Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1377. Fun Home/ By the way…

Chapter 1377. Fun Home/ By the way…

Chapter 1377. Fun Home/ By the way

After having a s.e.x tour to show for the girl a.s.sa.s.sins, I went to take a quick shower with the girls I had s.e.x with.

Ill let Anya and Edie take care of the thirteen.

Im worn out as expected.

Were just was.h.i.+ng off the love nectar and sweat. Sakurako and Motoko washes my body.

The other girls are was.h.i.+ng each others bodies.

Kou-sans got it hard

After we were done showering, Erica and Kurumi wiped my body with a bath towel.

Onii-sama, here are some washed underwear. Its already resting time so would you like to stay in your bathrobe instead?

Ruriko, whos already one of the housewives in this mansion, brings me my underwear and a bathrobe.

Thanks, Ruriko

Everyones also on their underwear and bathrobes.

Also, Katsuko-oneesama asked us to come to the dining room after we were done showering.


Is there anything else?

She said that everyone should come

With that said, the bathrobe group went to the dining room.


Ah, there you are, we have ice cream so eat some

In the dining room are the thirteen girl a.s.sa.s.sins from earlier, Anya, and Edie, eating Katsuko-nees homemade ice cream.

Tsukiko and the girls, Rie, Eri, and Kyouko-san are also here.

Its not good for your beauty if you eat this before sleeping, you want something sweet, right?

True, Im a little tired so Im glad Im getting Katsuko-nees sweet ice cream.

We have honey ice cream today. Those girls were surprised when they discovered that I made it

This kind of ice cream may be new to these foreign girls who lived abused in SEA gangs.

You can sit here, the other girls can move for a minute

Kyouko-san tells me.


I took the ice cream plate and spoon from Katsuko-nee and sat on Kyouko-sans table

Sit here


Kyouko-sans smiling, but I feel scared of what shes about to say

I sat facing Kyouko-san.

Well, we can talk while youre eating, sugar can help when youre tired

Ah, yeah

I scooped some ice cream and tasted it.


Its cold and sweet, and it has a honey taste.

Katsukos taste is in the high cla.s.s, its probably a bit too elegant for those girls but thats okay. Theyre experiencing a variety of things today after all

Kyouko-san said.

True, Katsuko-nees pastries even has that elegant taste.

Thats why it was hard to get the boys in our school to buy it at first.

You can keep eating ice cream, but try watching those girls

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins on the other table.

Yeah, theyre all eating

The foreign girls arent just talking to themselves, but also with Edie, Anya, Ruriko, and Erica, who can speak their language.

Oh, Sakurako, Motoko, and Kurumi, also knows french, since theyre also students of the same school since childhood. Karens still in elementary so she doesnt have those lessons yet.

No, the girls are trying to talk to Agnes and the twins, with a French translating girl for them.

Yeah, thats looking good

They lost their guard when they arrived at this mansion.

Well yeah, theyve seen you do work

Kyouko-san says while eating her ice cream.

The girls who live here are your women, thats why they group together as sisters, as a family. That also means that they have s.e.x with you, and say that they want to bear your child. And they saw that moment

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins watched me have s.e.x with Agnes, Karen, Erica, Marika, Sakurako, Motoko, Kurumi, and Ruriko.

Youre demonstrating that youre doing it with your family, that makes them feel at ease. You also showed how tough you are

Huh? but Im not tough

Im not a muscle guy.

I hear that often. Ive been watching you guys through the cameras, but I never thought that youd stick your d.i.c.k inside every girl that got naked. The shrine maidens were also sharing the pleasure, so I thought that youd just do foreplay on two or three and skip the others

Well, I dont think thats okay to skip them. I mean, Motoko and Kurumi said that they had enough, but I feel regret that they didnt get to climax

Motoko let Ruriko take over as she was taking photos the whole time.

However, I didnt get to make up with her.

You sure are boundless. Youre the king of the harem, yet you dont feed on them

Kyouko-san laughs.

But, well, that also made the girls feel at ease in a way. They felt that you have no particular bias

Yeah, its necessary to put my d.i.c.k inside all of them.

It seems that theyve conveyed that the girls were willing to have s.e.x, and it wasnt because you forced them, so far so good. Its okay now. You have pa.s.sing marks


So, how many of those girls over there are sending you glances?


Kyouko-san asks me a sudden question.

The girls on the other table.

About five of them

Oh, true. Some girls are sending me glances while talking to other girls.

Their names?

Err, its Penny Su, Vah Geena, Akme, and also Anne Roze and Chiyo

Penny Sus the Italian girl.

Vah Geenas the French-SEA girl.

Akmes the Greece girl.

Anne Roze is half German and half-Central Asian.

Chiyos the Russian-j.a.panese girl.

Those girls are the ones who got motivated after watching you have s.e.x


Their mothers were prost.i.tutes, so they were quick to get ready. Theyre curious too. They see that youre enjoying s.e.x

Oh, I see. theyve always been familiar with s.e.x since they were children.

