Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1367. School Festival B / Goodbye Castle Part 2

Chapter 1367. School Festival B / Goodbye Castle Part 2

Chapter 1367. School Festival B / Goodbye Castle Part 2

It was Yuzuki who told me to stay here and watch the school festival

Yukino said.

Minaho-neesan had Yukino watch what was going on in the school through the surveillance system in the princ.i.p.als office?

At first, I thought that she might just be hara.s.sing me

Yukino cant show up in the middle of the school festival.

Its been half a year since s.h.i.+rasaka Sousukes tragic end was shown on TV.

I felt like I was supposed to sit here and watch you and Megumi, and the rest of the group have a good time

Yukino said.

But, it went sideways. Youre as busy as ever. Seriously, watching you run around frowning, you dont even laugh

I didnt laugh?

Yeah, that might be.

I just cant, after all, Im not in a situation where I can

I said.

Right. To you, baking bread, getting attacked by weird people, raping a high-handed young lady, are things you take seriously


It was the same with me. You had the face like youre on the brink of death when you were raping me. You always do. You dont treat it as a game, youre serious

Yukino smiled wryly.

You know, I recently watched the video of Papa raping Yuzuki again. Of course, Yuzuki gave permission

A record of when Minaho-neesan was kidnapped and raped at age 12?

That was so bad. Papas such a hopeless perverted sc.u.m. Hes grinning so disgustingly, and hes attacking women just for his own pleasure. Hes the worst

Yukino, why did you watch it again?

And hes been doing that for years. I get why Yuzuki and Katsuko and everyone cant forgive Papa. I get that they want to kill him. I now get that Papa did things that deserve his death.


Thats why Im okay with what Yuzuki and Katsuko did to Papa now. Im not forgiving them. I dont even have the status to say that. So, Ill just accept it. Its already happened and I cant do anything about it now. Papa had to die

Yukino finally sorted her thoughts on s.h.i.+rasaka Sousukes death.

I also figured out why I didnt turn out like Yuzuki or Katsukobecoming crazy from shock after you raped me

Yukino looked at me.

Ive known from the beginning that you liked me, see?

I fell for Yukino at the entrance ceremony.

Then, I kept staring at her from a distance.

Yukino herself knows that I was into her.

So, when you raped me, I could think that This guy just likes me too much that hes doing this You always had that desperate look whenever you raped me. You dont make the same face as Papa, where you smile, joke around, and look down on women. You always embraced me with all your heart and soul, right? Thats why I could keep my pride as a woman. Thats what kept my heart from breaking

Is that so?

Katsuko and others seem to think that I have the nerves of steel, but I dont. In the end, its only because of you. No matter how much they messed me up, I was able to endure it because I felt that Im loved

Yukino said.

Youre such a weird guy. Youre dumb, its beyond saving. I mean, its abysmal

She laughs.

I got so amazed by that one that I laughed so hard


I asked.

You know, the weird foreign girls, how many was it again? Was it ten?


The former a.s.sa.s.sins that Kyouko-san brought from Southeast Asia.

You remember their names?

Err. Dolly and Anna. Then, Penny Su, Vah Geena Quatro, Ososo, Fera Chiyo, Anne Rose, Yin Ran, and Yin Lin. Akme Iku Ecstasy, Kunni Manjiru Kaupa, Olga, and the last one is c.l.i.to

I reply while counting with my fingers.

You do remember them

Obviously. Im taking custody of them after all. At least I could remember their names

If I dont even know their names, how can I welcome them to the family?

Thats whats abysmal about you. Normally, if youre asked to take care of a group of 13 unknown foreign girls, youd say I cant and refuse, They dont even understand j.a.panese, right?

Well, they seem to understand a bit. Besides, Anya and Edie can understand them. And they seem smart so theyll learn j.a.panese soon enough

I dont worry about that.

Besides, Kyouko-san told me to take custody of them. Shell never give orders that you cant do. She believes that I can take custody of the 13 of them. Therefore, Ill show them that I can get it done


I wont say I cant, sorry before I try. People have expectations of me, so Ill meet their expectations. I have to do as told. Thats always been my standpoint from before

Since when did you have that thought?

