Public School Domestic Science - Part 22

Part 22

Pare, core and steam the apples until tender, then press them through a sieve and put aside to cool; when cold add the sugar and lemon juice. Beat the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, add the apples to them by spoonfuls, beating all the while. Heap in a gla.s.s dish and serve immediately. (This is a very delicate and wholesome pudding for an invalid.)


Made the same as Brown Betty, omitting the, adding water and a little lemon juice instead.


1 cup suet.

1 cup

3 cups flour.

1/2 tsp. salt.

1 cup raisins.

1 cup milk.

1 tsp. cinnamon.

2 tsps. baking powder.

Chop the suet very fine. Stone the raisins. Add the to the suet, then the milk: mix well and add the salt, flour and cinnamon.

Beat vigorously for 2 or 3 minutes, then add the raisins. Rub in the flour, to which has been added the baking powder; mix thoroughly, turn into a b.u.t.tered mould, steam for 3 hours.


1 cup tapioca.

4 eggs.

1/2 cup sugar.

1 quart milk.

1/4 tsp. salt.

1 tsp. vanilla.

Wash the tapioca carefully, then add it to the milk and soak 2 hours.

Beat the eggs and sugar together, add the salt, stir into the tapioca and milk, and bake in a moderate oven at least 3/4 of an hour. Serve hot or cold.


1 egg.

2 tbsps. cornstarch.

3 tbsps. sugar.

1/2 tsp. vanilla.

1 pint milk.

1 tbsp. boiling water.

1/2 tsp. salt.

1 oz. shaved chocolate.

Reserve 1/2 cup milk, put the remainder on the fire in a double boiler. Mix the cold milk with the cornstarch and salt. Beat the egg well and add to the cornstarch mixture. Stir this into the boiling milk and stir well. Put the chocolate, sugar and boiling water into a small frying pan or saucepan, and set over a hot fire. Stir until the mixture is smooth and glossy; beat this into the pudding and cook for 2 minutes longer. Take from the fire and add the vanilla. Dip a mould into cold water and turn the pudding into it. Set away to cool. When cold and stiff, turn out on a flat dish and surround with whipped cream; or serve with cream and sugar or a soft custard.


1/4 box gelatine.

1 cup boiling water.

1 cup sugar.

2 tbsps. cold water.

Juice of one lemon.

Whites of 2 eggs.

Soak the gelatine in cold water for 2 hours. Pour upon this the boiling water and stir until the gelatine is dissolved; then add the sugar and lemon juice, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Set the bowl in a pan of cold water, or broken ice. Stir frequently; when it begins to thicken, stir in the beaten whites of the eggs, pour into a mould and set away until firm. Serve with boiled custard.


Make a plain cup cake, and bake it in a shallow cake pan. When cooked and cold, split it carefully. Put 1 pint of milk on to boil in a farina boiler. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of sugar together until light, then add the well-beaten whites, and stir them into the boiling milk; stir over the fire for about 1 minute, then take from the fire, add 1 tsp. of vanilla, and stand away to cool. When cold, and ready to serve, put a thick layer of this sauce between the layers of cake, pour the remaining sauce around the pie, and serve immediately.


1 pint milk.

2 tbsps. sugar.

4 (l.) tbsps. cornstarch.

1/2 ssp. salt.

Put the milk on to boil. Moisten the cornstarch with a little cold milk, then add it to the boiling milk, and stir until it thickens; let it cook slowly for 5 minutes; add the sugar and salt, take from the fire, pour into a mould and set away to harden.


1 pint flour.

1/2 tsp. salt.

3 (l.) tsps. baking powder.

1 oz. b.u.t.ter.

1 cup milk.

Mix the salt, flour and b.u.t.ter together. Sift, then add the baking powder and sift again. Add the liquid gradually, mixing and cutting with a knife until the dough is light and spongy; turn it out on a well floured board, pat into a flat cake and roll gently till 1/2 an inch thick. Bake in a spider or pie plate in a rather hot oven. Split and spread with sweetened berries and serve either hot or cold.



1 cup water.

1 tsp. b.u.t.ter.

1/2 ssp. grated nutmeg.

3 tbsps. sugar.

2 tsps. flour or cornstarch.