Once they understand that theyll become family by having s.e.x, they immediately made their decision.

Dolly and Anna are the same. Those girls dont have time to check on you since theyre looking after the other girls.

Dollys the leader of the thirteen girl a.s.sa.s.sins, and Anna, together with her sister, met me earlier than the others.

So theyre busy supporting the other girls right now.

With that said, the seven of them are ready for it, and the remaining six is just a matter of time

Kyouko-san said, but

Im still a little worried about c.l.i.to

c.l.i.tos the Persian girl.

Shes the only one who tried to make bread from her tribe, and ignored the instructions

Earlier, she looked uncomfortable when they were holding hands.

Oh, dont worry about that girl, c.l.i.to is just a bit nervous


Shes timid, but she tries to hide it by purposely disobeying

Then that means?

She wasnt confident to make the pastry as shes told, see? But, she thought that it would be lame to make a bad pastry so thats why

So making the pastry from her tribe was irrelevant?

I see.

No, no, shes also lying about that tribe. Someone whos born in the slums and lived in the underworld could never make something like that. Shes just trying to show off saying that its her tribe, but she just bullsh*ts her way out of it

Haaa, so shes that kind of girl

Timid, but prideful.

c.l.i.tos survived her h.e.l.lish days a girl a.s.sa.s.sin so thats about how far her wits will go

Shes a girl who survived being held captive by that crazy boss from the SEA underground organization to perform a.s.sa.s.sinations even at the cost of their lives.

Not only the skills to a.s.sa.s.sinate with drill spears or something, but they also have a high level of thinking skills to act appropriately to the situation.

Well, Edie and the girls are focusing on c.l.i.to too, so you dont have to worry too much about them. Dont worry, rather, I worry about the other girls

Which ones?

I ask while putting down my ice cream spoon.

I want to know their s.e.xual preferences. Thats why I observed them while they were watching you have s.e.x with those girls


What I mean is, it would be bad if there were girls who are strictly lesbian, like me, right?

Oh, yeah, the condition to joining our family is having s.e.x with me, so

If theres a girl who cant accept a man physiologically, then thats trouble.

Well, I think its okay, but still, those girls grew up in a complicated environment so I want to check on them again

Kyouko-san looked at the girls on the other table and said.

Most of them are daughters of prost.i.tutes, their boss was a crazy woman, and they lived only with other girls of their age


The girls all had intense hate towards the woman who controlled them. Thats why I cant be their guardian since Im a woman

So you chose me instead?

Basically. Normally, Id send them to someone older than you, probably someone at your fathers age, and thatll make them more emotionally stable. Those girls are craving paternal love

Since the dead crazy boss of theirs had a strong image in their mind, theyd prefer the paternal type than the maternal.

But they were all okay with Nagisa in the bath

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins were friendly with Nagisa, whos pregnant, and has a young child named Mao-chan.

Well, thats a different story. the problem I was facing is who will be their guardian.

Kyouko-san said.

Those girls are still kids mentally. They need someone to keep them safe. They feel that Nagisas someone they should protect

I see. They like Nagisa, whos a mother, but not because they want her to be their mother

They reject women who want to control them because of their old boss.

So, why me? If were following that story now, I feel like we need a father figure for those girls, right?

I asked.

Well yesitll certainly make them more emotionally stable if they have an old man as their father figure, but

Kyouko-san smiled wryly.

Too much stability is also a problem. If that happens, those girls will be too dependent on the old man for everything that they wont be able to think for themselves

So theyre going to rely on the guardian for everything?

Theyll stop thinking. Those girls will be okay with whatever the old may say that they will even throw their lives away for it. Well, its a frequent case. Its the same pattern of paternity-stared wh.o.r.e who falls apart because shes attracted to human garbage who just had a bit of a fatherly aura around him

I see.

I mean, I dont know any old man who can protect thirteen special girls like them. I could look for them, but Im sure that theyll be someone from the same industry, and will use them as tools

Once they take the girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

No, even before their a.s.sa.s.sination skills, these girls are young and beautiful.

Thats got a lot of use in the underground society.

If the thirteen girls become dependent on one man and stopped thinking for themselves.

Itll end badly.

Thats why, if its you, those girls cant depend on you too much since youre still young,. If they dont work together and think things through, theyll be more worried

Sorry for not being broadminded

Silly, youre broadminded. Its just that youre still young. And since youre still young, theyre not only protected, but they also start thinking that they want to live with us. Isnt that how everyone is?

My women think about the family.

They think and act on it.

I want those girls to be like them

Kyouko-san stares at the girl a.s.sa.s.sins eating ice-cream happily and said.

But, as expected of you, I never imagined those girls would have such bright faces after the first night

Theyre all just doing their best

I replied.

Yeah, thanks, I was right to bring them here

Kyouko-san smiled at me.

