Public School Domestic Science - Part 1

Part 1

Public School Domestic Science.

by Mrs. J. Hoodless.


An eminent authority[1] says: "Up to the age of sixteen even a lucid statement of principles is received by all but a few pupils as dogma.

They do not and cannot in any adequate sense realize the reasoning process by which scientific conclusions are reached. They are taught not only facts but cla.s.sifications and laws, and causes in relation to their effect. These are not, in the majority of cases, elaborated by the pupil. The teaching of them accordingly degenerates into a statement of facts, and the learning of them into an act of memory."

To obviate this condition, or to at least neutralize its effects somewhat, is one of the reasons for introducing Domestic Science into the Public School curriculum; a science which relates so closely to the daily life that it cannot be left to an act of memory; where cause and effect are so palpable that the pupil may readily arrive at an individual conclusion.

The aim of this text-book is to a.s.sist the pupil in acquiring a knowledge of the fundamental principles of correct living, to co-ordinate the regular school studies so as to make a practical use of knowledge already acquired. Arithmetic plays an important part in the arranging of weights and measures, in the study of the a.n.a.lysis and relative value of various kinds of food, in estimating the cost of manufactured products in proportion to their market value, in the purchase of food material, etc. History and geography are closely allied to the study of the diet and customs of the different countries, with their variety of climate and products. Physiology and temperance principles permeate the whole course of study. In addition to these are the direct lessons, provided by the practice work, in neatness, promptness and cleanliness. It will therefore be necessary to have a wide general knowledge before entering upon a course in Domestic Science.

Owing to the limited time allowed for this course in the Public Schools, it will be impossible to teach more than a few of the first principles governing each department of the work, viz., a knowledge of the const.i.tuent parts of the human body; the cla.s.sification of food and the relation of each cla.s.s to the sustenance and repair of the body; simple recipes ill.u.s.trating the most wholesome and economical methods of preparing the various kinds of food; the science of nutrition, economy and hygiene; general hints on household management, laundry work, and care of the sick.

To enter more fully into the chemistry of food, bacteriology, etc., would tend to cause confusion in the mind of the average school girl, and possibly create a distaste for knowledge containing so much abstract matter.

This book is not a teacher's manual, nor is it intended to take the place of the teacher in any way. The normal training prescribed for teachers will enable them to supplement the information contained herein, by a much more general and comprehensive treatment of the various questions, than would be possible or judicious in a primary text-book. It has been found difficult for pupils to copy the recipes given with each lesson, or to write out the instructions carefully without infringing upon the time which should be devoted to practice work.[2] In order to meet this difficulty, also to enable the pupil to work at home under the same rules which govern the cla.s.s work, simple recipes are given, beginning with a cla.s.s requiring a knowledge of heat and its effect, going on to those requiring hand dexterity, before attempting the more difficult subjects. After the pupils have acquired a knowledge of the "why and wherefore" of the different processes required in cooking, they will have little difficulty in following the more elaborate recipes given in the numberless cook-books provided for household use. Once the art--and it is a fine art--of cookery is mastered, it becomes not only a pleasant occupation but provides excellent mental exercise, thereby preventing the reaction which frequently follows school life.

The tables given are to be used for reference, and _not to be memorized_ by the pupil.

The writer is greatly indebted to Prof. At.w.a.ter for his kindly interest and a.s.sistance in providing much valuable information, which in some instances is given verbatim; also to Dr. Gilman Thompson for permission to give extracts from his valuable book, "Practical Dietetics"; to Prof. Kinne, Columbia University (Domestic Science Dept.), for review and suggestions; to Miss Watson, Hamilton School of Domestic Science, for practical hints and schedule for school work. The Boston Cook Book (with Normal Instruction), by Mrs.

M.J. Lincoln; and the Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning, by Ellen H.

Richards (Prof. of Sanitary Science, Boston Inst.i.tute of Technology), and Miss Talbot, are recommended to students who desire further information on practical household matters. The publications of the U.S. Experiment Stations, by Prof. At.w.a.ter and other eminent chemists, contain much valuable information.

To the school-girls, and future housekeepers of Ontario, this book is respectfully dedicated.



Hamilton, June, 1898.


[1] S.S. Laurie, A.M., LL.D., Prof. of the Inst.i.tutes and History of Education, Edinburgh University.

[2] Where time is allowed, much benefit may be derived from writing notes, as a study in composition, spelling, etc.


Owing to the limitations of a text-book, it will be necessary for the teacher to enter very carefully into all the details of the various questions; to explain the underlying principles so thoroughly that "the why and the wherefore" of every action in the preparation of food will be clearly understood. She should endeavor to impress upon the pupils the value of thoroughly understanding the relation of food to the body. In practice lessons frequent _reference_ should be made to the a.n.a.lysis of the various foods, as given in the tables and charts.

