start looking for an apartment. Then we're going to live just the way
we always planned it."
"Yeah. Well, over the first hurdle." They stepped out of the elevator
and walked down the wide, quiet hall to Johnno's condo. "Let me do the
talking," Emma warned. At Marianne's bland look, she sighed. "I mean
it. The last time you did the talking we ended up polishing pews for
three Sat.u.r.days running."
"I'm an artist, not a lawyer," she muttered, then put on her best smile
when the door opened.
"Johnno!" Emma launched herself into his arms. "Surprise," she said,
then kissed him.
"Hold up." He was only half dressed, and groggy with after-dinner wine
and sleep. With his hands on her shoulders, he held Emma back. She'd
grown tall. In the last eighteen months she'd sprung up like a willow,
slim, graceful, with hints of elegance. Her pale blond hair was scooped
back with combs, so that it fell full and straight to brush her
shoulders. She wore snug faded jeans with a skinny ribbed shirt tucked
into them. Wide gold hoops swung at her ears. "For Christ's sake, you
look like an off-duty model." He shifted his gaze to Marianne. "And
here's my favorite redhead. What have you done to your hair?" He rubbed
a hand over Marianne's short spiked do..
"It's what's happening now," she told him, then leaned her cheek in for
a kiss. "Did we get you up?"
"Yes. I suppose I should let you in before I ask what the h.e.l.l you're
doing here." He glanced down. "With suitcases."
"Oh, Johnno, it's so good to be here. The minute I got in the cab at
the airport, I felt at home." She dropped her suitcase, then took a
quick spin around the room. She plopped onto the couch, rubbed a
hand over the oyster-colored cushions, then popped up again. "How are
"Uh-uh." He knew her well enough to recognize the restless energy as
nerves. "I'll ask the questions. Drink?"
"Yes, please."
He walked over to a circular gla.s.s bar and rooted out two soft drinks.
"Is there a school holiday I don't know about?"
"Liberation Day. Marianne and I have both transferred to NYCC."
"Have you now?" He poured Diet Pepsi into two "Strange Brian
didn't mention it."
"He doesn't know." Emma took the two and pa.s.sed one to Marianne
along with a warning look. "Before you say anything, I'd like you to
In response, he gave her ear a quick tug. "How did you slip by Sweeney
and the other one?"
"A brown wig, horn-rimmed, and a limp."
"Very clever." Johnno took her gla.s.s and sipped, not certain he was
comfortable in the role of avuncular confidant. "Do you have any idea
how worried Brian's going to be?"
There was a flash of regret in her eyes, then it hardened into
determination. "I intend to call him, and explain everything. My
mind's made up, Johnno. Nothing you or he or anyone says can change