl she did makeup on to Katsuko-nee.

Wow, Nei-sans amazing with make-up!

Youre looking fifty percent more beautiful than the usual!

The girls who are waiting for their turns say loudly.

Thats good, but theyre high-school girls so you should do the eyeliner like this

Katsuko-nee reached her hand and made some adjustments to the girl Nei did makeup on.

And in your case, you should raise your bangs here. Do you have a hairpin?

Here, Katsuko-oneechan

Katusko-nee fixed the girls hair.

Wow, now its 80%!

Katsuko-sans amazing!

Eeeeh? How do I look right now?

Here, Mirror

Nei gave her a hand mirror.

Wow, this doesnt look like me! Im impressed!

She looks at her face and is at a loss of words.

It looks very natural

Yes, if it were me or someone else, I wouldve applied more stuff, like, theres so many of them here

The girls said, then Katsuko-nee;

You girls are still in high school so make use of your natural skin. Besides, its the school festival, the teachers will let you off with a bit of makeup but you shouldnt get too flashy. Were going to deal with a lot of customers

Oh, youre right

Besides, its better to do this finish to give it a cla.s.sy look

Katsuko-nee then put a touch-up on the outer corner of the girls eye.

Wow, now its 100%!

Katsuko-san, Im also done here, can you take a look?

Mariko calls Katsuko-nee this time.

I dont understand how those girls feel

Megu says while working.

I think that they should get the cafeteria done first then do that

I get how Megumi feels, but you cant do anything about that

Edie smiled wryly.

To Darling and Megumi, this school festival, and selling pastries, are all your efforts for the future. But for the tennis girls, yesterday and today are just a game to them


The school festival is just a festival. Thats the reason why theyre making such a fuss when they heard that a TV crew is coming to cover the event. The extraordinary event of the school festival just became more extraordinary


The girls in the tennis club dont take selling pastries as seriously as we do.

For the girls, theyre just doing a refreshment booth at the school festival.

Darling, Kana was on a weird tension when she came over, right?

Yeah, she came to the bakery asking me why I didnt tell her about the TV coverage.

Yeah, it surprised me, but I get it now. Kana-senpai feels the same way as the tennis club girls

The mere fact that they might see themselves on the TV news makes them feel uplifted.

No, I guess that Kana-senpai also sent a message and talked to the other members of the tennis club after Nei informed her about the TV coverage while she was on the bus on the way to school.

And so, she went to the tennis club room to change, and the other members of the club are getting more excited.

Kanna-senpai and the girls at the tennis club are excited.

Theyre heated up in the club room and popped to the bakery with the same tension, thats why it turned like that.

I dont really watch TV so I dont get it, but I guess its exciting to them. Getting into the TV camera I mean

I never watched TV ever since I was a kid.

In middle school, I live in a dorm in the mountains, and TV is banned there.

Even now, the only show I watch is Yukinos show.

Im not interested in TV either so its surprising to me

Megu glanced up at the monitor that shows the cafeteria.

Some say that young people are turning away from TV since the internet has more momentum now, but the influence of TV is still strong

Edie said.

Nowadays, things that are broadcasted on TV are spread on the internet, and many people watch the TV that becomes a hot topic on video sites later, even though the ratings are low when it broadcasts, it sometimes becomes a big topic just because it became popular on the internet

Does that pattern even exist?

Oh, speaking of which, that also happened last week

Mana says while making pastries.

Err, what was it again? Oh right, theres this American mountaineering equipment company called whiteface, and they make square-shaped backpacks

Square-shaped backpacks?

That backpack got aired on TV last week, saying that these are popular with h.o.m.os.e.xuals these days. Saying that the shape of the backpacks made by that manufacturer are called gay backpacks

Gay backpacks?

Then, the internet picked that up and spread it all over because the name was funny. Even those who didnt watch the show during its airing were told that the square backpacks from that manufacturer were called gay backpacks, and were popular among h.o.m.os.e.xuals. Its just scary, isnt it?

Whats scary?

I asked Mana.

Huh? Dont get it? I mean, its just an ordinary backpack sold by an American mountaineering equipment maker not only in j.a.pan but all over the world. So, the TV casually just mentions that its commonly used by h.o.m.os.e.xuals because someone on TV mustve heard about it, and its not really a fad, just some h.o.m.os.e.xuals near that person

Mana sighed.

The people who buy those arent just in j.a.pan, but all over the world, and considering the ratio, Im pretty sure that most who use it arent h.o.m.os.e.xuals

I see, and yet, the people who saw that

Not only those who watched TV but also those who learned about the gay backpacks over the internet would a.s.sume that everyone carrying that backpack from that manufacturer is a gay person

Thats just outrageous. That also gave trouble to the maker

Edie smiled.

Thats right, it was a huge problem because those who happen to like that backpack, buy and use it, even though theyre not h.o.m.os.e.xual, are going to have a hard time using it just because of that line. But once the keyword of gay backpack spreads out, then theres no helping it

So thats happening.

