Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1373. Fun Home / Night Sex Workshop 1

Chapter 1373. Fun Home / Night Sex Workshop 1

Chapter 1373. Fun Home / Night s.e.x Workshop 1

Theyre the last thirteen survivors among the disposable a.s.sa.s.sins.

Once Kyouko-san and I told them off, they put their pride aside and had a serious discussion about bread.

Well, Dollys the leader, and shes earnest at heart.

They all got separated from their parents early, so they never had a proper education.

I guess theyre not used to people teaching them things.

So far, its been impossible to survive in the organization without showing off.

Theyre thinking various things, but

Basically, these girls have a deep cut in their hearts.

These girl a.s.sa.s.sins had a life where they dont know when theyll die from the direct orders issued to them.

These girls need to break away from that past at all costs.

If they want to stay in j.a.pan, and be a part of this family, then

I want them to live peacefully, and safe when theyre with us.

Well, well let them debate freely for the next hour or so

Kyouko-san came over and said.

They wont understand everything so clearly just because they baked a loaf once. You have that experience too, right?

Well, thats true, but during my time, Katsuko-nee was explaining to me from the start and was gentle

I look at the thirteen.

The foreigners are comparing the pastries they made just as Kyouko-san told them.

However, they dont ask their questions to Katsuko-nee, their lecturer.

Well, they cant actually talk to Katsuko-nee, so they need to tell Anya or Kyouko-san first so it gets translated, but

These girls only follow the orders from above.

So they dont have a habit of asking questions about people with a higher position than theirs.

Thats good enough for tonight. Those girls will talk to each other, think about it overnight, and let them answer their questions after they come to a standstill. If you give them the answer right at the start, they wont think for themselves

Kyouko-sans taking it slow at educating the thirteen.

You see, I came from the other side of the globe, but still, just like those girls, I also came from the slums

Kyouko-sans a Brazilian.

Women in the slums are either racc.o.o.ns or foxes

Rac.o.o.n? Fox?

A woman who relies on men and cant make decisions by themselves, just flirting and getting spoiled by men, becomes a racc.o.o.n. On the other hand, women who have been betrayed or mistreated by a man, are so wary of them that they never open their hearts to them, thats the fox

I think I get that

I replied.

Prost.i.tutes have that trend too. Katsuko for example was the fox before meeting you. But now shes returned to normal

Yeah, Katsuko-nee back when she was out for revenge on s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke had a scary face.

I dont like both of those faces. Both the racc.o.o.n and fox are nothing but a womans distorted image caused by men

Kyouko-san says and looks at the thirteen.

I dont want those girls to become racc.o.o.ns or foxes. I want those girls to bloom as flowers


Yeah, I agree.

I dont want women to become beasts, but flowers instead.

With that said, be sure to raise those flowers

Kyouko-san smiled at me.

After their first bakery course, their first s.e.x lesson is next

I also knew itll come to that.

They say strike while the iron is hot so they should also start learning s.e.x today.

Err, theyre just watching today, right?

I asked.

Im busy tomorrow with the school festival.

I dont think I can do it with these thirteen.

I mean, give me some time.

I want to reach a mutual understanding with each of the girls before having s.e.x with them.

You decide when

Kyouko-san told me.

Theyre your flowers, so dont ask me, and decide for yourself

Yeah, youre right

Ill just have to wait and see and wing it.

Some girls are quick to talk if you get physical with them first

Preferring physical intimacy than talking.

I mean, they all came from the slums, right? So, those girls already know about s.e.x even though theyre younger. They lived in a hot country without air conditioning, and most had parents who were prost.i.tutes

I think theyve already seen or heard their parents entertaining their customers.

Theyre different from the girls in j.a.pan. Where they hardly have a good mental image of s.e.x. Even earning money by sleeping with men. If these girls werent picked up to become a.s.sa.s.sins in Southeast Asia, they wouldve long ago become prost.i.tutes just like the other girls around them

Kyouko-san sighs.

I was like that too. In slums, men are unemployed and useless, and the only way to make sure money is for women to sell their bodies. If they dont want it, then theyll just get involved in crime. Just like me

Kyouko-san chose the path of crime when she was young.

Well, lets put that story aside. Either way, those girls dont view s.e.x that nicely so you need to overturn that tonight too

Turning over their world in just one day.

No, people wont change unless you go with that kind of momentum.

Okay, Ill think about it

I think of the members I will have s.e.x with tonight.

Members, and also the ideas.

What kind of s.e.x should we do.

Anyway, it would be bad if the thirteen finds an atmosphere similar to prost.i.tution.

They might just remember their lost mother and the pain from when they were in the slums.

Its not the same as going back in time, to a world youve never known before.