The first practice lesson should be given on the making and care of a fire, regulating dampers, cleaning stove, etc. The pupils should then be taught the name and place of all the utensils. Special attention should be given to the explanation of weights and measures; the table of abbreviations should be memorized. Arrange the cla.s.s work so that each pupil may in alternation share the duties of both kitchen work and cooking.

Personal cleanliness must be insisted upon. Special attention should be given to the hands and nails. The hair should be carefully pinned back or confined in some way, and covered by a cap. A large clean ap.r.o.n and a holder should be worn while at work. Never allow the pupils to use a handkerchief or their ap.r.o.ns in place of a holder.

Untidy habits must not be allowed in the cla.s.s-room. Set an example of perfect order and neatness, and insist upon pupils following that example. Teach the pupils that cooking may be done without soiling either hands or clothes. The pupils should do all the work of the cla.s.s-room, except scrubbing the floor. Everything must be left in perfect order at the close of each lesson.

Frequent _reviews_ are absolutely necessary. Urge the pupils to think for themselves, and not to rely upon the text-book. Where pupils are backward, or have not had previous practice in kitchen work, give special attention to their manner of holding a knife or spoon in preparing articles for use, and in beating or stirring mixtures.

Encourage deftness and light handling of kitchen ware. Insist upon promptness and keeping within the time limit, both in preparing the food and in the cooking.

Owing to the variety of climate and markets, it would be impossible to arrange the lessons in the text-book in regular order. A few sample menus are given at the back of the book, but each teacher must be governed by circ.u.mstances in arranging the lessons for her cla.s.s. For instance, recipes without eggs should be given in mid-winter, when eggs are dear. Fruits and vegetables must be given in season.

The recipes given in the text-book are suitable for cla.s.s work; in some cases it may be necessary to divide them, as the quant.i.ties given are intended for home practice. The teacher should consider herself at liberty to subst.i.tute any recipe which she may consider valuable. The digestibility of food, the effect of stimulants--especially of tea and coffee, the value of fresh air, etc., should be carefully impressed upon the pupil.

The teacher must keep the object of this instruction constantly before her: (1) to co-ordinate other school studies, such as arithmetic, history, geography, physiology and temperance; (2) to develop the mental in conjunction with the manual powers of the children; (3) to enable pupils to understand the reason for doing certain things in a certain way; in other words, to work with an intelligent conception of the value, both physically and hygienically, of knowing how the daily duties should be performed.

In order that material may not be needlessly destroyed, each cla.s.s of food should be introduced by an experimental lesson. For instance, before giving a lesson in the preparation of starches, each pupil should be given an opportunity to learn how to mix and stir the mixture over the fire, so as to prevent it from burning or becoming lumpy; this may be done by using water and common laundry starch, or flour. The same test applies to sauces, etc. A few cheap apples and potatoes may be used in learning to pare these articles. The effect of cold and hot water on and tissues may be ill.u.s.trated by the cheaper pieces of meat.

Although the more scientific studies are grouped together, it does not follow that they are to be studied in the order given. The teacher must arrange her lessons--from the beginning--so as to include a certain amount of the theory with the practice work. Frequent reference should be made during practice lessons to the various chapters bearing more directly upon the science of cooking, so as to interest the pupil in the theoretical study of the food question.

The teacher should insist upon the pupils taking careful notes while she is demonstrating a lesson, so that they may not be entirely dependent upon the text-book, which from its limitations must simply serve as the key-note for further study.

Special attention must be given to the chapter on "Digestion," page 58, in the Public School Physiology. This chapter should be studied--especially pages 71-75--in conjunction with "Food Cla.s.sifications" (Chap. 2); also in dealing with the digestibility of starches, etc.



The Relation of Food to the Body.

In order to understand the relation of food to the sustenance and repairing of the body, it will be necessary to learn, first, of what the body is composed, and the corresponding elements contained in the food required to build and keep the body in a healthy condition. The following table gives the approximate a.n.a.lysis of a man weighing 148 pounds:--

Oxygen 92.1 pounds.

Hydrogen 14.6 "

Carbon 31.6 "

Nitrogen 4.6 "

Phosphorus 1.4 "

Calcium 2.8 "

Sulphur 0.24 "

Chlorine 0.12 "

Sodium 0.12 "

Iron 0.02 "

Pota.s.sium 0.34 "

Magnesium 0.04 "

Silica ? "

Fluorine 0.02 "

------ Total 148.00 pounds.

As food contains all these elements, and as there is constant wearing and repair going on in the body, it will be readily seen how necessary some knowledge of the relation of food to the body is, in order to preserve health.