Thats why you need to be careful Onii-chan. Dont make light of the national TV noon news! If they find something to poke fun at, someone will post it over the net

Yeah, Ill be careful

If you mess up something, theyll just cut that scene and upload it over the internet.

Darling, dont think of only negatives. It could also be well-received over the net and it becomes a good thing

Edie said, but

But, thinking that way will just make you fail

Thats right. You just have to remain steady. Yos.h.i.+-kuns better that way

Megu says with a serious look.

Megumis sure earnest

Edie smiled.

Thats right. Whats wrong with being earnest?

Megu puffed her cheeks and retorted.

Not really, Megumis fine the way you are

Edie then points at the girls on the screen.

But, Megumi, you need to understand those girls a bit more

I know, those girls are more like normal high-school girls and Im not


Either way, Im just too uptight, too fussy, and overly serious

Oh, shes comparing herself to the tennis club girls who are enjoying the school festival.

Butthats okay on its ownMegumi-san

Ai, who had been quiet all this time, says without stopping her work.

Its okay to have someone like Megumi-sansomeone like Ailike Mana-chan, like Edie-sanour familyhas a lot of girls


When Kana-chan came here earlierat first, she was excitedlike the rest of the tennis girls, but

Ai said.

Along the wayshe noticed that Yos.h.i.+da-kun isnt like herwhos feeling merry that the TV coverage is comingseeing thatYos.h.i.+da-kuns serious with the pastryshe looked like she was about to cryand apologized to Yos.h.i.+da-kun

Right, so thats why Kana-senpai suddenly turned around and started apologizing, saying dont hate me please

She figured out that theres a different meaning and value to the TV coverage for Katsuko-nee, Ai, and me.

We see it as a serious trial for the future of our bakery, and were not as merry as the tennis club girls

Thats why she apologized.

Kana-chan tried to understand. Thats whywere also trying to understand them

To Megu who has an earnest personality, shes not happy that the tennis girls are just being merry, flocking around, not concentrating on preparing the opening of the cafe, that we had to send Katsuko-nee to do their makeup.

I can understand that.


Mana thinks that its okay

Mana said.

Look at them. Katsuko-oneechans specialty isnt just with pastries but also that

Katsuko-nees giving instructions to Nei and Mariko, making the tennis club girls even more beautiful.

Katsuko-nee was the number one choice among the big-name clients when she was a prost.i.tute at the Black Forest.

Thats why shes good at make-up, and she can give the right instructions on how to make one look more cla.s.sy.

I know, Katsuko-oneechans beautiful and fas.h.i.+onable too

Megu said, but

Its okay to know that Megu-oneechan, were family after all. But I think whats more important is that Katsuko-oneechan can show the people outside what she can do


Katsuko-san, you shouldve been a cosmetics instructor instead of baking!

I mean, its unfair that its just the tennis club girls!

Girls continue to gather in the cafeteria.

Seeing that Katsuko-nees doing makeup for the tennis girls, the other schoolgirls have gathered.

Not today, I still have to return to the bakery once Im done doing makeup for the tennis girls. We wont have time to sell bread in the shop if I do

Katsuko-nee said with a cheerful smile.

Yes, the tennis club is collaborating with the bakery today and were waitresses at the cafe, thats why Katsuko-sans doing our makeup

Were going to appear on TV later this noon in the cafe!

The tennis club girls who have Katsuko-nee doing their makeup said loudly.

Ugh, still unfair!

Why is the news even doing a coverage on the sidewalk cafe!

Cant help it, if its a topic in the noon news, its only for five minutes

Well show up, and its over after five minutes

Thats what Im asking, why this place

Woah, if that goes on, the tennis girls will be in a fight with the other schoolgirls.


Im sorry, but Im busy with the tennis girls already today. If you want to ask me about makeup, then you can come next time

Katsuko-nee told the girls with a smile.

Are you sure, Katsuko-san?

You can come anytime as long as were done with our bakery work

Thats a promise, Katsuko-san!

Now that calmed them down.

I want Natou-senpai to teach me how to apply makeup

Ah, me too! Natou-senpais beautiful after all

The girls are also gathering around Nei.

What, Me? Also, dont call me Senpai, were in the same year!

Neis a repeater.

Furthermore, didnt you see Katsuko-oneechan fixing what I did so many times? Im a returnee so my makeup is a little bit tight

Nei said.

Its not really tight, its just that you draw the eyeliner differently. Its just a matter of preference, so I think Nei-chans okay as she is. Its just that it doesnt suit the other girls

Katsuko-nee replied.

Yes, Natou-senpais too beautiful. I dont think the same makeup Natou-senpai does would suit me

Dont call me Senpai!

Yeah, Katsuko-nee and Nei are having fun.

I think getting along with the schoolgirls will be a good influence on them.