I wonder.

Then, Kyouko-san

Nei, come over here! Looks like he wants to talk about something

She calls Nei.

Huh? What about me?

Nei replied and Kyouko-san smiled.

Katsuko has to deal with the girls bread talk over there, so youre the next eldest here, right?

Yeah, okay

Nei comes over.

Right, if thats the case

Watching the thirteen girls critique each others bread on the side

Nei and I start our talk.

Minaho-neesans staying over the new brothel tonight, Katsuko-nees following up and answering the questions of the thirteen from time to time.

Agnes and the girls, and the Takakura shrine maidens are watching the thirteen talk.

Lets take Katsuko-oneechan out of the equation, that also includes Shou-oneechan

Were leaving out Katsuko-nee, since shes a former prost.i.tute, so the girls might smell the prost.i.tution during the s.e.x training.

Shou-neechan and Rei-chan are both bodyguards, so the thirteen would get cautious in a different sense.

So, lets not call them tonight.

If thats the case, isnt it better to stick with the girls who just learned to have s.e.x?

Nei said.

They have no disgust towards s.e.x with Yo-chan at all, right? Then now would be a good time to have some fun in s.e.x


Motoko, Kurumi, Erica and Marika, then Sakurako are all in that category.

Anyway, since there will be thirteen spectators, Yo-chan should also have the same number


I mean, it would be tense if you have thirteen girls watching you have s.e.x! If you dont bring the same number in bed, youll lose

Nei laughs.

And so, you should just put the same number of girls in the bed, as those who are watching

But, I dont think I can do it with thirteen tonight

I dont think I can deal with thirteen women just to match the numbers of the foreigners.

I feel sorry for inviting them over just to leave them with nothing to do.

Geez, you dont have to mind that. Unlike men, women dont need to have s.e.x and reach climax every time to be satisfied

No still, if theres thirteen, there will be girls who would be a bit overwhelmed and dont know what to do

Then, how about we half it, just six or seven?

I guess

Ive already picked five by now.

Still, I think the girls who just discovered it would be great. Then, just add some girls who are already used to it.

Then, just have Agnes. That girl will surely adapt

The thirteen already accepted Agnes with her friendly smile.

Well, the thirteen are all mixed-race so they mightve felt some affinity with Agnes who has a foreigner look too.

What about you Ya-chan?

I asked nei.

I guess we need at least one elder, so Ya-chan should come

Hmm, Ill pa.s.s

Nei smiled wryly and replied.

I lived in the brothel for a while after coming back to j.a.pan. Im not a prost.i.tute, but I still have that smell

Neis been living in the brothel since Kyouko-san and Minaho-neesan rescued her from Los Angeles.

She knows the time when the ladies of the Black forest brothel had been working before it stopped operating.

We shouldnt do anything that increases their anxiety tonight

Nei speaks with a serious face.

It has to be a culture shock for the girls, but in a good way


Then that means

Eri and Rie are out.

The twins have been raised similarly to these thirteen so I think that their senses match.

But, that wont become culture shock.

I guess you should stick with the young ladies who dont see the dark side of s.e.x

Neis right.

If so

I guess Rurikos the last one.

A girl who has nothing but positive emotions when it comes to s.e.x with me.

This beautys pride and joy is to be my s.e.x slave.

Yeah, youre right

Nei also agreed.

You look very tired after all

After entering the room with a huge bed.

Motoko and Kurumi, in their nightgowns, gave me a ma.s.sage.

I lie down on the bed and they ma.s.sage my shoulder and thigh.

Yeah, that feels great

Motoko and Kurumi are good at it.

This is also part of our bridal training. Kurumi and I learned these from our grandmother

Motoko said.

Its amazing. Motoko and Kurumi are great at cooking, can do housework, and can even ma.s.sage

Furthermore, they look great in j.a.panese clothes, as theyre quite the beauty.

We all learned it for the sake of our husband

Yes, its all for Master

Motoko and Kurumi said.

Besides, Im happy. In this mansion, I could use everything that I learned

I never thought that I could do so many things

Oh, I see.

Actually, Motokos a daughter of the Kuromiya house, so shes to be married to a family of equal status among the n.o.bility.

And if shes married into another n.o.ble family, she might not have opportunities to cook or do household ch.o.r.es.

I think its wonderful to do what you can to the best of your ability and make the family happy

Yes, Im fulfilled every day

We can practice our spears to our hearts content too

If it werent for the Kuromiya style of spear fighting, Motoko and Kurumi wouldnt have come to me.

And with the help of Shou-oneesama, we will be able to start our spearmans.h.i.+p cla.s.ses as a self-defense technique using parasols.

With this, well be able to pa.s.s down the Kuromiya style to the next generation.

