woman for one thing, and you'll find out what that is soon enough. When
they're done, they're done, and you're left with a big stomach and a
broken heart."
She picked up a cigarette and began to smoke it in quick, jerky puffs as
she paced. She wished it was gra.s.s, sweet, calming gra.s.s, but she'd
spent her drug money on Emma's new dress. The sacrifices a mother made.
"Well, he may not want you, but after one look he won't be able to deny
you're his." Eyes narrowed against the smoke, she studied her daughter.
There was another tug, almost maternal. The little tyke was certainly
pretty as a picture when she was cleaned up. "You're the G.o.dd.a.m.n image
of him, Emma luy. The papers say he's going to marry that Wilson
s.l.u.t-old money and fancy manners-but we'll see, we'll just see about
that. He'll come back to me. I always knew he'd come back." She
stubbed the cigarette in a chipped ashtray and left it smoldering. She
needed a drink-just one taste of gin to calm her nerves. "You sit on the
bed," she ordered. "Sit right there and keep quiet. Mess with any of my
stuff, and you'll be sorry."
She had two drinks before she heard the knock on the door. Her heart
began to pound. Like most drunks, she felt more attractive, more in
control, once she'd had the liquor. She smoothed down her hair, fixed
what she thought was a sultry smile on her face, and opened the door.
He was beautiful. For a moment in the streaming summer sunlight, she
saw only him, tall and slender, his wavy blond hair and full, serious
mouth giving him the look of a poet or an apostle. As nearly as she was
able, she loved.
"Brian. So nice of you to drop by." Her smile faded immediately when
she saw the two men behind him. "Traveling in a pack these days, Bri?"
He wasn't in the mood. He was carrying around a simmering rage at being
trapped into seeing Jane again and put the bulk of the blame on his
manager and his flancee. Now that he was here, he intended to get out
again as quickly as possible.
"You remember, Johnno." Brian stepped inside. The smell, gin, sweat,
and grease from yesterday's dinner, reminded him uncomfortably of his
own childhood.
"Sure." Jane nodded briefly to the tall, gangly ba.s.s player. He was
wearing a diamond on his pinky and sported a dark, fluffy beard. "Come
up in the world, haven't we, Johnno?"
He glanced around the dingy flat. "Some of us."
"This is Pete Page, our manager."
"Miss Palmer." Smooth, thirtyish, Pete offered a white-toothed smile and
a manicured hand.
"I've heard all about you." She laid her hand in his, back up, an
invitation to lift it to his lips. He released it. "You made our boys
"I opened a few doors."
"Performing for the queen, playing on the telly. Got a new alb.u.m on the
charts and a big American tour coming up." She looked back at Brian. His
hair fell nearly to his shoulders. His face was thin and pale and
sensitive. Reproductions of it were gracing teenagers' walls on both
sides of the Atlantic as his second alb.u.m, Complete Devastation,