Well, uhm

Hmm, I made that kind of resolve when Agnes called me Papa. I became aware of my responsibility

I replied to Yukino.

I thought that I cant get away with it when I first raped Yukino. It has always been like that. But, back then, all I thought was I dont mind dying now Now, I think I cant die to keep my family safe

You sure are an abysmal idiot.

Yukino said.

You just swallow it all. Youre naively honest. Yet, youre not so desperate, youre ready to digest what you swallowed, no matter what. You sure are an idiot. Youre not mad, but still, an idiot nonetheless. Youre an idiot beyond saving

Yeah, maybe

I think so too.

Its not about whether I can or not.

I just swallow everything thats in front of me, even if its beyond my tolerance.

I receive and digest, and do something about it.

But, youre that kind of guy, thats why it goes well for us

Our family.

No matter what happens

Ill make my whole family happy.

I need to continue my efforts to make the family, no matter how laborious and struggling it is.

I get why youve become a guy who cant even smile. What you carry on your shoulders is heavy, and it continues to increase.

I dont laugh at that.

I too couldnt laugh tonight


You see, returning back to the topic of why Yuzuki told me to watch over the situation during the school festival


The twins had a talk show, and Mitama and Kinuka did some street performances in front of the cafe, right?

Yukinos watching those through the cameras too.

That was bad. For me

For Yukino?

Putting Mitamas performance aside. Whats bad is Mitama has a good appearance. Shes got a good physique, and shes a natural airhead. Shes wild that the audience cant imagine what shell do, and thats what charms her audience

Yeah, shes such a beauty, but you dont know what shell do next.

Furthermore, her strength is absurd.

But, the real threat to me is the twins


I already earned my rating as someone who speaks abusively on TV, right?

Yukino said.

The twins, especially Eri, is quite the wicked tongue too, so shes overlapping with my character


Furthermore, the twins get to retort to each other and neutralize the poison that they spit out. The skill of the duo is amazing

I think so too.

This is just between us but did you know that those girls are getting offers to appear on other TV shows and stations? Ive been on TV for six months and my show has some good ratings. But, I never got that offer. Yet

Well, thats because Jii-chans forcing Yukinos show to air by putting pressure on the TV station owned by the s.h.i.+rasaka house

Yukinos TV show is a whole hour of just her and her friends talking, without any commercials and sponsors. Its an irregular show.

In Yukinos case, a lot is going on, and I think the dark power seems to be having an effect on the shows broadcast that hardly anyone approaches you

Its the same for the twins, right? Everyone knows what happened to their parents

Eri and Ries parents went and had a shootout with their boss and died while under the Miko powers control.

The news was widespread so everyone knows about it.

Even with that kind of guilt, they recognize the star quality of the twins. Youve seen it on the talk show earlier, havent you?

Yukino sighs.

I get it now. Those girls are better than me. Both in star quality and talking


You get it right? A group of middle-school girls who arent even students in our school started a talk show, and they attracted a crowd. They just watch it, not finding it as weird

Eri and Rie have star quality.

s.n.a.t.c.h and Francie approves both of those girls

The comedian and columnist on Yukinos show praised the twins highly.

To be honest, its frustrating, but when I see their talent objectively like this, I had to admit it. Those girls are much more amusing than me


But, that doesnt mean that Ill give the show to the two and retire. Right now, all I can do is appear on TV. I cant escape. After that execution of my devilish father, raped, impregnated, spread all the shameful images for the whole world to see. Ill just continue to show my face to the world with all my composure. Thats my fight

Yukino said.

However, I thought that I had to go head-to-head with the twins and win, but after watching their talk show today, I realized thats not the case

What is?

If those girls are much more amusing than me, then Ill just change to take advantage of it. I dont have to oppose them but support them instead. Its my show so I have to stand strong

Yukino looked at me and smiled.

Just like you do


Youre also changing. Back then, you were too uptight about having to do everything yourself, but now you entrust the girls to do what they can, right?