Establis.h.i.+ng the self-defense techniques using umbrellas and canes, which were adapted from the Kuromiya style, and spread them to the public.

Those who are interested can learn further the main style.

Besides, Dono, Kurumi, and I still have some techniques we still have to learn

Motoko said.

We also need to learn techniques to comfort Dono

Yes, Kurumi also wants to become good in bed


These girls just lost their virginity so theyre interested in s.e.x.

While they were talking.

Anya took the thirteen girls and theyre moving around.

Oh, Tsukiko, Yomi, Luna, Koyomi-chan, and Edie are here too.

Those who have the strength and the Miko power are ready to suppress any of the girls from rampaging.

However, the spectators just added six more people.

Sorry to keep you waiting

Sakurako, Erica, and Marika came over.

I combed my hair first since you were to make love with me

Oh, theyre all wearing nightgowns and their hair is combed nicely.

Tonight, we will be the models for the newcomers

Sakurako smiles.

Right, Sakurakos a young lady of the Kanou house.

Shes accustomed to people watching her.

She wont lose to the gaze of the thirteen girls filled with curiosity.

Marika-oneesama, Ericas here so dont worry

Erica too, shes called the star of the middle school.

Shes strong against pressure.

Yes, Ill think of tonight as a recital and Ill do my best

Marikas also learning piano from her school so she has a strong mind.

Yeah, I think I chose the right members.

Mariko-san wanted to come too, but shes a little unrestrained when it comes to Kuromori-sama, so she had to pa.s.s for today

Sakurako talks about her cousin.

True, if Marikos here, shed be making a fuss out of tension.

But, are you girls not afraid?

The foreign girls dont speak our language, and they were former a.s.sa.s.sins, who will watch us have s.e.x.

Oh? But Im already prepared for everything when I became your woman

Sakurako smiles.

Besides, its my joy to serve you no matter what situation were in

Yes. Erica is also Kou-sans lewd slave. Im ready for it anytime, anywhere

Im with Erica-san

The three said.

Besides, I also understand what these girls say

Right, the school for the young ladies is learning French.

If Erica, whos in middle school can speak in a broken style, Sakurako, whos in high school should be fluent.

They have some regional accents so hearing is a bit of a problem, but

It seems that the French they used in that organization are different from the actual French.

Oh right, I heard that Rurikos French was a bit too formal for those girls

Ericas broken speech was perfect for communicating with them, but

Im late

Agnes and Ruriko came last.

Rurikos holding her camera as usual.

Its a rare opportunity, so I want to take some commemorative photos

Filming s.e.x has become Rurikos life work now.

Then, Agnes.

Papa, is it okay for Karen-chan to join?

She took Karen with her.

Karen doesnt have much energy because of the incident at her home.

Of course. Come here, Karen


Karen comes over, shes wearing a nightgown.

I got up and embraced Karens small body.

Well then, why dont we begin?

I said, then Agnes immediately loosened her nightgown,

Then, got naked in an instant.

What a clean body.


The thirteen foreign girls got startled as Agnes suddenly got naked.

Agnes-san has a beautiful body

Sakurako mutters.

Agnes is Half-French, and so her bodys much more developed compared to other girls of her age.

Furthermore, Ive been pumping my s.e.m.e.n into her womb every day for the past half-year.

So, shes leaking out some incredible charm around her.

Its different from when we were taking a bath

Karen looked at Agnes body and said.

When taking a bath

Oh, right.

Mao-chans present when we had a bath earlier.

So, Agnes erased her s.e.xy atmosphere.

Me too.

When Mao-chans present, I dont get erect. Cant show that to a toddler.

Its obvious. Were about to have s.e.x, so the l.u.s.ter of the skin changes

Erica smiles.

The thirteen girls also went in the bath with us.

They watch as Agnes and Mao-chan smile at each other innocently.

Seeing Agnes bewitching smile has surprised everyone.

Women change depending on the time and place.

Furthermore, Agnes is the youngest in the group, and she transformed so much.

Anya-chan, translate this for the girls!

Agnes said with a smile.

Sure, go ahead

Anya replies.

Listen, everyone, Agnes will tell you something very important!


Agnes and everyone who lives in this mansion and Papas family, arent actually blood-related

Agnes speaks calmly.

Agnes doesnt know her real family, but its okay. Real families are those who had been with you since birth, but, Agnes isnt like that. We became a family. To be exact, we became Papas family

Agnes only knew the world within the bas.e.m.e.nt until six months ago.

Now, shes talking about our family by herself.