Okay, continue moving your hands Nei-san

Mariko tells Nei as she finished the makeup of the girl shes in charge of.

Shes also good at makeup, she must be Katsuko-sans helper?

No, Mariko-san is a friend of our Kana

Best friend! Kanas best friend okay!

Marika joined the conversation.

Also, this best friend of Kana, Mariko-san, is the young lady of Torii Electronics

Yes, thats right!

Really? Wow! My fridge has that brand

Thanks for the patronage

Yeah, Marikos doing well

Thats good. So

I mutter while working on the pastries.

No, thats not it, no matter what happens, you just have to make it have a good end

Results-wise, its good that Katsuko-nee and Nei got along with the school girls.

We can fill in for Katsuko-nees absence anyway.

Thats right, just change your thinking. Think positively

Edie smiled.

Giving the tennis girls makeup is good too, itll make the waitresses in the cafe look beautiful as a result

Thats right, lets think positively

Edie, can we check on hows the cafe going?


Edie changed the view on the screen.

The sidewalk cafe;

Yes, weve wiped all the tables and chairs? Are we finished there? You can go there once Mizuhara-san finishes her makeup, shes the one in charge. Amino-san, come over. Oh, I get it. You can do it after getting your makeup. Sakata-sans done, then, you can switch with s.h.i.+jima-san

Kana-senpais making preparations for the opening.

Our familys doing their work

Edies right.

We should do as planned as well.

Mana came over so were doing well.

Then, once its 10, we can sell pastries as scheduled.

It was right not to ask for help from the tennis girls this time

The tennis girls will be able to bake pastries for the event, but

Theyre not accustomed so the jobs in the bakery will only get late.

After yesterdays sales, we knew that we had to bake a certain amount before the opening.

Were working alone until 10 when the school festival opens to the public.

That turned out to be the right decision.

Megu, Ai, Mana, and I work well together.

Edies the only one watching, but its the usual

Before long

Wow, thats a lot more than planned

Katsuko-nee hasnt come back from giving the tennis girls makeup but

All the bread for the storefront has finished baking.

Katsuko-nees not here so we mightve worked harder than usual

But, Yos.h.i.+-kun we still have to prepare the next batch

Megus right, if we have the same amount of customers yesterday, then we need to continue making more bread.

We need to start on our second batch.

Even so, we still have some time to pause.


The door to the dining room opens up.

If you girls have time then thats great, Katsuko-sans going to give Ai and Megumi-san makeup too!

Kana-senpai showed up and said.

I-Ill pa.s.s. I dont like makeup

Megu said, but

What are you talking about? Its you who will most likely show up on TV so you need makeup!

The national broadcast will come to cover the activities at the school festival of the baking course established this year.

Minaho-neesan used that details, so the camera would definitely go inside the bakery.

The camera will definitely focus on Ai and me since were the students in the course, and Megu will also show up, helping us out in our work.

Go, Megu and Ai


But, Yos.h.i.+-kun, Im not

Nono butsMegumi-san, were getting makeup

Ai told Megu.

If you dont get makeup, the tennis girls will find us weird

To the tennis club girls who are excited about the TV coverage, getting Katsuko-nee to do their makeup and wait for the camera to show their beautiful faces is common sense.

Thinking that wayis also bad for Yos.h.i.+da-kunso, get makeupfor Yos.h.i.+da-kun

Megu and Ai should also mingle with the ordinary girls.

Go on. Onii-chan and I will take care of the next batch, we can do it

Mana told Megu.

Yeah, we have more time thanks to everyones hard work. So you should go


Megu and Ai went to the cafeteria

Thanks for that, Kana-senpai

I thanked Kana-senpai for coming in and calling the two.

Having Katsuko-nee give them makeup will increase their friendliness with Megu and Ai.

Dont mind it, theyre getting her makeup right now so I thought of calling over Megumi-san and Ai


I look at the monitor and

Oh, Misato and the girls who came over to the cafe to help out are also getting makeup from Katsuko-nee.

Its not just the tennis girls but the whole cafe members.

But you know, those girls are quite the beauties if they put on their makeup

The four of them are beauties that Minaho-neesan carefully selected.

Its a shame that they can only work inside the tent

Minaho-neesan forbids the prost.i.tute cadets to interact with the schoolboys or outsiders.

And so, theyre going to work in the tents where they give drinks and dont make contact with customers.

Speaking of which, you should get a makeup too, Edie-san

Kana-senpai said, but

Ill pa.s.s. I dont do any job in the bakery, and I have a reason why I cant show up in the news

Edie has another schedule for a TV appearance.

BEsides, Kana, you still dont have your makeup done, right?

Speaking of which, Kana-senpai doesnt look like she has makeup on yet.

Ill go last, its just for standard

Kana-senpai smiled closed the door and came to me.

If I get makeup, I wont get to do this, right?

Kana-senpai kissed me on the lips.