Well, I cant do anything alone. And besides, we have a lot of girls who are much more talented in the family

I started thinking that way too. If someones much more skilled than me, then let them take care of it. I get that I dont have to force myself


Yukinos changed too

I wonder?

You did. Back then, if things dont go your way, you start bawling and stop thinking

I said. Yukino rubbed her stomach.

I have this now so I cant just make a fuss. Its bad for the child


Ive started reading magazines for pregnant women. Nagisa gave me some

Its not just Yukino, but Nagisas also pregnant with my child.

It helps to have someone with experience get pregnant at the same time as me. Its honestly rea.s.suring

Yukinos still in her first year in high school.

If shes alone, she might not be able to endure it out of anxiety.

Yeah, your eyes say that you want to take a look, Ill show it to you later. Papa might want to learn a thing or two as well

Yeah got it

I never studied childbirth to begin with.

Seriously. No matter what anyone tells you, you never show an I dont like it face. Youre always okay with anything. Thats just boundless


Silly, I was praising you

Yukino laughs.

Well, I guess that boundless part of you is also a talent


I like you


I hated you before, but I like you now. I know it. My hearts changed


Can I touch your stomach?

I asked her.

Sure. Its your child too, besides


Im also one of your women

I embraced Yukino and pat her belly.

Then, I kissed Yukino.


Yukino started laughing.

Whats up?

Nothing. Its just I feel happy

This time, Yukino returned the kiss.

Okay, Im returning this idiot to you

I held hands with Yukino, followed after Megu and the girls who had gone ahead through the pa.s.sage.

Yukino said that Megu and the girls are waiting for the car to arrive in the faculty parking lot.

Thanks to you, I got to enjoy it a lot

Ill go with Yos.h.i.+-kun to the closing party tomorrow, so you can have it, Ai-san

Megu told Ai.

Megu and I are recognized as an engaged couple in the school.

Its half-obligatory for the two of us to be in the post-party for couples

How about Mana-san?

Ai asks mana.

No need to hold back. Ai-oneechan worked hard today

Then, Yos.h.i.+da-kun!!

Ai embraced me.

I also hugged her back.

Kinosh*ta-sans watching from the sides and Kurose-sans looking dumbfounded.

Oh, theyre here

Mana said.

Then, the garages shutter opens.

Katsuko-nees business van is outside.

Seems like she sent the girls in the bakery to the mansion and has returned here.

As for Misato and the prost.i.tute cadets, Rei-chans sending them off to the new brothel.

We got inside the van and


Edie, Nei, and Grace Marinka-san are also inside.

We settled the talks with the school festival committee

Edie told me.

Tomorrow, we will be attending some of the regular events in the school festival, but in exchange

Edie and grace-san will do the school swimsuit Judo like they did the other day


By the way, there will also be TV cameras

Huh? Is it going to be a live broadcast?

No way. The martial arts tournament was broadcasted on the midnight slot you know

Nei said.

Were just going to do a promotional show before we go to America this December, and since Edie and the girls are selling the fact that theyre still high-schoolers, we thought that it might be a good idea to include a clip of them doing an exhibition match during the high-school festival

Haruka and Maria are coming too, those girls are also high-schoolers

Kudou Haruka and Kendou Maria (Tendou Otome) are third-years.

Theyre also going to America.

While at it, Rodulfo-san and Line Haruko-san will come too! theyre in their second year after all

Oh yeah, Line Haruko-san from the creative martial arts Golden Balm gym

Monkey Mimi-san could come too, but shes already past her 20s

Thats right, Jun is enough as our guest

Grace-san will be appearing too.

Edie, Kurou Haruka, Kendou Maria, Line Haruko, and Grace Marinka-san. Thats five people.

But, isnt it hard to play with just five people?

Who will fight who?

If its an exhibition match, then it wont be a tournament bracket.

Its just pushed to the school festival in a hurry so I dont think they can lend the venue for that long.

So, if its two at a time, there will be one excess

Theres no problem, Ill be fighting the four in turns

Edie smiled.

One versus Four, thats twenty minutes. Well just adjust the time and end it in thirty minutes

Edies fighting the four.

Dont worry. Ill be sure to make the fight look good on TV

Edie said calmly.