Agnes, here with Karen-chan, Ruri-chan, Motoko-chan, Kurumi-chan, Sakurako-chan, Erica-chan, Anya-chan, Tsukiko-chan, Yomi-chan, and Luna-chan, and everyone whos watching over us, our family through Papa. We all belong to Papa after all

Agnes looked at me.

Agnes and everyone promised to bear Papas children. So, well only do that with Papa for the rest of our lives. Agnes, Karen-chan, everyone, we all promised. We will bear Papas children, and raise them happily. Agnes will take good care of Yukino-chan and Nagisa-chans babies like theyre ours, and everyone will take good care of Agnes children too

The thirteen foreign girls are listening to Agnes.

Were that kind of family. Thats why Agnes wants you all to be family too, but you cant be in the family unless you bear Papas babies and love the other children. Those who cant have to leave

Agnes makes it clear to them.

The family must be happy, and above all, the children born have to be the happiest. So, we dont want anyone selfish or those who cant get along with others. They cant stay here. Theyll hinder the happiness

Then, Edie said something.

She said, We beat those who cant keep the order

Erica whispers t me.

But on the other hand, Agnes and everyone will do anything for the family, that includes you. Studying together, playing, and eating delicious food. Every day is fun. Then, Agnes will also let your children drink milk from us

Agnes shows a cute smile.


One of the thirteen, Penny Su, the Italian blood, said something.

Does that mean that you can only have s.e.x with that man and n.o.body else? she asks

Erica translates.

Then, Edie immediately replied.

Youre free to do whatever, but youre getting kicked out right after. There wont be any support after that she replies

This time, Vah Geena, whos next to Penny Su, asks.

How about when a man forcibly raped you? she asks


Anya, translate this

I faced Vah Geena.

Ill protect you to prevent that from happening. If theres a man who tried to make a move on you, Ill beat the c.r.a.p out of him. If by any chance a man did rape you, Ill kill that man. Ill show them h.e.l.l on earth and make them regret their entire life before they die

Anya translates what I said for the foreigner girls.

Edie then added something.

Try to protect your bodies so no man gets tortured to death, she said.

As long as you dont betray me, I wont do the same. But, once you do, its goodbye. You wont die, just banished. You can go back to the slums and live there

I feel sorry, but I need to make it clear.

I cant let those girls look down on me right now.

What we need is a family worth living with and helping each other. Were not a charity. If you want to live the way you want, then you have to leave. You cant stay

Thats right! If you want to become Papas family, then you need to be willing to have Papas babies, and raise them happily

Agnes said.

Its very fun to have s.e.x with Papa. Whenever Agnes feels a little sad, or uneasy, I always have s.e.x with Papa. It warms up my heart and makes me feel happy. s.e.x is a good thing. Ah, but only with Papa. Im sure that if you do it with someone else, it wont feel that way

c.l.i.to Lilith, whos the most rebellious among the thirteen told Agnes something.

Are you sure? Arent all men just the same? she asks


Edie said something.

Did you hear what this girl just said? Whenever she feels lonely, he always gives her a hug, no matter when. Thats also true for me. When I feel sad, hes always giving me a hug, not finding it bothersome. Just like how hes giving that girl a hug, look

Edie points at me.

Im still hugging Karen.

Thats right, Papa always responds to Agnes and everyone! Thats why Agnes and everyone always receives Papas love. We get hugs, kisses, and s.e.x

Anya said something.

Err, Ive only had s.e.x with one person when I come to this mansion After all if I want it, hes always there to keep me company, she says

Erica translates bashfully.

Papa always has his arms open for Agnes and everyone anytime, thats why whenever Papa feels sad or in pain, we also give him a hug, a kiss, or even s.e.x! We also need to have open arms, because hes Papa

Agnes said, and Karen in my arms.

Im sorry for always depending on you

She speaks with a gloomy face.

Karen-chan, you cant say it like that! If you feel that way, then just do better in serving Papa! If you have s.e.x, both Papa and Karen will feel happy and energized!

Agnes cheers on Karen.

Right, Karen

I kissed Karen on the lips.

I rubbed her small b.r.e.a.s.t.s on top of her nightgown.

I want to melt her anxiety away with s.e.xual pleasure.

Oh, I forgot to say

Agnes looked at the thirteen again.

You can start bearing a child in high school. Your body isnt ready to become a Mama yet until then! Thats why Agnes will wait until high-school

No, thats not a rule.

Yukinos pregnant in her first year in high school so Agnes thinks that its okay to get pregnant when youre in high school.

s.e.x is okay even if its earlier! Papa will take a look if your body is ready for s.e.x with its growth and then hell do it! Middle school pays for adult bus fare already so you need to be able to have s.e.x by then


Then, you need to think about having s.e.x with Papa

Agnes said and comes to the bed.

Well, lets all have fun!