And so, back to the earlier topic


I think it might be in their nature, but

What is?

I mean, if theyre lesbian or not

Oh, that topic.

I was hoping that Id find a girl whose nature is lesbian so I can take her and make love with me and Cordelia, but alas, no luck

I heard that earlier too.

There werent any pure ones, but there were Bis


Bis.e.xual, meaning theyre okay with either


There was this girl who got off on watching you have s.e.x, but she wasnt looking just at you, but the girls mostly


Of course, that girl isnt sending you glances now

Meaning, its not one of the seven.

But one of the remaining six is bis.e.xual?

You dont have to look so troubled you know? Youve got bis.e.xual girls in your family too


First, Nagisa, Also Nikita. Misuzu and Michi too, right? And many more

Oh right.

Nagisa likes the part-time employees in her shop as her pets.

Anya, or Codename Nikita, was miss Cordelias pet at first and she wanted Nei.

Misuzus into girls from the start.

Michi too.

Kinuka and Mitamas feelings toward their Masters must also be h.o.m.os.e.xual.

The other girls too.

But youre dealing with them properly so it should be fine. Okay?

Kyouko-san said and laughed.

Good Night desuno!

Yeah, good night

After eating ice cream, everyone brushed their teeth and went to bed.

I gave all my women a kiss.

Sweet dreams

Kyouko-san gave everyone a hug.

The girl a.s.sa.s.sins who arent in the family yet watch with lonely eyes.

But, thats far enough.

Okay, sleep in your rooms! Good night!

Kyouko-san disbands the crowd.

Edie and Anya took the girl a.s.sa.s.sins with them.

This was a brothel so we have plenty of rooms.


its Tsukiko and the girls tonight

Tsukiko, Yomi, Luna, and Koyomi-chan remained with me.

Were okay not having s.e.x tonight, were also tired

Oh, right.

Today, they did punish the traitors from Kouzuki SS at the school festival.

I deflowered Is.h.i.+gami Mizuki.

Then, they kept monitoring the mental state of the thirteen foreign girls.

They were on full throttle with their Miko power.

I see. Thats why you were quiet, Yomi

Tsukiko, Luna, and Koyomi-chan joined in the conversation earlier, but

Yomi didnt talk at all.

Yes, Sensei

Wow, her voice sounds so tired.

Yomikos always been stronger in manipulating others, and her mind-reading is still just budding

Tsukiko hugs her sister.

Yeah, Yomis got an aggressive personality so shes not great at defensive activities, like observing.

Dont worry, as long as we sleep together with Nii-san for the night

Luna said.

Yes, Kuromori-sans mind has no other sides, so we dont get tired even if we see your thoughts

Koyomi-chan said, but she looks really tired too.

I mean, I feel more energy when Im next to Sensei

Yomi said and she clings to me.

Okay, lets go to bed

I hold Yomi in my arms and get inside a room with a bed large enough to fit us in.

Err, the closest one is the room in front of the hallway.

As expected, its hard to deal with foreigners when you cant talk to them

Yomi said.

You have to understand it with the images that come up in their mind

Oh, Yomi and the girls cant understand the broken French those girls are using, so

They make conclusions from every single image that pops into their mind.

I didnt use words, but instead, created an image in my mind first, then I try to strike that image into their minds to control them so they dont do anything dangerous

Sorry, that mustve been tough

Its okay now, theyre stable. They all trust Kou-sama and us now

Tsukiko said.

Yeah, but, if they get startled or panic, it might break their mind so we had to be careful with it

Lunas right.

As soon as they panic, their minds can go back to being girl a.s.sa.s.sins.

But apart from that, I dont think we need to be together to watch over them

Koyomi-chan smiled.

Yeah, thanks, you helped a ton

We finally reached the room.

I have the master key to the rooms so I opened it up.

Yeah, its just like the room where we had s.e.x earlier, we can easily fit five people to sleep here

Lets go to sleep

Yes, Im sleepy too

Me too

Me too

Kou-sama, come here, girls

Tsukiko urged us and we got into the bed.

Yomis on my right side, and Luna and Koyomi-chan take the left.

Then, Tsukiko lies down on the other side.

I put on the blanket and covered ourselves to our neck.

Tsukiko, youre a little far

Im okay

No, youre far, hand

I reached out for Tsukikos hand.

Yes, Kou-sama

I feel Tsukikos cold hand as I hold it.

I knew it, she was also tired.

I feel sorry that I didnt notice it.

No, Kou-sama

Tsukiko read my thoughts and replied.

Its not just us who overdone it mentally and physically


You havent noticed it

Nii-sans tired too


Today I did

Make some bread during the school festival, dealt with Is.h.i.+gami Mizuki, the rebel troops, and also

No, Im still good


Koyomi-chan said.

Take a rest now, Kou-sama

Good night, Nii-san

Good night, Sensei

Good night, Kuromori-san

The four shrine maidens told me gently.

I then fell asleep.